Thursday, May 2, 2013

Archangel Gabriel ~ New Realms of Angels to Assist Your Ascension by admin

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New post on Archangels and Devas

Dear Ones,

From the Angelic Dimensions comes a wondrous blessing for this special time. Through Divine Dispensation new realms of Angels are available for your ascension process. These Angels hold the frequencies of the spiritual attributes you most need so you can live in harmony with the increasing energies of these precious times of awakening.

Realms of Angels have been specifically assigned by the Archangels overseeing the evolution of the Earth and each person on the planet at this time. As the frequencies have increased you have gained clear awareness of what you need in your life. This is helpful so you can be open to the fields of Divine Light the Angels hold that provide specific assistance for you now. When you ask for their help, these empowered Angels fill you with the Divine Light that offers the blessing you most need in every situation.

Because these new times have become so confusing and intense for many people, unnecessary fear has arisen in the hearts of humanity. The realms of Heaven recognize the need for very immediate and amazingly simple ways to provide the comfort and solutions you require at this time. It was decreed that new realms of Angels would be opened so the energies of fear will not be so pervasive as the Earth continues her evolution. The Archangels are providing Angelic Assistance for those who want to live in greater Harmony and Peace, and choose to receive and anchor the higher frequencies for the Earth at this time.

Each Archangel who is working directly with planetary and personal evolution holds the powerful matrix for the expansive spiritual powers of Peace, Divine Union, Wisdom and Healing, the spiritual attributes most desired by those awakening. These Archangels have been spoken of throughout history, but never before has there been such an opportunity to create powerful and graceful transformation through their gifts.

Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael holds the Matrix for Divine Love and Healing. When you are in need of healing in any area of your life; physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, you can ask that the Angels you most require be sent to you. For example:

Archangel Raphael, please send me your Angels of Healing for my relationships. Bless me with Angels of Harmony and Divine Right Attitude. Open my heart and the hearts of all concerned to be filled with your healing Love. Help me to remember that I am not alone and that your Angels are here with me now and always. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Sandalphon
If you are feeling overwhelmed and frightened by the intensity of the energy which has increased on the Earth, know that Archangel Sandalphon is holding the planet in deep connection with the Presence of Nature. This brilliant Archangel has been called the Soul of the Earth. He is offering the frequency of Stability, of Nurturing and a sense of grounded Protectionso you can release the excess energy from your body that is causing fear and create a new Foundation for life in the world now.

Archangel Sandalphon, please send your Angels of Stability and Safety. Help me to ground the excess energy in my life now so I can build a new foundation of peaceful, calm Agility. I am asking for the Angel of Flexibility as I build a new structure that will help me create an Empowered Life. Please assist me to stand in my Truth. Send me the Angel of Alignment so I can be in harmony with my Soul Purpose. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel offers legions of angels to assist you in any area of your life having to do with Balance and Divine Union. He offers the sacred marriage of the male and female energies within you as well as any form of Revelation and Communication. He specifically offers Creative Solutions for any area of your life where you feel stuck.

Archangel Gabriel, please send your angels to help me create new ways to establish Divine Union within me. I am asking for an Angel of Trust so I can remember that there is a way through to Harmony in my life. I know that the Angel of Creative Solutions is here to provide higher awareness so I can realize that there is always a solution for every situation causing me concern in my life and in the world. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is best known for his ability to protect. He is also the Archangel that holds the matrix for planetary evolution and is very available to assist the Lightworkers during this time.

Archangel Michael, please send me an Angel of Protection so I can feel more capable and safe during this intense energy time. Help me to be surrounded by your Golden Light so I feel that my boundaries are strong and appropriate. Please send me the Angels of Strength and Courage so I can have the Faith to follow my heart now. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel is best known for the frequencies of Enlightened Perception. He is offering Angels to assist any

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