Dratzo! The reality that you now reside in is shifting. As it does so, the dark cabal leaves behind its horrible histories, and its vast interconnected network of wealth and power is being forced to change. The old ways by which the dark cabal kept its power are starting to slip. Its powers, accrued over the millennia, are being transferred to a new, more conscious and more humane group. These new leaders understand the subtle nature of the transitions required by Heaven. It is a time for celebrating these long overdue changes and for fully supporting what these transformations mean. Surface humanity has been kept in an amnesia surrounded by mysteries, and these anomalies need to be explained. It is for others such as your Ascended Masters and your Inner Earth brethren to explain this to you. Our mission is to give you a brief understanding of what is happening. As you mutate, you become less and less susceptible to the "mind games" long performed on behalf of this cabal by your media and your entertainment industries.
You are no doubt frustrated and upset at what passes for truth in your reality. The dark continues to manipulate your weather, financial system and even instruct governments on what policies require action and what others are to be ignored. Behind this seemingly unbreakable reality is a secret force that is restricting the dark and legally sapping it of its enormous powers. This coalition is able to so because of its enormous wealth and influence. We further aid this set of actions by Spirit. Long ago, a system was established to alter how this monetary system operates. Various large world trusts were set up and since then, a series of "layers" have been added to this foundation by the dark. In the ensuing centuries, the Light got control of a sequestered series of enormous gold and silver depositories. These are the basis for what is now happening around your globe and will end global debt slavery, bring you personal sovereignty and permit new governance to reign!
Our fleet is here for first contact. We have spent the last 2½ decades learning about you and beginning to make alliances with those who intended to free you from your dark masters. Heaven sent us here to watch over your transition to full consciousness. At the divine right time, we are to intervene and mentor your final stages of this transformation. During this time, we watched your dark overlords, the Anunnaki, change sides and abandon the work to permanently convert you into their limited-consciousness slaves. Now, we are poised to introduce ourselves to you and prepare for a mass landing. This task will end your long quarantine. You will learn how warped and untrue the stories are that have been fed to you by your history and science books. It is well to change your perceptions about your true origins. You are, in fact, extraterrestrials. Your original ancestors were colonists from places throughout this galaxy, and their DNA has been thoroughly intermixed in all of you.
Thus, you are in fact a strange mixture of a wondrous genetic formula. This DNA has been further jumbled by a great influx of Souls from this galaxy. This makes you a most magnificent mixture that is to be reassembled in the Light Chambers that will return you to full consciousness. We have been told by Heaven that the result of all this is to be a most vital and wondrous galactic society. You are to perform many acts that bring a true peace to this galaxy, and bring this entire sector of physicality many great miracles. These are to permit tens of thousands of galaxies to come together. We rejoice in these numerous sacred decrees of Heaven. They affirm what we have always known about you and Gaia's galactic society. Your nurturing will start when we arrive shortly. A time schedule is in effect. Our liaisons and ambassadors are working out needed changes as to how we are to proceed. The time for new governance and the landings is indeed fast approaching!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The process to transform this blessed reality to the Light continues. Our various associates are finishing up operations that will shortly lead to the arrests of the multitude of individuals that form the upper echelons of the illuminoids. As we finish this procedure, we are preparing others to start the formal installation of a number of new banking regulations. These will create the pathway by which we can finally begin the distribution of prosperity funds. Heaven has a plan and we are dutifully manifesting it step by step. When all of this is in place, new governance becomes possible. At that point we can start the schedule for a series of vital lessons about the true spiritual nature of each of you and your true history. Your origins will lead you to wonder about the past so you correctly see all that needs to be done!
The several realignments that still need to be done are currently underway. The first of these is to finish off the awakening of your new diaphragm chakra. Many of you are feeling slight to severe symptoms that appear at first glance to be some type of stomach flu. In fact, this is no more than the opening up of your diaphragm and altering its present relationship to your stomach and to your breathing process. This can cause breathing problems, general weakness and some pain in the chest area. As to the stomach, you can feel queasy and out of sorts. This is simply a temporary effect caused by the different types of energies being introduced, and the cleansing of a number of much older energies long stored in your diaphragm. This set of symptoms can come on suddenly and last from a few days to a week!
Finally, there is the matter of changes now going on in your throat and upper chest. This is caused by the bringing in of a higher set of energies for your throat chakra. This can seem like a sore throat or even a strange form of laryngitis. This is also a temporary condition. It is often coupled with the next step in bringing in the final foundations for your new thymus chakra. This set of symptoms can include severe pains in your upper chest, odd-feeling palpitations in the same region and some blurred vision and minor pulsing in your lower head and neck. Like the other symptoms, these are temporary and can last from a few days to a week. These alterations are part of a general acceleration now being blessedly completed by your body Angels and your assigned medical teams. These are harbingers of how close you are to your grand transformation!
Today, we continued on with our weekly messages. Events are afoot that will bring you great and much welcomed change. These alterations are ending the long rule of a very dark and devious cabal. These coming events are to be the harbingers for prosperity, freedom and new governance. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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