Just nu pågår ett energiskifte på vår planet, det påverkar oss alla. Då kan det kännas lugnande att få vägledning om vad som sker. An energy shift is currently taking place on our planet, it affects us all. Then it can feel reassuring to get guidance about what is happening.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
8/2/2018 planetary update
5 things we know about 432 Hz VS 440 Hz #432Hertz #MKUltra
Different approach 🚀Abraham Hicks 2018
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Monday, July 30, 2018
6 Types Of Twin Flame Psychic Communication
Twin Flame Eye Contact And Soul Connection
The Twin Flame EYE connection
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
ARTHUR UPDATE: "Admiral Mike Rogers is Working with the Alliance"
Monday, July 9, 2018
Keshe Gans Plasma Water Improves Food Production
Signs Your Twin Flame Loves You
When The Twin Flame Runner Awakens
Monday, June 11, 2018
Thursday, May 17, 2018
Handsome Man New
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Thursday, March 8, 2018
Monday, March 5, 2018
Monday, February 19, 2018
Valtider och rättssäkerhet
Viktiga frågor att ställa sig själv, till politiker, valmyndigheten och alla andra runtom innan valet är:
Varför röstar jag på politiska partinamn som INTE är rättssäkert registrerade på SCB med ett namn och ett organisationsnummer med styrelse och säte redovisat?
Varför är inte de sk folkvalda rättssäkert registrerade som medlemmar i ett politiskt parti?
Varför ska en enskild röstberättigad registrerad med röstkort identifiera sig för att ge bort sin makt till en kontrollmakt dvs orättssäkert svenskt politikst partinamn där laglös(a) korrupt(a) sk folkvald(a) får makt att besluta i Riksdag genom att rösta på lagförslag?
Hur kan en svensk lag vara laglig när laglösa kollektiv beslutar om lag?
Här ligger det fundamentala felet.
Varför är inte de sk folkvalda rättssäkert registrerade som medlemmar i ett politiskt parti?
Varför ska en enskild röstberättigad registrerad med röstkort identifiera sig för att ge bort sin makt till en kontrollmakt dvs orättssäkert svenskt politikst partinamn där laglös(a) korrupt(a) sk folkvald(a) får makt att besluta i Riksdag genom att rösta på lagförslag?
Hur kan en svensk lag vara laglig när laglösa kollektiv beslutar om lag?
Här ligger det fundamentala felet.
Valtider och rättssäkerhet: ←
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Satanic Obama Presidential Portraits & Other News
Mom's powerful message after daughter dies from flu
Local nurse speaks to News 5 after video goes viral
FLU - Biological Warfare ATTACK!
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
You Are Free TV – Video – Humans are Being Farmed Like A Crop, February 14th, 2018
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Super Psychic Kids With Abilities That You Won’t Believe Until You See, February 8th, 2018
Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
The Solar Flash (Galactic Wave of Love) 432Hz
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Friday, February 2, 2018
Saturday, January 27, 2018
1 song- 10% goes to hemp research.
...That feeling every time I hear someone has a disease I know that hemp / CBD oil can relieve,
Men do not believe it because they say
- That's what my doctor would like to talk about ...
Men do not believe it because they say
- That's what my doctor would like to talk about ...
Friday, January 26, 2018
Operation Disclosure: Steve Beckow -- Are Coastal Areas Destined to Go U...
Operation Disclosure: Steve Beckow -- Are Coastal Areas Destined to Go U...: Credit: 2012. Nothing like this going to happen I understand that it was said on a radio program last night (no names mentioned) that th...
Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Saturday, January 20, 2018
Shoutdown because...
Dont divide, stay together and you will make a change
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Super Psychic Kids With Abilities That You Dont Believe Until You See
CEO of Twitter resigns pedogate
Steven Seagal describes lying Hollywood to Alex Jones
Monday, January 15, 2018
TDA account newsx
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Clintons Haiti donation scandals in 90 sec
First indictment unseald. Qanon
James Gilliland 9 januari -2018 Time for the red pill.
Trump trolls msm
Gary Larraby is not a clone.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
2018 01 08 PM Testimonials of Keshes free energy.
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
News info.
The Storm hits 15/1-2018?
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Oprah for president? Ehh NO!!
Med bed
Thursday, January 4, 2018
Julian Assange new life
Tuesday, January 2, 2018
Karen Doonan
Major News Out Of The FBI – Trey Gowdy Has Done It!
Abraham Hicks - Expect Major Turnover in 2018
Extreme Life Makeover!
En hälsning från Aletheia/Veritas, som jag fick 2015:
"Revolutionen som startat nu, sker inte med vapen, eftersom den kommer inifrån vår kärna och flödar via energier som sprider sig som ringar på vattnet och när fler och fler, lyssnar på sitt hjärta och blir perfekta, d.v.s sig själva till 100%, förändras och fördelas maktstrukturen automatiskt. Namaste. "
Kanaliserat via:Rosita Bolin
Du har troligtvis lagt märke till att allt är upp och ner just nu,
både i samhället men även inom dig.
Nära och kära förändras, du kanske inte ens känner igen dig själv...
Då kan jag ge andlig rådgivning,
spå med tarotkort
ge olika verktyg till självhjälp såsom
direktkontakt med din Själ,
tända lampan i ditt inre mörker
d.v.s obalanserade energier=
Även par är välkomna.
Trivs du inte längre på ditt arbete eller
är du egen företagare som vill uppgradera ditt företag?
Jag är väl insatt i både vad som sker i Universum men
även vad som sker rent politiskt på Världsmarknaden
och vad som är på ingång.
Det har varit väldigt stimulerande att jobba åt
bl.a en kommun på skolavslutningen i flera år,
dataföretag, tv-produktionsföretag, reklam och medieföretag,
men även en stor advokatbyrå, så jag vet vad som pågår
inom flertalet personer inom dessa yrken och kan därför säga:
framtiden ser ljus ut!
Du kan nå mig på matrosens.blogspot@gmail.com
For a while, I have helped many clients who have not been near the alternative reality before, like a bridge between Heaven and Earth.
You have probably noticed that everything is up and down right now,
both in society and within you.
Dear change, you may not even recognize yourself ...
Then I can give spiritual advice,
predict with tarot cards
Provide different tools for self-help such as
direct contact with your soul,
cell balancing,
light the lamp in your inner darkness
i.e. unbalanced energies =
Even couples are welcome.
Do you no longer enjoy your work or
Are you your own business owner who wants to upgrade your business?
I am well acquainted with both what happens in the Universe though
even what is purely political on the world market
and what's on the entrance.
It has been very stimulating to work
including a municipality at the end of the school for several years,
data companies, television production companies, advertising and media companies,
but also a big law firm, so I know what's going on
in most people within these professions and can therefore say:
The future seems bright!
You can reach me at matrosens.blogspot@gmail.com
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
The secret inside your cellphone (CBC Marketplace)
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Haverlots coalesce and concentrate assets for humanity-GAIAPORTAL
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Hälsning från Arkturierna.
Var hälsad, vår vän.
Som du märker, snurrar livshjulet snabbare och snabbare...
Ju fortare det går, desto mindre ser du av ekrarna,
fastän de fortfarande finns.
Precis som alla själar omkring dig som du inte ser ännu,
eftersom deras livshjul har ett annat tempo,
då de befinner sig i en högre frekvens,
men de finns ändå.
För att du inte ska bli alltför förvirrad av allt som sker Globalt,
ber vi dig att ta fokus på navet och
stanna där.
Mycket som du hållit hårt som din sanning,
byts snabbt ut till andra vägar som ibland kan förvåna dig,
men frågor du kan ställa dig är:
Vad får ditt hjärta att sjunga?
Vilket liv vill du leva?
Någon/något som hindrar dig?
Är du redo att bli sams med dina inre rädslor och
dold smärta som ibland varit så väl gömd att du glömt bort dem,
tills nu?
isåfall, förlåt och förstå att för att uppnå fred,
krävs uppoffringar från båda sidorna.
Paradiset ser sin gryning i ditt inre och sprids som ringar på vattnet...
dina allierade från Arkturien
Kanaliserat av
Rosita Bolin 30/3-17
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Monday, March 27, 2017
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy
We deeply ask that you take in all the positive decrees of Heaven and use them to move you ever closer to this world’s true essences for Love and Light – to spread throughout this sacred orb. |
What is happening globally is a sign of what is to come. The Light was originally advised by Heaven to wait for the right divine time to act. This special time is nearly at hand. The dark saw the President’s win as an omen that the surmised quick end would not take place. The cabal, as stated before, believed that the Light had to accept the amazing existence of the USA, Inc. as a true sign that the illegal deal forced upon America in 1871 was to be allowed to remain. What the dark did not know is that this reality is only a temporary condition. As we stated in previous reports, this was done to give the dark false confidence. It has worked, and in the long run, made our tasks much easier. The dark cabal has now, in effect, put a noose around its neck. This project has now advanced too far for the dark’s liking. The frost is truly on the Pumpkin! We expect to be able to announce some good news shortly.
As you can see, the schemes to entrap the dark are working well. The hard part is how much these developments have delayed the inevitable victory. The dark is finally finished and their vast networks of evil fully exposed. The Light can shortly finish its dutiful job, permit the new government (the NESARA Republic) to be revealed and the special jubilee to formally begin. This whole rollout is to proceed cautiously. The Elders have made it quite clear just how slowly it is all to take place. As usual, we must formally protest. We know that these events were really possible to move forward at a much faster and equally secure pace. This cautious approach clearly indicates the great degree of worry expressed to us by the various groups of Elders and royals. This dichotomy is rapidly disappearing as a greater consensus is reached by each of the different groups. The present results are yet another sign of this overall thawing. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We arrive with many good things to talk to you about. Your marvelous visions are still about keeping a positive consensus and continuing to move this reality forward. The present difficulties notwithstanding, things cannot be stopped. Hence, we deeply ask that you take in all the positive decrees of Heaven and use them to move you ever closer to this world’s true essences for Love and Light – to spread throughout this sacred orb. We remain blessed and honored by your wondrous reaction to what occurred a few months ago. Understand that a certain result was necessary to keep this magnificent energy solidified, and be ready to accept what is to appear next. It is truly time for the Light to begin to manifest a new agenda for this realm. It has taken longer than first planned to finish the prescribed actions. This caused some necessary delays that are nearly at an end.
What we have here is a series of situations that are soon to be completed. We have worked with Heaven to forge a number of special scenarios that are to dramatically alter the global chaos. A new ordering of this surface society is currently underway. We bless and reorganize all. It is time for a change in how the globe’s governments operate. Long ago, this world was destined to encounter some rough conditions. This period, which lasted for numerous millennia, is now nearing its most longed-for conclusion. Those who still believe in the old options are to receive a great surprise. There are to be new ones that are to stop the reign of terror, which seems to still be present. In effect, those who now temporarily run the show are in for a surprise. A whole new reality is to manifest and to greatly upset the current applecart. Let us bless and hail this new reality.
It is a rare time when the dark is thwarted and the many terrorized subjects freed and wondrously supported openly by Heaven’s great servants. This, my Dear ones, is to be such a time. Be ever patient and ready to do what Heaven commands. Special sets of blessed commandments are ready to be enforced. The dark’s present position is to be upended and a new, more correct order is to take effect. We masters are joyous over what is about to happen. It has not been easy to watch the dark play with you. All of the dark's servants are to receive their just dues. Knowing this can help you to better deal with the frustrations that many of you have felt. Therefore, we again ask that you bear with this time and realize that this too is to come to pass. Heaven fully intends to have this realm changed as we have promised. With this in mind, be happy and plan to enjoy what is to pass! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Remember, much is getting ready to manifest. These hard times are nearly over. We look forward to watching all of you celebrate this new age. It is to be a great, magnificent time! Know, dear Ones, that the countless supply and never-ending prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
For more from PAO & Galactic Federation
Dr. Eben Alexander's Near-Death Experience Interview
Mainstream Media Finally Exposes Elite Pedophile Rings in a Horrifying Episode of Dr. Phil
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
163rd Knowledge Seekers Workshop March 16th, 2017
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Saturday, March 11, 2017
Steve Pieczenik: Vault 7 Is Aimed To Take Down CIA
Sunday, March 5, 2017
An old Irish legend about an ancient Egyptian princess
Monday, February 27, 2017
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