Just nu pågår ett energiskifte på vår planet, det påverkar oss alla. Då kan det kännas lugnande att få vägledning om vad som sker. An energy shift is currently taking place on our planet, it affects us all. Then it can feel reassuring to get guidance about what is happening.
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Fakta om Svarta Madonnor
Song of Lyra by Judy Satori (+spellista)
Friday, January 10, 2014
sedona-sunset.jpg Greetings! We are coming to you with important messages around points of convergence and insight into many things which we know many of you are experiencing.
The Convergence and The Event
Our scribe has awoken from sleep many a recent morning feeling as if he
was "rode hard and put away wet"! (laughter) He has proclaimed many
times to us "What the hell was THAT"? (laughter)
His dreams have
been of incredible length and have seemed more vivid, colorful,
emotional and more real than they ever have in this lifetime. We want
you to understand that as the veils between dimensions and timelines
continue to thin these experiences are to be expected. We are not a
council that often speaks of predictions or to give concrete facts based
upon Earthly experiences. We want your paths to be your own, Dear Ones
and we do not, would not and could not ever trump your choice of Free
Will. We don't want to "plant ideas in your head" so to speak, but there
are some issues which we would like to give clarification on.
The dreams that so many of you are experiencing right now in many ways are not dreams in the ways that you think of them. Dreams have been one vehicle for us to send you messages, signs and for many of you have been a way for your soul or your spirit to travel while you have slept. While this definition of dreams still holds true, we will confirm that the dreams that have seemed unique or different indeed are.
What many of you have been experiencing is your first glimpse into seeing past lives, alternate realities and alternate versions of you that all exist simultaneously. We wish not to "tie your brain up into knots" (laughter) and we ask that you not go too deeply into letting your rational mind comprehend the concept of time as it exists outside of your Earth. But in reality all times and all moments occur simultaneously and parallel to one another. So the dreams in which you see alternate versions of yourself are in fact occurring in alternate realities.
Some of these glimpses are being shown to you indeed to give you lessons or insight into your current now. Some of these glimpses are you viewing an actual ending to a timeline or reality and other versions of your Self are currently being integrated into your currenet Now on Earth in this moment. We gave this description to our scribe the other day and he said "What the hell does that mean, give me a metaphor please" (laughter) The best one we could provide him was to consider that many of your selves are like a set of encyclopedias. For this example consider that this set of books has 50 volumes and it is as if all 50 books are being integrated into one Master Book.
There are many other versions of yourself that will continue to exist in other, alternate realities, and there are many that have chosen to end their realities and to join you now in this moment on Earth. The reason they have chosen to do this is that the experiences and knowledge and wisdom that they have gained will serve to raise your vibration and will assist you in your continued journey up the spiral in the New 5D Earth.
It is as if separate, connected, versions of yourself have all been going to different schools, learning different things and now are coming back to you to bring all they have learned to your Now Consciousness. We know that many of you will not fully comprehend this in the moment and we say worry not Dear Ones, the time is approaching soon when you shall fully grasp this concept. This Particle Integration is now available to you because your physical vessels have been upgraded in a manner that you are now able to house all of this additional information.
Many of you are also wondering about The Event and we understand the anticipation and yet want to remind you that all is within you Dear Ones. As everything in this universe is a microcosm or a macrocosm of something else...The Event must occur within on an individual scale before it can occur on a larger planetary scale. We remind you that you need not wait for a sign from above, that you need not look to the skies for the proof. For the proof lies and lives within now!
Once the awakening of individual souls on this planet has reached a size that can reflect this Event on a global scale, it will occur. However one can not build a larger structure without all of the individual pieces in place.
It is our intention with this message to confirm and to continue opening up your minds and your hearts to new ways of thinking and of knowing. We wish not to confuse or confound...and remind you that in moments of doubt or confusion to just go within to the stillness to find the answers that you seek.
We love, cherish and honor you. We are jubilant at the work you have done and continue to do! We await the moment soon when we can all come together as a Galactic Family and celebrate as one!
Until that moment, do not waver, do not stop, do not dim your lights.
In love and light we leave you.
The Lighted Ones.
Copyright © Andrew Martin. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter or edit it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice link:
The dreams that so many of you are experiencing right now in many ways are not dreams in the ways that you think of them. Dreams have been one vehicle for us to send you messages, signs and for many of you have been a way for your soul or your spirit to travel while you have slept. While this definition of dreams still holds true, we will confirm that the dreams that have seemed unique or different indeed are.
What many of you have been experiencing is your first glimpse into seeing past lives, alternate realities and alternate versions of you that all exist simultaneously. We wish not to "tie your brain up into knots" (laughter) and we ask that you not go too deeply into letting your rational mind comprehend the concept of time as it exists outside of your Earth. But in reality all times and all moments occur simultaneously and parallel to one another. So the dreams in which you see alternate versions of yourself are in fact occurring in alternate realities.
Some of these glimpses are being shown to you indeed to give you lessons or insight into your current now. Some of these glimpses are you viewing an actual ending to a timeline or reality and other versions of your Self are currently being integrated into your currenet Now on Earth in this moment. We gave this description to our scribe the other day and he said "What the hell does that mean, give me a metaphor please" (laughter) The best one we could provide him was to consider that many of your selves are like a set of encyclopedias. For this example consider that this set of books has 50 volumes and it is as if all 50 books are being integrated into one Master Book.
There are many other versions of yourself that will continue to exist in other, alternate realities, and there are many that have chosen to end their realities and to join you now in this moment on Earth. The reason they have chosen to do this is that the experiences and knowledge and wisdom that they have gained will serve to raise your vibration and will assist you in your continued journey up the spiral in the New 5D Earth.
It is as if separate, connected, versions of yourself have all been going to different schools, learning different things and now are coming back to you to bring all they have learned to your Now Consciousness. We know that many of you will not fully comprehend this in the moment and we say worry not Dear Ones, the time is approaching soon when you shall fully grasp this concept. This Particle Integration is now available to you because your physical vessels have been upgraded in a manner that you are now able to house all of this additional information.
Many of you are also wondering about The Event and we understand the anticipation and yet want to remind you that all is within you Dear Ones. As everything in this universe is a microcosm or a macrocosm of something else...The Event must occur within on an individual scale before it can occur on a larger planetary scale. We remind you that you need not wait for a sign from above, that you need not look to the skies for the proof. For the proof lies and lives within now!
Once the awakening of individual souls on this planet has reached a size that can reflect this Event on a global scale, it will occur. However one can not build a larger structure without all of the individual pieces in place.
It is our intention with this message to confirm and to continue opening up your minds and your hearts to new ways of thinking and of knowing. We wish not to confuse or confound...and remind you that in moments of doubt or confusion to just go within to the stillness to find the answers that you seek.
We love, cherish and honor you. We are jubilant at the work you have done and continue to do! We await the moment soon when we can all come together as a Galactic Family and celebrate as one!
Until that moment, do not waver, do not stop, do not dim your lights.
In love and light we leave you.
The Lighted Ones.
Copyright © Andrew Martin. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter or edit it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice link:
Tags TheLightedOnes
SaLuSa, January 10, 2014 eng.
The Earth is in turmoil and on the face of it the Light is being subdued, but this is not the case and it is growing rapidly and nothing can now stop its advancement. Lightworkers need to be centered and focus on Self, and not be sidetracked by the many negative activities that are taking place. You can be an observer without becoming distracted from your tasks, and the more you focus upon them the more successful you will be. Naturally you will be drawn to situations where your experience is needed, and will be in no doubt as to what is expected of you. You volunteered to be here because your experience is valued and needed at such times. Be assured that your Guides are always on hand to assist, and will make sure that you help according to your abilities.
This period is most testing because so much is going on at the same time, but those of you that are called to assist are here for that very purpose. Indeed, it is what you have been "trained" for over a number of lives, and now is your opportunity to fully serve the Light. Meanwhile keep centered at all times, and know that you can be surrounded by negative energies yet be unaffected by them. You are here to help others to ascend and try to help those who struggle to find their way. That is not always easy and it is best to give assistance where called for, but not impose yourself upon another soul unless asked for help.
It is very important to allow another soul to follow the path they have mapped out for themselves. Uncalled for intrusion may not be as helpful as you feel, and it can sometimes throw a soul off their chosen path. You will find that people who are drawn to other souls are best placed to help them, and it is a fact that there is an attraction to those of a similar vibration. Additionally you naturally have your Guides who are always at your side, who will gladly help when requested to do so. Even with the best of intentions it is better to allow another soul freedom to make their own choices, as to when assistance should be asked for.
This year should be most momentous as so much is happening now that will bring about major changes in your lives. Already some of you have found contacts who are engaged in vital work that will bring them into public view. You will have noted that President Obama is now more openly active, and can now carry out more Light work that is restricting opportunities for the dark Ones to interfere as before. Their strength has been diminished by removing their access to sufficient funds to continue their march towards planetary control. Without the means to fully carry on with their plan they are in disarray, and unable to achieve their goals.
Naturally the minions of the dark Ones are still trying to fulfill their objectives, but with the break in their continuity, they cannot achieve them. With their usual obstinate approach, the cabal will not concede that they are to all intents beaten. However, the situation is such that they will soon be unable to create any real threat to the Light, and many changes for the better can now go ahead. It has been a long road with many obstructions and hold ups, but it was always known that the Light would come out victorious at the end of the cycle. You will intuitively know if you have incarnated this time to be one of the forerunners that are here to bring the changes about. You are most likely already heavily involved in Light work, and eagerly give of yourself to help other souls to ascend.
With the increase in the vibrations you will gradually find that peace will settle upon Earth. Meantime many individuals will find that their outlook is changing, and they will seek a more peaceful life. This will rapidly spread as it gains strength, but do not expect too much too soon. Once people realise that they can change their approach to life and help bring about a peaceful co-existence, they will have no hesitation in moving into the higher vibrations.
We know how much the hardships and delays are affecting you, but this is the time to stand firm. As you might say, the winning post is in sight and you have nothing to worry about, as the Light cannot be defeated. Go about your work with full confidence knowing that your future is assured, and we are always with you.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough - Please Join Us! |
Blossom Goodchild - 9 January, 2014
Hello! What an interesting week it has been in my inbox. I have, as you know, been asking you to read along with me, the many hundreds of emails from people all over the globe, expressing the exact same FEELINGS as I put to you in our last communication. You have said that this was our agreement ... for ME to let YOU know how it is for ‘US’ down here … and with all respect for you … that’s what I felt was needed to be done … so I did it! I have to say … many, as I did … felt you were dumbfounded by my words … and that they left you unable to respond. So, now you have had some time to digest it … with all LOVE in my heart … I wonder what you have to say, on what seems to be a very important issue?
Dearest soul … our compadre in arms … indeed we were rather ‘spellbound’ by the outpouring of your heart in our last communication. We have known of the tiredness and difficulties that face those of you upon Earth, yet in TRUTH, until picking up on the exactness of your energy that accompanied your wording … we had not fully understood how ‘the programming’ was such a detriment to the human condition. It was this that ‘took us aback’.
Wow … You see, I just consider you to be so intelligent, so knowledgeable … that I always presume you DO KNOW these things. Surely you must have had a clue as to our situation?
Of course we are aware of certain misdemeanours that you have to deal with … yet due to the fact that we have not experienced it ourselves … in TRUTH … we really had not adjusted our radar to the fact of how ‘low’ and indeed how ‘destroying’ to the soul it can be to have to reside within such densities.
We really are trying our best. Our concern, as you will have gathered from emails, being that by becoming so tired and weary … we are not fulfilling our destiny because our Light is not as bright as we would sometimes like it to be.
This we have understood also. Yet we would say that one’s Light, although running dim at times, only needs a recharge to regain its fullness … It is not that it will go out altogether … for it cannot.
Yet some our concerned that it has … or it will.
We are aware that some are FEELING this way … and indeed we have not dismissed, or put on the back burner … your request Blossom. Not by any stretch of the imagination. There has been quite a stir caused in Hierarchy councils, in which we have looked deeply into that which you requested … for it is not an issue that could go ahead without much intensely specific discussion.
This I understand … yet, I hope YOU understand that it was essential that I ‘carried out my role’ and put the suggestion forward?
Naturally … that is completely understood. And as we have stated … we accepted it in great seriousness. There has not yet been an agreement made regarding this matter …
That is fair enough … You must do what you consider best for the Highest good of all … Is that not what we all should be doing?
Indeed it is our friend … indeed it is!
So, where to from here?
Let us perhaps uplift your souls by saying that the end is in sight.
Ha! I have to laugh chaps. You see, this is exactly our dilemma. How can I put this? … I am just trying to assist, please know that … I am not having another go at you … yet by saying ‘The end is in sight’ only stirs the pot these days. To be honest … we have heard this over and over … and that is what so many folk are getting tired off … perhaps I could say ‘All talk , no action’. I KNOW you are doing your best under the circumstances … yet ALL this has been said before … for years … so when we hear it now … as lovely as it is, and as meaningful as you mean it to be … it’s a bit like water off a ducks back … Really … that’s how it has become for us. THAT sort of statement is precisely why ‘the peasants are revolting sire!
So, we wonder where this leaves us?
Indeed … for in no way do I, or it seems anyone, want these communications to stop … and yet due to nothing happening ‘as yet’ of what you have said … it has left doubt and weariness. Like I have said before … It’s not that we don’t KNOW something WILL happen … I think the real problem lies in your misconception of what the words ‘soon’ and ‘imminent’ mean to us. It’s the ‘time’ thing. Perhaps you could talk about that, from your point of view, to help us understand where YOU are coming from.
You see Blossom … from our point of view there simply can be no doubt that THE EVENT is to take place.
We have never doubted it. So, in our BEINGS we are moving toward that moment in time.
Ok, let me stop you there … YOU have no time, we know this … so ‘WHEN “ is that moment in time for YOU … what do you mean by ‘moving toward that moment in time’?
We mean that it is a happening that is to occur at the exact moment when all that is needed to ‘pull this off’ is in its correct and rightful place.
When all is in alignment, as you would say?
So, is that you don’t KNOW when everything is going to be in place?
Yes indeed. Yet, we do KNOW that it is falling into place now. We are showing you a vision of a central magnet and many around it being drawn closer and closer, then as they get to a particular position … when they are all in alignment … they suddenly … whoosh … are pulled at the same time by the strength/power of the central magnet and attach themselves to it. So, what we are saying is that … until those magnetic pieces are lined up in position … the ‘whoosh’ cannot happen. Yet … we are happily watching more and more of them waiting and ready …
Metaphorically speaking of course.
So do you see, dearest Blossom and indeed all souls that are reading these words? From our perspective you are indeed very close … for we have KNOWN that this WILL take place all along.Yet perhaps, when it was first spoken of ... the magnetic pieces were ‘floating way out there in space’.
When you look at it like that … you can see how much of the plan has come together and why WE consider it worthwhile to express the term ‘very soon now’ and ‘imminent’ … because … FOR US … considering where the plan began … IT IS.
Well THANK YOU! I don’t know about for anyone else, yet for me … that REALLY helps! It indeed DOES put things into perspective and I can see … at last … where you are coming from. It, for me … is the best explanation I have heard regarding the ‘WHEN’. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you. Yet not dismissing of course, the fact that an ‘engine booster’ wouldn’t go amiss! For the whole! That’s the thing. We are not talking here … on a level that can be captured by a couple out walking, and they put it up on YouTube. We ARE talking something pretty HUGE for confirmation’s sake … just so as you know!
We received that loud and clear Blossom, last time.
Good … that was my intention. As 'ground crew' … and I mention that liberally … we KNOW we are here to be an example of LightLove … and it is my understanding that the Brighter we are able to shine … the quicker those magnets can align. So, I think souls are concerned that because of the depletion they feel … they are perhaps hindering the process instead of helping. That is why we are requesting the ‘said Boost!’ I KNOW you said we knew before we came what we were letting ourselves in for … yet it seems as a collective … from the 'ground crew' … there is /was the need to let headquarters know that supplies were getting very low!
We would say that we understood this. And indeed … as we have said … the matter was not taken lightly … and is still ongoing as to delivering to you the supplies needed.
This IS a team effort and it is natural that when a group … a very important group of the team … is needing assistance … then it is certainly fitting for those who can … to offer service in any manner that seems fitting. We reiterate … the case has DEFINITELY not been closed.
Thankyou. TRULY that is SO GOOD to hear. Thank you. Just a query someone had, regarding the 'ground crew'. Are we ALL ground crew … all who are upon Earth? Are we ALL the strongest of the strong? Or is there a mix of … er … how do I put it into words … those who volunteered and were chosen … and those that just happen to be here? Be it through karmic position or whatever!
There is indeed a mix. This is why there is much ‘rumbling in the ranks’ shall we say. For the strongest of the strong were chosen to ‘step in’ at this time to see the plan through … KNOWING that there were many on Earth already that were ‘caught up in the matrix’ and have been for eons … and certainly have no idea of the rescue team sent in to ‘put an end to it’.
So, yes … certainly … there are some who KNOW NOW … some who WILL KNOW … and some who will NEVER KNOW all that has gone on ‘behind the scenes’ in order to bring THE DIVINE PLAN INTO ITS FINAL STAGES.
Yet KNOW … that we speak solely of a particular aspect of THE DIVINE PLAN. For as ENORMOUS as THE EVENT is … on all levels … THE DIVINE PLAN … shall continue to unfold as LOVE itself unfolds. Reaching Newer heights … Greater heights … Higher heights … for ever more … as indeed it is designed to do.
When you consider that Blossom … when you think about that … the possibilities that lie ahead … the KNOWING that LOVE shall continue to expand in /of /through/ as itself … well, does it quite simply not ‘Blow your mind’?
If I did try to think about it … it would … so I won’t! Guys … THANK YOU. As you probably KNOW, I was a little apprehensive as to what would be said today … and yet my heart, and my sister … just told me to TRUST and go with the flow. For one thing I do know … You do not judge me … for you are of the greatest Love and therefore judgment does not enter in. Speaking of the greatest Love … This is what I, and so many … perhaps in their millions now …have for you. I do not know how widespread your messages have become … but I do know that for as long as it makes sense for me to do so … I shall continue forth! Love ya!
And indeed … take a moment to breath and FEEL the LOVE we have for you Blossom and for ALL. WE LOVE YOU!
Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found here.
Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough - Please Join Us! |
Matthew Ward - January 5, 2014 eng.
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. With the December solstice came another powerful influx of light, as if to salute the year nearing its end and greet the new with a rousing cheer. And, if indeed a salute, how well deserved it is! Every time you acted upon a soul-level inspiration—something you considered only a nice gesture or “the right thing to do” you added light to your world.
You may wish to review the message wherein we mentioned some of the many ways your society has been generating light in abundance. Feeling grateful for the myriad contributions to the betterment of your world sends forth its own light in grand amount. The referenced message is August 15, 2013.
Yes, a great deal still is to be done and shall be. The energy momentum keeps strengthening the forcefulness of all thoughts and feelings, so we repeat our guidance to not think of needful conditions with a heavy heart; instead, envision Earth within golden-white light so this image and your desire for benevolent changes go out into the universe and return with additional light. Although some closed minds and hearts are trying to keep the status quo, changes toward peace, cooperation and sufficiency for all are solidly underway, and the more light energy they receive, the sooner they will be manifested.
Please continue being discerning about all information, including articles and channeled material on the Internet. Mainstream media still are controlled to a large extent, with emphasis on the negative and scandals; but it is heartening that more and more stories of kindness, sharing of resources and successful endeavors from grass roots upward also are being featured.
Reporters are among the majority of your populace who have no idea that members of our universal family would prevent the talked-about possibilities, such as North Korea may detonate nuclear warheads and wipe out vast areas or radiation from Fukushima eventually may kill millions. They don’t know that it isn’t Gaia’s desire for oceans to become so warm that all marine life dies and all coastlines move inland hundreds of miles, so those will not happen either. Most of Earth’s residents don’t know that prevailing frequencies are conducive to national leaders choosing to talk instead of do battle, or economic and diplomatic discussions are going on behind the scenes, or many millions of souls are experiencing what they chose to balance other lifetimes and evolve.
You do know that, beloved family, so surge forward throughout this new year with uplifted hearts and positive thoughts and keep expanding the light in your world. You ARE the changes you want!
Now I am speaking as Matthew only. I asked my mother to copy a response to our December message: Your message was lovely except for leaving out that Jesus’ birth is the reason for this holy-day season. I think I am open-minded and intuitive, but what you have said about Jesus not being crucified is NOT believable. How can someone as evolved as you make yourself out to be not know something that important?
The writer is one of the many, many people who believe the biblical story about the crucifixion. Knowing at conscious level the truth you know at soul level is a vital part of evolvement, and holding fast to beliefs based on falsehoods deters advancement. That’s why I felt it could be helpful to tell you how I know the Bible differs dramatically from the truth. God said “Yes, it is the time,” and so I shall.
Always I have spoken from personal knowledge as Matthew the apostle—it is the best known today of my lives on Earth—and the thousands of other lifetimes that began when Archangel Michael’s powerful energy manifested its first personage in this universe. The cumulative knowledge of all my personages has enabled me to speak about things I didn’t consciously know during the lifetime that became known as Matthew, the apostle; however, I shall call upon that knowledge as I tell you about my years with Jesus.
My mother has known about that lifetime since our earliest conversations, twenty years ago, and when she asked if I would ever mention it in a message, I told her perhaps, someday, but the apostle identity isn’t important. What is important is that the information she received from me and the others be respected for itself. Readers of the books and messages need to intuitively know the truth of the information, and offering guidance to help them hear, trust and heed their “inner voice” in all life circumstances is one of the primary reasons for our mother-and-son collaboration.
Now then, many people believe everything in the Bible is true because they have been taught that it is the “word of God” written by God-inspired individuals. That is not so. The innumerable erroneous parts of the Bible include mistakes in translations of Aramaic and Greek records—one is “babe in a manger”—along with translators’ alterations that fit their personal beliefs. Those were compounded by more of the same in later translations; however, the most serious departures from authentic records are the omissions and additions that were deliberately meant to deceive.
Parts of the Old Testament came from the early leaders of church and state. Individuals had a closer relationship with God then, and to make the populace conform to the leaders’ desire for control and wealth, they needed to distance the people from God. They concocted a wrathful, fearsome God who told some of the people that others were their enemies, go forth and slay them; and told a father to kill his son as proof of his obedience to His commands.
During the ensuing centuries, principals in the Catholic Church wrote religious rules and called them “God’s laws” so as to cement their control over the masses and acquire ever-vaster fortunes. To put more distance between the people and God, they added a layer of saints; and to exalt themselves, they instituted papal infallibility and established the Vatican as an independent state. They came up with an immaculate conception, whereby Mary was conceived, and made her the virgin mother of Jesus to convince the masses that he is the “only son of God.”
I shall tell you from whence Jesus came. The soul that eons later embodied as Jesus originated in the Christed realm, the cosmic realm closest to Creator, where the first souls, the archangels, came into being. At some point, they made the next angelic realm and the highest gods and goddesses. These souls were given the choice to remain as the pure love-light energy essence of Creator—that was the choice of the Supreme Being of this universe that many call God—or to incarnate. One of the souls that chose the latter is known in this universe as Sananda. This soul has had lifetimes in civilizations throughout the cosmos and is the “parent,” or more properly, the cumulative soul of the person you know as Jesus.
To continue about the Bible, much of its most deceptive information is ascribed to the four apostles, and somewhere along the line we were given saint status. Some scholars think Luke and I copied parts of what Mark wrote in his gospel and added them to ours, but I’m curious as to why they left out John—the blatant lies that were put in our gospels were put in his, too. Some modern versions of the Bible dropped our sainthood; however, in my mother’s old, well-worn King James edition, it is the Gospel According to Saint Matthew, and she will accommodate me by copying the parts I request.
First, though, I shall describe Jesus and Mary Magdalene so you can imagine them as I speak about them. Jesus was outgoing, not as vivacious as Mary but always pleasant of temperament. He was what I would call a commanding figure—taller than most men and slender but strong and muscular, with erect posture. His fair skin had tanned from years in the sun and his gray eyes sometimes had a tinge of blue; his hair was light brown and long, as was the style, but he kept his beard and mustache closely trimmed. Mary was an extremely pretty and delightfully personable, gracious young woman. In appearance she was petite, fair-complexioned and had sparkling brown eyes and cascading brown hair.
Both of them were born into respected upper-class families, intelligent, well-educated for the times, and the finest of friends for many years before they married. They had a large, happy family, and after long, full lives, they left their bodies and moved on to lifetimes of service to God in other places in this universe; however, the power of their love-light energy always is with souls on Earth, just as elsewhere.
But I’m getting ahead of myself and way ahead of the gospel of St. Matthew. As a young man I started keeping a journal of interesting encounters and, like my notes before I met Jesus, those afterwards were meant to serve only as reference and reading enjoyment in my old age.
My records did not begin with the lineage from Abraham to Joseph, Jesus’ father, but since St. Matthew does, I shall speak about that. Several months after I met Jesus, the genealogy was shown to me by a man who copied it from someone’s record who copied it from another’s record and so on and so on. I tucked into my journal the list I wrote with the note that I’d been told its accuracy couldn’t be verified. It was not a broadly literate society, thus lore and legend were handed down from one generation to the next, and it was commonly understood that often the accounts were embellished or details forgotten by successive storytellers. Yet, it became biblical “history.”
Next in St. Matthew comes: “Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, was found with child of the Holy Ghost.” …. “Joseph knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name Jesus.” None of that was in my records, and why would it be? I didn’t meet Jesus until many years later, and neither he nor his parents ever told me anything like that. Nevertheless, it was attributed to me and written similarly in the other gospels to substantiate the Catholic Church’s version of Jesus’ birth.
Furthermore, all of my notes were about Emmanuel, the name everyone called him. I don’t know why it was decided that in the Bible, his name should be Jesus, and it’s odd, or an oversight, that this also was put into that chapter: “… and they shall call his name Emmanuel.” It’s because you know him as Jesus that I always have referred to him by that name.
Those were indeed harsh, cruel times. The slaughter of infant and toddler males is true—however, I didn’t note that in my journal—and so is the flight of Jesus’ family to Egypt and return to their homeland when it was safe. I recorded what they told me about their experiences then as well as numerous other family highlights during the many enjoyable evenings I spent with Jesus, his siblings and their parents. Often Mary Magdalene was there too, and conversations were lively. We spoke Aramaic, occasionally lapsing into Greek for an apt expression, and there was much laughter because we didn’t always talk about serious matters. Jesus listened attentively to whomever was speaking, and many a time I saw his eyes twinkle when Mary was excitedly chattering about something or other.
As a part-time teacher of elementary and advanced students—there was no word for tutor then—the closest I came to the tax collection profession was meeting Jesus on a street where men were busily engaged at the collecting and counting tables. I recognized him from a small group I had chanced upon the previous evening, so I greeted him, he invited me to accompany him, I did, and we talked as we walked along. That’s how I wrote about our meeting, along with discovering that we both enjoyed water sports and had a mutual acquaintance and Jesus said he recently started speaking in public. That was the point in my journal where my notes about our friendship started, and I wrote about it in first person—it was my experience.
However, according to St. Matthew: “And as Jesus passed forth from thence, he saw a man, named Matthew, sitting at the receipt of custom: and he saith unto him, Follow me. And he arose, and followed him.” Evidently it didn’t occur to whoever changed my notes that folks might think it strange that Matthew would write so awkwardly and briefly about a life-changing experience and very strange that our meeting came after the “sermon on the mount” that previously “I” had written in St. Matthew. It does explain, though, why I am thought of as the tax collector who became a disciple.
Jesus didn’t call us disciples. After he became known for his teachings, some in the Sanhedrin started referring to people who attended gatherings where he spoke as “his disciples.” As for the twelve the Bible gives that designation, Jesus met each of us in his travels around the Sea of Galilee and friendships were formed, but he didn’t ask any of us to forsake our livelihoods and “follow” him. I had the good fortune of living near him, which afforded me the enjoyment of his company far more often than the other “disciples” could spend time with him.
According to St. Matthew: “These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them:… “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils.” That endows us with abilities none of us had! But we did know Jesus’ abilities and how he had come by them, so when I was along on a boat outing, I had no reason to put in my journal, we “marvelled” that “even the winds and the sea obey him!” and I didn’t.
In St. Matthew, after Jesus met two men “possessed with devils,” he cast them out and put them in a swine herd that “ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.” …. “And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts.” As Jesus recounted the incident to me, after he ushered into the light the entities that were tormenting the men’s minds, he continued on his solitary way until he and I met up, and that’s how I penned my account of it.
The gospel’s version of Jesus spending forty days in the wilderness, where he refused to be tempted by the devil, is a dreadful elaboration of the short note in my journal: Jesus liked to spend time in solitude with Nature, where he could talk with God or muse without distraction and, like the others who knew him well, I honored that by keeping my distance.
What became known as “sermon on the mount” was someone’s compilation of my copious notes at numerous small gatherings where Jesus would speak, people would ask questions and he would answer—there was a lot of interaction early on. But as word of his teachings spread and crowds grew, people listened without interrupting and he spoke about many of the things that became the “sermon.” I didn’t call it that. Jesus wasn’t a preacher, he was a teacher who was passionate about sharing his knowledge. He knew it was what he was meant to do, and that was the great difference between him and everyone else—his conscious mind always was connected with his soul and he lived accordingly.
The sermon does preserve much of his wisdom and enlightenment and of course I’m gratified about that, but it doesn’t include some of his important teachings noted in my journal, like the purpose of multiple lifetimes; inseparability of all souls; God is everything that exists in the world—all people, animals, plants, the waters, air and earth are parts of Him and sacred to Him. Jesus didn’t make any notes about his teachings and he was glad that I did.
But anything in my journals that might undermine the corrupt leaders’ authority was left out of St. Matthew and most of what is in that gospel didn’t come from my records. I never heard Jesus say that anyone “…shall be in danger of hell fire” or “…whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.” He talked about how godly thoughts and deeds benefit lives, not “shameful” behavior—that would have been judging and contrary to what he did tell people, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” I never heard him talk about sins being forgiven—he said “sin” was an error in values or deeds and he told listeners many times over the importance of their forgiving others. He wouldn’t have said, “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword”—that was in conflict with all of his teachings.
The “parables” sound as if Jesus was speaking in anger—never during the many times I was present at gatherings, large or small, did he do that. And, unlike the parables, he spoke forthrightly and clearly so listeners would understand—he wanted to enlighten, not perplex. It is fortunate—or more likely, unawareness of what he meant—that those who so drastically changed my notes left in“Ye are the light of the world,” “Let your light shine…” and many of his other references to light.
Mentioning all the disparities between my records and St. Matthew would require my comments throughout that gospel, but the most critical additions are the “last supper” and Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. It’s possible that the supper may have derived from my notes about one of the rare times that Jesus and all twelve of us were in the same place and we had a splendid celebration dinner. It was after he and Mary Magdalene had married and she was there too, but it was many months before the crucifixion is claimed to have happened. Jesus didn’t perform the service that became known as “holy communion” or say: “Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me,” and everything from that point on in St. Matthew also is fabricated falsehood.
Months later I recorded what I overheard two men discussing near the temple: The Sanhedrin thought that crucifying Jesus would make him a martyr and give impetus to his teachings, so they decided to have him flogged and ordered out of the country—that would discredit him in the eyes of the people and they soon would forget him.
When I told Jesus, he said he couldn’t avoid being beaten and banished—as I noted in my journal, I sensed he felt it was important to let that happen. It did, and shortly afterwards, he and Mary Magdalene left for the Far East, where he knew they would be welcomed. In several of our early talks he had told me about his younger years there, where he learned from the masters how to perform what the Bible calls “miracles,” but as Jesus told the multitudes, everything he could do, they could, too.
Through the years we kept in touch with occasional letters and when one came from him, I tucked it into my journal—by then there were dozens. Finding new students required my moving from time to time, which offered ample opportunity to meet people who heard I knew Jesus and wanted to hear about his teachings. Now and then I saw Luke, who sometimes had news about one or another of the other “disciples,” but our common link was Jesus, and after he left, it was natural that we all would continue along our separate ways.
After my death in old age, the innkeeper sold the chest in which I kept my journals. Eventually they fell into the hands of someone in government and, before being burned, led to the Gospel According to St. Matthew.
In no way what I have told you diminishes one iota the power of Jesus or his accurate teachings! The truth of his life—he had a wife and children, and he had desires, ideas, hopes, friends, opposition, disappointments, heartaches and joyful times like other people—far more honors his teachings than religion’s false claim that he was the “only son of God.”
Nor does anything I have said mean that people who believe the Bible is God’s word are diminished in goodness of heart—they only are misinformed. Every soul has its own journey into the light of truth and there is no time limit—the life of the soul is eternal. If persons you love dearly aren’t on the same pathway as you, confidently continue on yours and respect their divine right to choose theirs.
And now, beloved Earth family, I speak again for all of us at this station. In every moment, we are alongside you in spirit and unconditional love.
Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books
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Matthew Ward - 5 januari 2014 sv
Med kärleksfulla hälsningar från alla själar vid denna station , är detta Matthew . Med decembersolståndet kom en annan mäktig tillströmning av ljus , som om att hylla det år som närmar sig sitt slut och hälsar det nya med en medryckande jubel . Och om det nu är en hälsning , det är hur välförtjänt som helst! Varje gång du handlat utifrån en själsnivå inspiration , något du funnit som en fin gest eller " rätt sak att göra " - har du lagt ljus till din värld .Du kanske vill se över meddelandet där vi nämnt några av de många olika sätt ditt samhälle genererar ljus i överflöd . Känna tacksamhet för de otaliga bidrag till att åstadkomma förbättringar av din värld, sänder ut sitt eget ljus i stor mängd . Den refererade meddelandet är 15 augusti 2013 . Ja , fortfarande finns en hel del att göra och vara . Energi momentum fortsätter att stärka den kraft av alla tankar och känslor , så vi upprepar vår ledning att inte tänka på nödigt förhållanden med ett tungt hjärta , utan föreställer jorden inom golden - vitt ljus så denna bilden och din önskan om välvilliga förändringar går ut i universum och retur med extra ljus . Även om vissa stängda sinnen och hjärtan försöker hålla status quo , förändringar mot fred , samarbete och tillräcklighet för alla är fast på gång , och mer ljusenergi de får , desto snabbare kommer de att manifesteras .Fortsätt att vara kräsna om all information, inklusive artiklar och kanaliseras material på Internet . Mainstream media styrs fortfarande till stor del , med betoning på det negativa och skandaler , men det är glädjande att fler och fler historier om vänlighet , dela på resurser och framgångsrika strävanden från gräsrotsnivå uppåt, även börjat presenteras .Reportrar är bland majoriteten av din befolkningen som inte har någon aning om att medlemmar av vår universella familj skulle hindra de omtalade möjligheter, till exempel Nordkorea kan detonera kärnstridsspetsar och utplåna stora områden eller strålning från Fukushima så småningom kan döda miljoner . De vet inte att det inte är Gaias önskan om haven för att bli så varmt att allt marint liv dör och alla kuster rör sig inåt landet hundratals miles , så de kommer inte att hända heller. De flesta av jordens invånare vet inte att rådande frekvenser bidrar till nationella ledare väljer att prata i stället för att kämpa , eller ekonomiska och diplomatiska diskussioner pågår bakom kulisserna , eller många miljoner själar upplever vad de valde att balansera andra livstider och utvecklas .Du vet det, älskade familj , så kraftigt framåt under det nya året med upplyfta hjärtan och positiva tankar och hålla expandera ljuset i din värld . Ni är de ändringar du vill !Nu talar jag som bara Matthew . Jag frågade min mamma för att kopiera ett svar på vårt budskap December: Ditt meddelande var härlig utom för att lämna ut att Jesu födelse är orsaken till denna heliga dag säsongen . Jag tror att jag är öppen och intuitiv , men vad du har sagt om Jesus inte korsfäst är inte trovärdigt . Hur kan någon som utvecklats som du gör dig själv att inte veta något så viktigt ?Författaren är en av de många, många människor som tror den bibliska berättelsen om korsfästelsen . Att veta på medveten nivå sanningen du vet på själsnivåär en viktig del av evolvement , och hålla fast vid föreställningar som bygger på osanningar avskräcker avancemang . Det är därför jag kände att det kunde vara bra att berätta hur jag känner Bibeln skiljer sig dramatiskt från sanningen . Gud sade: " Ja, det är den tiden , " och så ska jag .Alltid jag har talat från personlig kunskap som Matthew aposteln - det är den mest kända idag av mina liv på jorden - och tusentals andra livstider som började när ärkeängeln Mikaels kraftfull energi manifesterat sin första personlighet i detta universum . Den samlade kunskapen om alla mina personligheter har gjort det möjligt för mig att tala om saker som jag inte medvetet visste under den tid som blev känd som Matteus , aposteln , men ska jag uppmana den kunskapen när jag berättar om mina år med Jesus .Min mamma har vetat om att livstids sedan våra tidigaste samtal , tjugo år sedan , och när hon frågade om jag någonsin skulle nämna det i ett meddelande , sa jag till henne kanske, någon gång, men aposteln identiteten är inte viktigt . Vad som är viktigt är att den information hon fått från mig och de andra respekteras för sig själv . Läsare av böcker och meddelanden behöver intuitivt veta sanningen av informationen , och erbjuda vägledning för att hjälpa dem att höra , förtroende och lyssna på deras " inre röst " under alla omständigheter i livet är en av de främsta orsakerna till våra mor - och - son samarbete .Nu då , många människor tror att allt i Bibeln är sant att de har fått lära sig att det är " Guds ord " skriven av Gud - inspirerade individer . Det är inte så . De otaliga felaktiga delar av Bibeln omfattar misstag i översättningar av arameiska och grekiska rekord - en är " babe i en krubba " - tillsammans med översättare förändringar som passar deras personliga övertygelse . De förvärrades av mer av samma i senare översättningar , men de mest allvarliga avvikelser från autentiska poster är de utelämnanden och tillägg som avsiktligt tänkt att bedra .Delar av Gamla Testamentet kom från de tidiga ledarna för kyrka och stat . Individer hade en närmare relation med Gud då , och för att göra befolkningen uppfyller ledarnas önskan om kontroll och rikedom , behövde de att distansera folk från Gud . De kokade ihop en vredgad , skräckinjagande guden som berättade några av de människor som andra var deras fiender , gå ut och dräpa dem , och berättade för en far att döda sin son som bevis för hans lydnad mot hans kommandon .Under de följande århundradena , huvudmän i den katolska kyrkan skrev religiösa regler och kallade dem " Guds lagar " för att befästa sin kontroll över massorna och förvärva ständigt Väster förmögenheter . För att lägga mer avstånd mellan folket och Gud har de lagt ett lager av helgon , och att upphöja sig själva , instiftade de påvliga ofelbarhet och etablerade Vatikanen som en självständig stat . De kom upp med en obefläckad befruktning , där Maria blev havande och gjorde henne den jungfru Jesu moder att övertyga massorna om att han är den " bara Guds son . "Jag ska säga dig varifrån Jesus kom . Själen som senare eoner utformat som Jesus har sitt ursprung i Christed sfären , den kosmiska sfären närmast Skaparen , där de första själarna , ärkeänglarna , kom till. Vid något tillfälle gjorde de nästa änglavärlden och de högsta gudarna och gudinnorna . Dessa själar fick välja att kvarstå som rena kärlek - ljusenergi essensen av Skaparen som var valet av det högsta väsendet i detta universum som många kallar Gud eller att inkarnera . En av de själar som valde den senare är känd i detta universum som Sananda . Denna själ har haft livstider i civilisationer genom kosmos och är " förälder ", eller mer korrekt , den kumulativa själen på den person du känner som Jesus .För att fortsätta om Bibeln , mycket av dess mest vilseledande informationen har hänförts till de fyra apostlarna , och någonstans längs linjen fick vi helgon status . Vissa forskare tror att Luke och jag kopierade delar av vad Mark skrev i sitt evangelium och lagt dem till våra, men jag är nyfiken på varför de lämnade ut John - de uppenbara lögner som lades i våra evangelierna sattes i hans också. Vissa moderna versioner av Bibeln tappade vår helgonskap , men i min mors gamla , slitna King James edition , är det Evangelium enligt Matteus , och hon kommer att rymma mig genom att kopiera delar jag begär .Men först ska jag beskriva Jesus och Maria Magdalena så ni kan föreställa dem som jag talar om dem . Jesus var utåtriktad , inte lika livlig som Mary men alltid trevligt temperament . Han var vad jag skulle kalla en befallande figur längre än de flesta män och smal men stark och muskulös , med upprätt kroppshållning . Hans ljus hy hade garvat från år i solen och hans gråa ögon hade ibland en ton av blått , hans hår var ljusbrunt och lång , som var den stilen , men han höll sitt skägg och mustasch noga trimmas . Maria var en oerhört vacker och härligt personliga, nådig ung kvinna . I utseende var hon petite , rättvis hy och hade glittrande bruna ögon och forsande brunt hår .Båda är födda i respekteöverklassfamiljer, intelligenta , välutbildade för de tider , och den finaste av vänner i många år innan de gifte sig . De hade en stor , lycklig familj , och efter långa , fulla liv , lämnade de sina kroppar och flyttade till livstid tjänst för Gud på andra ställen i detta universum , men det är kraften i deras kärlek - ljusenergi alltid med själar på jorden , precis som på andra håll .Men jag får framför mig och långt före evangelium Matteus . Som en ung man som jag började hålla en tidskrift av intressanta möten och , som mina anteckningar innan jag mötte Jesus , som efteråt var tänkt att fungera enbart som referens och läsning njutning i min ålderdom .Mina poster började inte med härstamning från Abraham till Josef , Jesu far , men eftersom S: t Matteus gör, ska jag tala om det . Flera månader efter att jag mötte Jesus fick släktforskning visade till mig av en man som kopierade från en persons sida som kopierade från en annan rekord och så vidare och så vidare . Jag stoppade i min dagbok på listan jag skrev med den anmärkning som jag hade fått höra dess noggrannhet kunde inte verifieras . Det var inte en i stort sett läskunnig samhälle , alltså lore och legenden var i arv från en generation till nästa , och det var givet att ofta kontona har förskönats eller detaljer glöms bort av successiva berättare . Yet , blev det biblisk " historia".Nästa i St Matthew kommer : "Nu Jesu Kristi födelse var på detta vis : När som hans mor Maria var trolovad med Josef , innan de kom tillsammans , hittades med barn i den Helige Ande . " .... " Josef kände henne inte förrän hon hade fött sin förstfödde son , och han gav honom namnet Jesus . " Inget av det var i mina skivor , och varför skulle det vara ? Jag ville inte möta Jesus förrän många år senare , och varken han eller hans föräldrar någonsin berättade för mig något sådant. Ändå var det hänföras till mig och skrivit på liknande sätt i de andra evangelierna för att underbygga den katolska kyrkans version av Jesu födelse .Dessutom var alla mina anteckningar om Emmanuel , namnet alla kallade honom . Jag vet inte varför det beslutades att i Bibeln , bör hans namn Jesus , och det är konstigt , eller ett förbiseende , att detta också tas i det kapitlet : " . ... Och man skall ge honom namnet Emmanuel " Det är för att du känner honom som Jesus , att jag alltid har hänvisat till honom med det namnet .Det var sannerligen hårda , grymma tider . Slakt av spädbarn och småbarn hanar är sant - men det gjorde jag inte notera att i min journal - och så är flygningen av Jesu familj till Egypten och återvänder till sitt hemland när det var säkert . Jag spelade in det som de berättade om sina erfarenheter då liksom många andra familjehöjdpunkterunder många trevlig kvällar jag tillbringade med Jesus , hans syskon och deras föräldrar . Ofta Maria Magdalena var där också , och samtal var livlig . Vi talade arameiska , ibland hemfalla åt grekiska för en apt uttryck , och det var mycket skratt eftersom vi inte alltid prata om allvarliga saker . Jesus lyssnade uppmärksamt till vem talade , och många gånger jag såg hans ögon tindra när Maria blev upphetsat tjattrande om något eller annat .Som en timlärare för elementära och avancerade studenter - det fanns inga ord för handledare då - det närmaste jag kom till skatteuppbörden yrke träffade Jesus på en gata där män var ivrigt engagerade i insamling och räkna tabeller . Jag kände igen honom från en liten grupp jag hade oförmåga på föregående kväll , så jag hälsade på honom , han erbjöd mig att följa med honom , jag gjorde det , och vi pratade som vi promenerade längs . Så jag skrev om vårt möte , tillsammans med att upptäcka att vi båda har haft vattensporter och hade en gemensam bekant och Jesus sade att han nyligen börjat tala offentligt . Det var den punkt i min dagbok där mina anteckningar om vår vänskap började , och jag skrev om det i första person - det var min erfarenhet .Men enligt Matteus : " Och när Jesus gick vidare därifrån , fick han se en man , som hette Matteus , sitta vid tullhuset , och han sade till honom: Följ mig . Då stod han upp och följde honom . " Tydligen är det inte uppstå för den som ändrade mina anteckningar att folk kanske tycker att det är konstigt att Matteus skulle skriva så tafatt och kortfattat om en livsförändrande upplevelse och mycket märkligt att vårt möte kom efter " bergspredikan " som tidigare " jag " hade skrivit i S: t Matteus . Det går att förklara , men , varför jag tänkt som tullindrivare som blev en lärjunge .Jesus ville inte ringa oss lärjungar . Efter att han blev känd för sina läror , några i Sanhedrin började hänvisa till personer som deltog i sammankomster där han talade som " hans lärjungar . " När det tolv Bibeln ger denna beteckning , mötte Jesus var och en av oss i sina resor runt sjön Galiléen och vänskapsband bildades , men han frågade inte någon av oss att överge våra försörjningsmöjligheter och " följa " honom . Jag hade turen att leva nära honom , vilket gav mig att njuta av hans sällskap mycket oftare än de andra " lärjungarna " kunde spendera tid med honom .Enligt Matteus : " Dessa tolv sände Jesus ut , och befallde dem : ... " Bota sjuka , rena spetälska , höja de döda , driv ut onda andar " som förser oss med förmågor som ingen av oss hade. ! Men vi visste Jesu förmåga och hur han hade kommit med dem , så när jag var med på en båtutflykt , hade jag ingen anledning att sätta i min dagbok , vi " förundrade " att " till och med vindarna och sjön lyder honom ! " och jag gjorde det inte.I Matteus , efter Jesus mötte två män " besatta ", han kastade ut dem och lägg dem i en svinbesättning som " sprang våldsamt ned en brant plats i havet , och omkom i vattnet . " .... " Och se , kom hela staden ut för att möta Jesus . Och när de fick se honom , bådo de honom att han skulle avgå ur sina kuster " När Jesus berättade händelsen till mig , efter att han inlett i ljuset de enheter som var plåga männens sinnen, fortsatte han på sin ensliga vägen tills han och jag mötte upp , och det är hur jag skrev mitt konto av det .Evangeliet version av Jesu tillbringa fyrtio dagar i öknen , där han vägrade att frestas av djävulen , är en fruktansvärd utarbetandet av den korta anteckning i min dagbok : Jesus tyckte om att spendera tid i ensamhet med naturen , där han kunde tala med Gud eller musa utan distraktion , och liksom de andra som kände honom väl , hedrade jag att genom att hålla mitt avstånd .Det blev känt som " Bergspredikan " var någon sammanställning av mina rikliga anteckningar på många små sammankomster där Jesus skulle tala , skulle folk ställa frågor och han skulle svara - det fanns en hel del interaktion tidigt . Men som ord av hans läror sprids och publik växte , folk lyssnade utan att avbryta och han talade om många av de saker som blev " predikan . " Jag ville inte kalla det så . Jesus var inte en predikant , han var en lärare som brann för att dela sin kunskap . Han visste att det var vad han var tänkt att göra , och det var den stora skillnaden mellan honom och alla andra - hans medvetande alltid var i samband med hans själ och han bodde därefter.Den predikan gör bevara mycket av sin visdom och upplysning och naturligtvis är jag tacksam för det, men det innefattar inte några av hans viktiga lärdomar noterats i min dagbok , liksom att flera livstider , oskiljaktighet av alla själar , Gud är allt som finns i den världs alla människor , djur, växter , vatten , luft och jord är delar av honom och heligt för honom . Jesus gjorde inte några anteckningar om hans läror och han var glad att jag gjorde .Men något i mina journaler som skulle kunna undergräva de korrupta ledares auktoritet lämnades ut ur S: t Matteus och det mesta av vad som finns i det evangelium kom inte från mina skivor . Jag har aldrig hört Jesus säga att vem som helst " ... skall vara i fara för helvetets eld " eller " ... den som ska gifta sig med henne som är frånskild begår äktenskapsbrott . " Han talade om hur gudfruktiga tankar och gärningar gynnar liv , inte " skamliga " beteende - som skulle har att bedöma och i motsats till vad han säger till folk , " Döm inte , så blir ni inte dömda . " jag har aldrig hört honom tala om synder som förlåtelse , han sa " synd " var ett fel i värden eller gärningar och han berättade för lyssnarna många gånger vikten av deras förlåtande andra. Han skulle inte ha sagt , " I skolen icke mena att jag har kommit för att sända frid på jorden : Jag kom inte för att sända frid , utan svärd " - det var i strid med alla sina läror .De " liknelser " låta som om Jesus talade i ilska - aldrig under de många gånger jag var närvarande vid sammankomster , stora som små , gjorde han det . Och , till skillnad från de liknelser talade han rättframt och tydligt så att lyssnarna skulle förstå - han ville upplysa , inte förbrylla . Det är tur - eller mer troligt , omedvetenhet om vad han menade - att de som så drastiskt förändrat mina anteckningar kvar i "Ni är världens ljus ", " Låt ditt ljus lysa ... " och många av hans andra referenser till ljus .Att nämna alla skillnaderna mellan mina skivor och Matteus skulle kräva mina kommentarer i hela det evangelium , men de mest kritiska tillägg är det " sista måltiden " och Jesu korsfästelse och uppståndelse . Det är möjligt att det kvällsmat kan ha kommit från mina anteckningar om en av de sällsynta tillfällen som Jesus och alla tolv av oss var på samma ställe och vi hade en fantastisk fest middag . Det var efter att han och Maria Magdalena hade gift sig och hon var där också, men det var flera månader innan korsfästelsen påstås ha hänt . Jesus utförde inte den tjänst som blev känd som " heliga gemenskap " eller säger : " Sannerligen säger jag eder : En av eder skall förråda mig , " och allt från den tidpunkten i S: t Matteus också tillverkas lögn .Månader senare spelade jag in vad jag hörde två män diskutera i närheten av templet : Sanhedrin trodde att korsfästa Jesus skulle göra honom till en martyr och ge impulser till hans lära , så de bestämde sig för att få honom piskas och beordrade ut ur landet , det skulle misskreditera honom i ögonen på de människor och de snart skulle glömma honom .När jag sa till Jesus , sade han att han inte kunde undvika att bli slagen och förvisad - som jag konstaterade i min dagbok , kände jag att han kände att det var viktigt att låta det hända . Det gjorde det , och kort därefter , han och Maria Magdalena kvar för Fjärran Östern , där han visste att de skulle välkomnas . I flera av våra tidiga samtal han hade berättat för mig om sina yngre år där, där han lärde sig av befälhavarna hur man utför det som Bibeln kallar "mirakel ", men som Jesus sade till folket , allt han kunde göra , de kunde också.Genom åren har vi hållit kontakten med enstaka bokstäver och när man kom från honom , jag stoppade det i min journal - då fanns det dussintals . Att hitta nya studenter krävs min rörelse från tid till annan , som erbjöd goda möjligheter att träffa människor som hörde jag visste Jesus och ville höra om hans lära . Då och då såg jag Lukas , som ibland hade nyheter om en eller annan av de andra " lärjungar " , men vår gemensamma länken var Jesus , och efter att han lämnade , var det naturligt att vi alla skulle fortsätta på skilda vägar .Efter min död i ålderdomen , sålde värdshusvärden bröstet där jag höll mina journaler . Så småningom föll de i händerna på någon i regeringen och , innan de bränns , ledde till Evangelium enligt Matteus .På något sätt vad jag har sagt förminskar dig ett dyft kraften i Jesus eller hans exakta läror ! Sanningen i hans liv , han hade fru och barn , och han hade önskningar , idéer , förhoppningar , vänner , opposition , besvikelser , sorger och glädjefyllda tider som andra folk - långt fler utmärkelser hans läror än religionens falska påstående om att han var " endast Guds son . "Inte heller något jag har sagt att människor som tror att Bibeln är Guds ord är sämre i godhet - de bara är felinformerade . Varje själ har sin egen resa in i sanningens ljus , och det finns ingen tidsgräns - livet i själen är evig . Om personer som du älskar innerligt inte är på samma väg som du , tryggt fortsätta på din och respektera deras gudomliga rätt att välja sina.Och nu , älskade jord familj , jag tala igen för oss alla på denna station . I varje ögonblick är vi tillsammans med er i anden och villkorslös kärlek .______________________________________KÄRLEK och FREDSuzanne WardHemsida : The Matthew BooksE-postadress :[ Anmärkning från Suzy : Kan du inte fråga mig att sätta dig på en distributionslista meddelande . Om du vill ta emot meddelanden direkt , vänligen gå med i Yahoo -gruppen - länken är högst upp på " Matthews meddelanden" sida på .
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Consciousness “star bursts” occur within large groups of hu-manity at this moment by ÉirePort
New post on GaiaPortal |
Such bursts result from massive up shifts in awareness, at various dimensional levels.
Movements of all types on all levels occur as the Star-Bursting continues.
Inner Stars awaken.
Are you going to eat more fruits, vegetables and herbs in 2014?
Grapes ~ Lymphatic system
Parsley ~ Adrenals
Celery ~ Bones
Watermelon ~ Kidneys
Cherries ~ Blood
Oranges ~ Arteries
Dandelion ~ Teeth
Cabbage ~ Colon
Carrots ~ Eyes
Wheat grass ~ Body odors
Spinach ~ Muscles
Blueberries ~ Brain
Watercress ~ Lungs
Apples ~ Capillaries
Ginger ~ Circulation
Lemons ~ Weight loss
Turmeric ~ Anti inflammatory
Cilantro ~ Detox
Coconut ~ Energy
Broccoli ~ Anti cancer
Kale ~ Minerals
Cucumber ~ Skin
Fennel ~ Bad breath
Dill ~ Mucus dissolver
Raspberries ~ Female reproductive glands
Blackberries ~ Male reproductive glands
Beets ~ Liver
Cinnamon ~ Blood sugar
Lettuce ~ Nerves
Learning how to bring these foods
into my diet has been a creative
process I have enjoyed over the
last 13 years of being on the raw
fruits and vegetables. I remember
that in the first several years of
being raw I would look at squashes
of various types and think 'how the
heck can I eat that raw?' Well now
I have tons of awesome raw recipes
using squashes of all types, which
BTW are warming foods and great for
winter time. I make butternut
squash spaghetti, acorn squash
curry wraps, kubota squash coconut
soup and even an amazing pumpkin
pie which is so light, fluffy and
delicious that I just ate half a
pie the other day during the
holidays. lol :D
But hey, all my recipes are made
with raw, vegan and whole food
ingredients like the foods listed
above so there is NO GUILT!
Be ahead of the curve. The world will
soon have to admit that uncooked,
unaltered, organic, nutrient dense
foods are the best for human
health. The recipes in these DVD's
will satisfy your hunger, energize
your cells and displace foods that
are slowing you down and clogging
you up.
Get healthy! Go raw!
Trust me, raw foods was the smartest
decision I ever made. I am
continually being transformed
physically, emotionally, mentally
and spiritually even after 13 years
of eating raw foods. The raw/living
foods path is profound in how it
can help you reach your human
potential. You will not regret the
FOODS! I appreciate the
opportunity to share my love for
raw foods, health, healing, tissue
regeneration and whole person
Dan :D
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