Sunday, March 23, 2014



My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Never are you without love, without assistance or without guidance, for in truth God's love lives and breathes within you. When you think your angels have abandoned you, think again. Better to ask, "Have I abandoned my own heart?" When you think God is not listening to you, stop. Ask yourself, "Am I listening to myself?" When you think you are not receiving guidance, breathe, drop into your heart and ask, "Heart what are you trying to tell me now? What do you want?'

Dear ones, God is always present. It is not possible for God to abandon you any more than it is possible for the body and mind to abandon the cells. God lives and breathes within you. God is the sum total of all creation and the infinite love and intelligence behind it. God hears your every word, and reads your every thought and judges nothing.

It is the nature and design of life itself, to respond to your energy - conscious and unconscious - rather than your words. You can say for example, "God I need more money!" but your energy is saying, "I am afraid I will never have enough!" You can say, "Why don't you bring me love?" while your energy is saying, "Nobody is ever going to be right for me." And so it goes that your words may say one thing but your energy may say another. It is very much as if an organ in the body were to say to the brain, “I need more nutrients,” but while at the same time sending signals along the nerves that say, “I don’t know if I even matter.”

Love is waiting to assist and guide you at all times, but you must love yourselves and be honest enough to ask for the real help. Better in the examples above to say, "God remove my fear of lack so I can enjoy a natural state of abundance." "God remove my fear of disappointment and resignation around relationships so I can enjoy true love." "God I love myself. I am human. I know I need help getting my energy in the right space. Please help me now." This dear ones sets you up for success. We love you. We could never, and even if we could, would never abandon you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much. 
-- The Angels

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