Wednesday, June 19, 2013

New post on GaiaPortal Torsional Effects from Reversed Portals… by ÉirePort

New post on GaiaPortal Torsional Effects from Reversed Portals… by ÉirePort

Uppdatering via Sheldan Nidle från den Spirituella Hierarkin och den Galaktiska Federationen, 18 juni 2013

17 juni, 2013 Del 1. Bli Pionjärerna av Den Nya Revolutionen

via John Smallman, 16 juni 2013 Ni har ingen aning om vilka under som väntar er

Sananda, 16 juni, 2013 via John Smallman Tiden för evinnerliga konflikter och krig kommer till ett abrupt slut

Den Store Gudomliga Ledaren, 15 juni, 2013

Veckomeddelande från Saint Hilarion Via Marlene Swetlishoff 16-23 juni, 2013

Arkturierna, 16 juni 2013

Änglarna Av Ljus, 12 juni, 2013 NI TAR NU EMOT KRAFTFULLA STRÖMMAR AV UNIVERSELL ENERGI - Kanaliserat av Meredith Murphy

Hathors, del 2/2, 11 juni 2013 Kanal: Wes Annac Utformandet av Rena Anslutningar, Övervakande av Ens Hälsa och Kanalisering av de Högre Världarna

Moder Maria genom Fran Zepeda, 13 juni, 2013 Kärleksdansen tillbaka till Enheten

Ashtar Talar: “Transformationen av er finansiella värld som en bas förAvslöjandet” 12 april 2013 Kanal: Philipp

St Germain, 14 juni, 2013 Kanal: Valerie Donner

Hathors, del 1, 11 juni 2013 Kanal: Wes Annac Utformandet av Rena Anslutningar, Övervakande av Ens Hälsa och Kanalisering av de Högre Världarna

Pleiadisk Interview, 11 juni, 2013 Uppvaknade till Förstörelse, Ökande Avslöjanden, Förståelse av Handlingskraftig Alkemi DEL 2

Monday, June 17, 2013

Maria Magdalena, 11 juni 2013 Via Pamela Kribbe Kärlek och Lusta

Överlevnadsmanuskript nr 323

Ärkeängeln Michael via Ron Head, 13 juni, 2013 Frågan är varför ni inte kan se förändringarna ni önskar er, eller hur?

Mira från Plejadernas Höga Råd, 13 juni, 2013 Mira från Plejadernas Höga Råd

Pleiadisk Interview, 11 juni, 2013 Uppvaknade till Förstörelse, Ökande Avslöjanden, Förståelse av Handlingskraftig Alkemi DEL 1

Sananda, 13 juni, 2013 via John Smallman Ni för in enorma utvecklingsmässiga förändringar av livsviktig karaktär.

Brenda´s blog, 11 juni, 2013 Kanaliserat av Brenda Hoffman

SaLuSa, 10 juni 2013 Det Högre Jagets Styrka

Den Gudomliga Modern, 8 juni, 2013 Att jorda sig

Överlevnadsmanuskript nr 322

The manuscript of survival – part 321

Dear ones, you have struggled and toiled for a very long time now, and for many of you, not only your patience but the very fabric of your being seems to be stretched to the very limit. You have surrendered yourself to this process wholeheartedly, and you have surrendered to the light, both on the inside and on the outside of yourself. Still, you seem to see darkness lurking in every corner as you gaze about you with a heavy heart and a fatigued body. Where is the light, you wonder, where is the bliss, the wonders, everything I have hoped for for such a long time now?

Well, it IS there, but your battle weary heart will have a hard time acknowledging it. For you are all bruised and sore from this long journey now, and the solace you so crave may seem indistinguishable from all of the background noises you still pick up. So again we say, connect to yourself, and see if you in a moment of stillness can hear that reassuring voice from within saying ”I am here, and I have been here for a very long time already. I am here, for I am YOU, the one you have been looking for, forever it seems”. This quiet little voice of reassurance, this gem of light that is already growing and pulsing within is not all fanfare and fireworks. It is more like a deep, flowing river, a river that is forever moving forwards, but it is also a river that does not announce itself in the same enthusiastic manner as so many other things in your life. You see, the inner core of you is so solid and affirming, it is not like those fleeting moments of ecstasy that you will also perceive at times. For even if what we are talking about is the very essence of joy, it is the kind of joy that just IS, not the one that likes to announce its presence by jumping up and down in glee. Of course, this kind of joy is also a part of the package of being human, but the inner joy is more like the very essence of it, a flavour, a sense of BEing that is like this subtle vibration that simply colours everything you do in a much richer hue than when you are without it.

For it is indeed there, within you all, but again, it is not always easy to decipher its message underneath all of the hurly-burly of signals being projected at you from all sides. So again we say, make sure to give yourself the opportunity to sit down and to cancel everything else that is fighting for your attention, and then, we venture to say that you will all feel how this deep, wide river of joy runs somewhere inside of you. This river is a source of sustenance that will never run dry, and if you fail to connect with it, it is not because it is not there. It is simply a case of finding the space where it runs.

For it can be well hidden, and the brush and thorns obscuring it from view may seem impenetrable to some of you, so the best way to find it, is as always to resist the urge to try to fight your way through the thorny bushes and push ahead in the quest for discovering it. That will only leave you feeling even more tattered and torn. No, the very best way to find it, is as always to lift youself upwards, and to connect with those higher aspects of your soul, the ones that have an unobstructed view of it all. And remember, now you have all been given the opportunity to ask for closer guidance from these, the free soaring parts of you that are unhampered by the human body and the human parts of you. So if you need assistance to locate this inner river of joy, you will always find it by once again asking for help – from yourself. And you will be met with joy, for you cannot ask for something that will be better received than the question ”please help me to find my joy. I know it must be there somewhere, but despite all of my hard work, it still seems to elude me.” For joy is what you all deserve, and the true answer to where it can be found, you can only find within.

Änglarna, 10 juni, 2013 Via Elizabeth Ayres Escher Mästarplanen för Planeten Avslöjas!

Överlevnadsmanuskript nr 320

SanJAsKa och Plejadernas Råd av Nio, 7 juni, 2013 En magnifik revolution av individuella gnistor förenas

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Saint Germain ~ Kärlek och Tvillingflammor ~ Som kanaliseras genom Meline Lafont

Saint Germain

Jag uttrycker min djupaste tacksamhet för denna möjlighet att stega framåt genom min älskade Portia. Även om vi båda är kärleksfulla Twin Flames, var och en av era hjärtan är mitt och Portia är också, precis som både våra hjärtan är din.Vi bildar alla en enorm medvetenhet och en bana av skapelsen, som innebär att vi alla är en del av den stora kosmiska källa av kärlek och Vara.

Jag känner enclined uttrycka min energi och kärlek i dag genom den omtalade ämnen av kärlek och Twin Flames. Den enighet och rutnät av kärlek är något så underbart och ren essens som de representerar en exceptionell skapelse som kan ta på sig några former och aspekter man vill, är allt möjligt.

Att vara en del av detta nät, alla ni med några undantag, se till att allt som kan forma och ta formen av sina skapelser som man vill uppleva och vara. Du är den erfarenheten, du är den formen, du är den varelse i skapelsen, är du den oändliga energi som tar på alla möjliga former och färger, kommer från detta nät av kärlek och Vara. De mest häpnadsväckande former och essenser uttrycks genom er alla mina kära hjärtan. Du är mycket ovanligt!

Kärlek är i sin mest ovillkorlig rena väsen, att vad Twin Flames representerar: det handlar om slutförandet av varandra i hjärtat hos din essens. Twin Flames i och för sig är något exceptionellt, och speciellt vad som kan delas med endast 1 enhet och vara och det är dig själv. Du består av en manlig och en kvinnlig del som har delats av i två separata delar av dig själv. Nästan omedelbart efter födelsen av din själ, ditt väsen, ur Källan av Allt Som Är, genomgår den själen eller bättre sagt att du genomgår en omvandlingsprocess där alla kvinnliga aspekter går till en extrem och de manliga aspekterna gå till den andra extrema.Detta är den dela ut och allt händer samtidigt. Det är därför det ofta talar om att föra in balansen mellan manliga och kvinnliga aspekter av ditt väsen.

Alltför ofta kvinnliga och manliga aspekter av ditt väsen blir uppdelat i två distinkta former som kan var och ta på en hel inkarnation eller olika aspekter i inkarnation. Detta är allt beroende på de val du själv har gjort. Ju fler aspekter som det finns i inkarnationer, kan fler själsfränder där vara som bär en del av dig och din Twin Flame.

IMG   (visuell förklaring)

Därför är själsfränder inte förväxlas med Twin Flames som du bara har en Twin Flame och motsvarighet själv som avslutar och kompletterar dig. Den verkliga Tvillingflamma, hjärtat delen av dig själv som du har delat ut är den manliga eller den kvinnliga delen, är den som du verkligen kan betrakta som Tvillingflamman och inte de aspekter av dig i inkarnation. Aspekter är en del av ditt väsen, din själ grupp men är inte i sig formen av Tvillingflamman, snarare formen av tvillingsjäl eller själsfrände till soul familj.

Därför är det allt går snett i de tolkningar av en aspekt av ditt väsen. Alla bildar sitt eget väsen, har sina egna aspekter som alla en hel del aspekter på en högre nivå och i andra dimensioner / andra världar. Men den rena essensen av ditt väsen och förblir densamma trots alla rör aspekter därav. Du bildar själv! Så att vara en del av en master till exempel betyder inte alltid att du är att Mästaren i huvudsak vid tidpunkten för uppdelningen av från källa, även om det i sig är en del av dig. Att vara en del av en Master betyder inte alltid att du är per definition den Tvillingflamma av den älskade Tvillingflamma av denna Master, du är du i huvudsak och den andra delen av er, är Tvillingflamman och att man redan kan återförenas i Vara eller inte.

Bara genom att vara Master i inkarnationen, eller är detta genom själens födelse innebär att den andra Mästarens andra gudomliga komponenten är din. Det finns en hel del förvirring om dessa frågor, och jag skulle älska att rätta till detta nu genom min älskade Portia i inkarnation och min Tvillingflamma genom själens födelse. (Meline)

Det finns otaliga aspekter av oss att vi överljus och som bär en liten del av oss alla, är mästarna. På så sätt sprider vi vår upplysning och vår energi över hela världen. Den Sanningen är att många är oss genom dessa aspekter, att dessa ettor bär i vårt väsen, som leder upp till det faktum att vi utgör en del av det Högre Självet, själv är en del av den totala Högre Självet. Alla dessa aspekter bidrar till vem du är i huvudsak att föra oss tillbaka till själen eller energi att du är bara nanosekunder efter delning av från källa.

Och det är den punkt som du väljer att inkarnera antingen aspekter och / eller som hälften av ditt väsen. Så nu får du ansluten till ditt Högre Jag, noggrant utreda om du är här i huvudsak eller bara i aspekt, eftersom du har många aspekter förutom ditt väsen och ditt Högre Jag. Detta kan förklara varför det finns så mycket förvirring kring ämnet har samma Tvillingflamma. Som sagt, jag skulle älska att fortsätta att förklara funktioner Twin Flames i denna värld och denna verklighet.
Vi har nu kommit fram till en dynamik där alla initieringar för återförening av Twin Flames äger rum och blir saklig. Du kommer att påpeka att du dras mer och mer till andra och det beror på att förberedelser görs för att få den äkta Tvillingflamma hjärtan tillsammans för att inleda effektivt återseenden i denna verklighet. Syftet med och innebörden av detta är att låta denna värld förskjutning i sin helhet in i Ljuset genom att uppsluka hela jorden av kärlek av Twin Flame, som i huvudsak är det mest häpnadsväckande vackra och kraftfulla kärlek någonsin!

Den Tvillingflamma Kärlek ger allt i sin tillvaro med avseende på dess inneboende ljus, uppslukar det allt och alla i tillvaron med essensen av allt som är. Denna kraft behövs nu för att möjliggöra förskjutning av denna verklighet i sin helhet till en 5: e, en 6: e och även en 7: e dimensionell existens. Manifestationer är nu ordningen för dagen och de kommer att påskyndas och förstärkas på grund av samarbetet av Twin hjärtan genom sin återförening och balans. Det är därför vi alla förväntas vara här nu när det utspelas.

Utnyttja denna möjlighet och alltid följa ditt hjärta när det starkt driver dig att välja en annan väg. Du kommer alltid att styras för att vara där du behöver vara vid exakt rätt tidpunkt. Divinity nu spelas ut i en vacker och skonsamt sätt, är tro på dig själv och på din intuition för Twin Flames nu kallas att återförenas med sig själva. Oavsett på vilken nivå detta kan ske, är det återträff i hjärtat alltid ett faktum! Resten beror på val och skapelser.

Mina kära, var det återigen ett privilegium och ett nöje att ta kontakt med dig i ditt hjärta. Jag älskar er alla.

Tack min älskade Portia


Saint Germain

Copyright © av Meline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Tillstånd ges att kopiera och distribuera detta material, förutsatt att innehållet kopieras i sin helhet och oförändrade, distribueras fritt, och detta meddelande om upphovsrätt och länkar ingår. och

Geplaatst dörr Meline Lafont Pleiade delfin op 12:18

A Sad But Important Raw Food Video

don't eat RAW FOOD without watching this

Uppdatering via Sheldan Nidle från den Spirituella Hierarkin och den Galaktiska Federationen, 11 juni 2013

Andromeda, 10 juni 2013 Via Ray Dawn Den stora förändringen börjar med Er

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Överlevnadsmanuskriptet nr 319

Ärkeängeln Michael via Ron Head, 6 juni, 2013

Det Plejadiska Rådet av Nio, 3 juni, 2013 Del 2 av 2. Ögonblicket av Nu är Gudomligt

Ärkeängeln Gabriel, 6 juni 2013 Via Marlene Swetlishoff

Överlevnadsmanuskript nr 318

via John Smallman, 5 juni 2013 De återstående härvorna av illusionen förvandlas till aska.

Key Gateways for Transformation of humanity (small ‘h’) to Hue-manity have been Opened and Stabilized by ÉirePort

Key gateways for transformation of humanity (small 'h') to Hue-manity have been opened and stabilized. These have been prepared, as a step stone, for final step of Gaia to Higher Gaia.
Purification followed by clarification occurs via these gateways for transformation, and those ready for such purification and clarification will experience such.
Concomitant narrowing of Ascension pathways may also be anticipated.
ÉirePort | June 12, 2013 at 20:38 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Matthew Ward - June 11, 2013

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As we address the issues in which readers have expressed greatest interest, please keep in mind that the “negative” end of the duality spectrum is at its zenith; and that energy, once set in motion, must run its course. You are seeing the combination of individuals with violent tendencies following their intensified urge to commit violence—whether in random acts or leaders oppressing their peoples—and the playing out of energy in many diverse situations around your world.
Turmoil in Turkey, ostensibly to protect a park, was instigated by the CIA’s “black ops” to stoke the fire between the Sunnis and Shi’ites and lead to a blazing war. Just as all other countries in your world, Turkey has policies that are not satisfying every citizen, but it is economically sound and progressive—and that’s what the Illuminati want to destroy. Although their global network has come apart at the seams, a few peak individuals are stuck in their delusion that they will take over the entire Mideast and move on to control the rest of the world too. Most assuredly, that will not happen, and when the unrest in Turkey subsides, and it shall soon, some reforms will emerge and further strengthen the country’s progressive path.
In mid-eastern countries where the people have ousted despotic or dynastic rulers, freedom is new and it is natural that there is confusion about leadership and governance. Eventually a consensus will be reached in each country and the kind of democratic rule that best suits each will be instituted.
Syria is somewhat different because disparate groups are battling the Assad regime—their purpose is the same, but each group has its own agenda, so to say. When victory does come, there will be a time of severe dissension led by the most radical in the groups until common sense and wisdom prevail; then a coalition will be formed to move the country toward a peaceful stability.
China’s interest is not in “economically conquering the USA,” but in dealing with its serious internal issues. Among the world’s major nations economically speaking, China and the United States have the largest internal challenges. Due to its authoritarian nature tempered by clear vision, the Chinese government is working on solutions to its problem areas; due to democracy gone awry, action in the United States in regard to troublesome areas is comparatively at a standstill.
This is an appropriate place to address questions that many readers have asked:How can US President Obama defend the National Security Agency’s collection of data from citizens’ private telephone conversations and Internet records? Why did he sign the Monsanto Protection Act? Congressional actions are public knowledge, but what goes on behind closed doors is not known, and we shall tell you what is relevant to these two situations.
President Obama defended NSA’s data gathering, which was authorized in the Patriot Act passed during George W. Bush’s administration, on the authentic basis that it has led to discovering and thwarting numerous terrorist plans. What the president cannot say—and Bush never would—is that the most extensive terrorist acts that met failure and most of the lesser plots that also got shot down were those devised by the CIA faction under Illuminati control.
Neither can Obama disclose that ETs are working in the NSA and other agencies in that country and in several others. They are collecting and analyzing information on all Illuminati activities around the globe and using it to weaken their operations and obtain evidence for prosecution. When this has served its purpose—bringing to its final moment the Illuminati reign—the Patriot Act and also Homeland Security will come to an end.
As for the Monsanto Protection Act, Illuminati spokespersons told the president that if he vetoed it, Congress would override it. Furthermore, they would intensify their efforts to overturn the Affordable Healthcare Act, block legislation that could relieve some immigration issues, and doom attempts to resolve international conflicts by rational discussions instead of belligerent confrontation.
That is the “down-to-Earth” reason, you could say, that Obama signed the bill, but there is another facet of this that the Illuminati bloc doesn’t know. Despite their threats, the president was not going to sign the Act—he did so because ETs close to him advised it. Their higher perspective was that citizens’ outrage at this insidious bill needs to motivate them to force its nullification. The people must exercise their rightand responsibility to demand that their elected officials end stubborn partisanship, stop letting lobbyists’ money dictate their votes on legislation, and start serving the best interests of the country.
By no means does this apply only to the United States! Governments in everycountry must start serving the needs of their people because thisgoes to the very heart of Earth’s Golden Age and soul evolvement!
As mentioned in previous messages, Earth’s populace is in fourth density as far aslocation, but many have not yet reached this density consciously or spiritually. Just as Earth’s ascension was predestined, so was her Golden Age, but when that Age blooms in glorious fullness in your linear time depends upon the people’s collective thoughts, feelings and actions. We cannot emphasize too strongly how greatly your light is needed to help your society advance in conscious and spiritual awareness!
The universal law of attraction is an essential part of advancement. By concentrating on dissatisfaction with governing systems’ injustices and nefarious activities, the populace is sending forth energy that is prolongingsituations they want to end! They need to know that by focusing instead on what they want, they generate the energy that will manifest it. They need to be discerning about information from all sources by asking within, where the truth is known as to whether something is fact or fiction, true or false.
We first spoke of Barack Obama prior to the 2008 primary election in the United States, when we stated that he would be elected president. We have spoken about him numerous times since then, including before the 2012 election when we said he would remain in office and why. After each of our many messages that mentioned Obama went out, my mother was inundated with emails: Advocates of the Republican party’s ideologies vehemently denounce what we tell you about him and his supporters want to know if he can surmount the formidable opposition he faces. Some ask: Is he still a light-filled being? YES, he is!
We shall add a bit to that, but first we say, it is politics that has subjected Earth’s successive generations to wars’ horrendous death tolls and destruction and has created an unconscionably lopsided distribution of your world’s vast riches. We are not overlooking the part that religions have played, but it is those who rule church andstate who drive their followers onto the battlefield.
For long ages the foundation of your world’s political systems was the madness of conquest and bloodshed, corruption and deception. Eventually it created such a mass of negativity that Earth’s very life was at stake. Gaia, the soul that embodied as your planet, didn’t want her body and all of its life forms to die.
Thus, in accordance with Gaia’s request and God’s blessing, far distant civilizations infused the planet with life-saving light and the highest universal council created the master plan for a new era that became known as Earth’s Golden Age. They asked a soul from a highly advanced civilization to take on one of the most difficult tasks—presidency of the United States, a role that would transcend politics worldwide.
Yes, absolutely Barack Obama is as light-filled as when he agreed to accept the mission to right the wrongs in that country and be in the vanguard of world peace-bringers! Throughout his time in office, he has been diligently working behind the scenes to dismantle the network that enabled the Illuminati to control everything that impacts life in your world. Their power to stymie or completely derail his efforts has been formidable and largely successful, but when their influence within and beyond the Congress ends, you shall see the truth of our words about Obama.
Now let us put negativity into the context of weather and geophysical events, which you may not have considered as the evidence of change that they are. The intensive light that saved Earth’s life gave her the strength to start releasing negativity via powerful earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and severe storms that resulted in massive death toll and destruction.
The last of the “old” negativity was eliminated about six months ago—that’s what enabled Earth to enter fourth density. “New” negativity caused by ongoing violence is being released through a series of earthquakes in areas where there is little, if any, loss of life or land destruction, and the same with volcanic eruptions. More is being dispersed via torrential rainstorms in some areas and wildfires in others—water and fire are Nature’s cleansing elements.
Never again will negativity amass on the planet and none of the predicted cataclysms will occur! The darkness that for long ages enshrouded Earth is gone, but “mopping up” what was left in its wake will continue until she reaches the planes where violence doesn’t exist. She won’t get there next week or next month, but aided by light forces within, on and beyond Earth, she is moving toward that space at a speed that is unique in this universe and all along the way, violence will lessen and so will storms, quakes and volcanic activity.
Moving on now to other matters readers are questioning, some time ago radioactive emissions from Japan’s damaged nuclear facility were neutralized to the extent that they posed no new health risks. Eventually all nuclear power plants, stored waste and other toxic pollution will be technologically dematerialized. In the meantime, crews in your skies are using technology aboard their ships to safeguard nuclear facilities that still are in use.
Concerns about countries with nuclear weapons acting rashly, other countries racing to develop or acquire those arms, and accidental launches are totally unnecessary. By Creator’s decree and God’s authorization, civilizations with the ability to prevent deliberate or accidental nuclear strikes will continue doing that.
During the Bilderberg conference, the Illuminati could scarcely disguise their deepening worries about how much longer they can control banking, lending and investing around the world—they have almost exhausted the means whereby they have been able to keep their fortunes intact. As mentioned earlier, individuals within and outside the NSA have been collecting evidence that the Illuminati acquired those fortunes illegally and unethically; however, until all documentation is presented in airtight cases to the various courts and then justly ruled upon, the funds will remain in Illuminati hands.
It was with joy that we heard about the Canadian Minister of Defense’s acknowledgement of the presence of other civilizations! It isn’t known yet how much this may affect the timing of landings and when ETs living among you will indentify themselves. Mother, please insert Hatonn’s reply to your question about this.
“As encouraging as that acknowledgement is, it’s not enough for landings tomorrow. The word we got is, you have to put your house in better order first. No one expects you to do it by yourselves—that’s why we’re here!
Suzy, my friend, you know we aren’t going to take over your world but most people don’t. They are curious about us but not convinced that if we landed, it would be to help. They don’t have a clue about what we’ve been doing for Earth for centuries—they’re more like, Why would ETs be interested in us?
“When they see things moving in good directions and feel more confident about what’s changing, they may not be so leery about strangers dropping in. But, that Illuminati propaganda about ‘ETs may seem friendly but they’re going to enslave you’ is still making Internet rounds.
“Anyway, the bottom line is, God’s in charge. He will know when you’re ready to welcome us and then give the council the GO sign. We’re even more eager for that than you are, Suzy!”
Thank you, Mother, and please copy the link to the short video that also adds energy to speeding the day when you will meet your “space benefactors.” We hope you will feel inspired to support this group’s efforts to spread the word.
Our beloved Earth family, billions of souls want the same as you, to live in a peaceful world where everyone’s needs are plentifully met, where all leaders are wise and honorable and life is in harmony with Nature. But they don’t know how to help make the world that way and you do—you are there to be the way-showers!
By living from your heart, you are exemplifying to everyone around you that LOVE is the way to create the world that they, and you, want. Remember, in the continuum the era of world peace, joy, beauty, kindness, mutual respect, abundance and marvelous adventure already is!
Suzanne Ward
[If you received this message as a forward and would like to receive future messages directly, please click on the link at the top of “Matthew’s Messages” page on
Always you may post on-line or publish in print an entire message with appropriate credit. If you want to use only an excerpt, please contact me—thank you!]

Saturday, June 8, 2013

pleiadedolphininfos: Crossing the Dimensional Waters – Message from Hig...

pleiadedolphininfos: Crossing the Dimensional Waters – Message from Hig...:   Hi everybody, I just wanted to share with you a short message from my Higher Self, thatI have received during my meditation. We are ...

pleiadedolphininfos: Melchizedek ~ The planetary shift of May that unfo...

pleiadedolphininfos: Melchizedek ~ The planetary shift of May that unfo...:

pleiadedolphininfos: Homo- or heterosexual? – The Divine Mother through...

pleiadedolphininfos: Homo- or heterosexual? – The Divine Mother through...:   (Translated from the original language german) Note: This is her answer to an article that I read this morning on Facebook ...