Sunday, December 29, 2013

Magnification of all Gaia Collective and Gaia Inhabitants’ Intents Attains Maximum Level… by ÉirePort

gaia_energy1Magnification of all Gaia Collective and Gaia inhabitants' intents attains maximum level for the 2013 period.
In practice, this period asks for all Hue-Beings to practice care with intent, and refrain from "side thoughts", also referred to in previous post as "Novelty” energy items.
Finalizing of Gaia Ascension protocols is now in process, and focusing of this magnified intent is primary.
Predication* of collective mass upward movement now occurs.
[* predicate: 1. to proclaim; declare; affirm; assert]
ÉirePort | December 29, 2013 at 06:24 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Focusing and clarification of all Gaia Higher Dimensional energetic constructs occurs at this moment by ÉirePort

gaia_energy1Focusing and clarification of all Gaia Higher Dimensional energetic constructs occurs at this moment.
"Novelty" energy items are being discarded along with all grids which support such.
Authenticity is currently required for all new energetic and (so-called) Light Work.
Flash Points of understanding come for non-resisting Hue-Beings, as well as hu-beings.
The "Hue-Beings / hu-being" designation is now fading rapidly.
Global Gaia awakening is near.
ÉirePort | December 27, 2013 at 21:30 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Friday, December 27, 2013

AA Lady Amethyst and Zadkiel, transmitted by Rosita Bolin

My Beloved Friends!
Now that I and my beloved twin flame Zadkiel , 
stepping forward for more information about
what 's going to happen,I also want to thank you for 
your patience and how you open your HEART
for gold frequencies that you are now assigned .
That we now give you the gold frequencies means 

that you will now begin to prepare for the fifth dimension 
because the fifth dimension is GOLD Congratulations !!! 
Tranquility ... and insights that surrounds you , 
along with all the memories that are in any obvious way , 
just there ...feels great liberating.Your mission begins to 
take shape and the positions are formatted in this now , 

whether you realize it or not. Some of you are discovering the 
power of the power of thought and taking it more seriously now , 
because you realize that you do with it can save lives. 
Your groups are growing as planned.The most important task 
you have all now is to focus and maintain balance in your hearts , 
which is deeply appreciated , as you are now doing it extremely well
I, Lady Amethyst and my beloved twin flame Zadkiel ,
assist you constantly while we are incredibly 
Thankful for your intensive help. Nowadays you help us , 
as we will help you .
My Beloved ... Namaste Rosita Bolin / Lady Amethyst© 

Ärkeänglarna Lady Ametist och Zadkiel genom Rositha Bohlin 2013-12-27

Mina Älskade vänner!
När jag nu tillsammans med min älskade tvilling flamma Zadkiel, kliver fram för ytterligare information om vad som komma skall,
vill jag även tacka för ert tålamod och hur ni öppnar era HJÄRTAN för guldfrekvenserna som ni tilldelas nu.

Att vi ger er guldfrekvenser betyder att ni nu börjar förberedas för femte dimensionen eftersom femte dimensionen är GULD Grattis!!! ...Lugnet och insikterna som omger dig, tillsammans med alla minnen som på något självklart sätt, bara finns där...
känns fantastiskt befriande.

Dina uppdrag börjar ta form och positionerna formateras i detta nu, vare sig du märker det eller ej. Nägra av er upptäcker styrkan med tankekraft och tar den nu mer på allvar, eftersom ni inser att ni med den kan rädda liv. Era grupper växer planenligt.
Den viktigaste uppgiften ni alla har nu är att fokusera och att hålla balansen i era hjärtan, vilket är djupt uppskattat, då ni nu gör det enormt bra

Jag. Lady Ametist och min älskade tvilling flamma Zadkiel,
bistår er ständigt , samtidigt som vi är oerhört Tacksamma för er intensiva hjälp. Numera hjälper ni oss, såsom vi hjälper er.
mina Älskade...Namaste

Rositha Bohlin / Lady Ametist

Guidance from the Angels ~ Follow Your Heart ♥

angel guidance
Guidance from the Angelic Realm for today:
Don’t be afraid to follow the whispers of your Heart. Following your Heart and doing what brings you Joy is what feeds your Soul.  It is time to let your inner child come out to play. Be-ing Joyful will make you feel Light-er. So Light-en up!
Have a Blessed and Happy day Everyone!
Angel Hugs & Blessings!
¸,.•´¨`•.( -.- ).•´¨`•.,¸
¨`•–•-¨( “)(“ )¨-•–•´¨
Archangels and Devas

Immune Booster, Love Meditation, Repairing DNA and Cell Structure, Wel...

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Inlägg på GaiaPortal Genesis av Planet Energetic Healing strömmar avslutar förberedelsefasen av Gaia Ascension Vehicle genom ÉirePort

Genesis av Planet Energetic Healing strömmar avslutar förberedelsefasen av Gaia Ascension Vehicle.

Planet Energetic Healing strömmar utlovat till hu-vara energisk korrigering samt Hue-Att vara energisk uppgradering.

Birthing av vad som kallats "Nova Gaia" är nu i processen, och förmodligen avslutar inom den så heter "2014" period.

Mastery klasser pågår för alla Hue-varelser, vid högre nivåer av medvetande.

ÉirePort | December 25, 2013 kl 19:47 | Kategorier: Okategoriserade | URL:

New post on GaiaPortal Genesis of Planetary Energetic Healing streams completes preparation phase of Gaia Ascension Vehicle by ÉirePort

Saturday, December 21, 2013

pleiadedolphininfos: Archangel Michael through Celia Finn ~ 2014 The Ye...

pleiadedolphininfos: Archangel Michael through Celia Finn ~ 2014 The Ye...: source:   ...

pleiadedolphininfos: Message from Saint Germain and Méline Lafont ~ Sol...

pleiadedolphininfos: Message from Saint Germain and Méline Lafont ~ Sol...: (Thank you for the beautiful pictures to Gretchen Hermey ♥) All flows as substances of energies into the infinity of All...

FullyRaw Edible Christmas Trees!

The Power Is Within You by Louise Hay


Reuniting With Your Twin Flame - Guided Shamanic Meditation

FullyRaw Apple Pie!

The FullyRaw Burrito! (+playlist)

SaLuSa, December 20, 2013


The turmoil of the year is being set aside as many people prepare to celebrate in accordance with their beliefs. It has become a tradition that is also accepted by those who have no special affiliation with religious beliefs. The result is that all kinds of people find that they can come together, and set aside their different beliefs and understanding to celebrate the unity of all Mankind. The energies rise up and a feeling of love to all people brings out the best in them. Suddenly there is particular concern for all those who are poor or destitute, often in a society that is otherwise fully able to support all of them. 

These situations repeatedly come up and slowly but surely people realise that they are their brothers keeper. Those who have travelled far ahead with their understanding can also see that all life is One, and that it is inextricably linked and the actions of each individual effects the whole. This is when people take responsibility for their actions and help raise the vibrations upon Earth. If only you keep the goodwill going that arises from times like you are experiencing now, the sooner you would move away from the lower vibrations that could not exist in your higher state. As the changes continue so they help raise up those souls who are just emerging from the darkness. They need a helping hand to get on the road to success, and find it easier once others have created the pathway. 

Through many lives you have experienced a myriad of situations that have helped your progress. They have been arranged as all lives are, to help you surmount the problems you are likely to face. There is absolutely nothing that happens without good cause, although to the human mind it is difficult to see beyond what happens in your physical realm. Each of you have numerous helpers whose sole interest is to ensure you progress through your experiences. It is why the key events in your life are orchestrated to gradually advance you along the path of evolution. Yet in many instances you are propelled into chaotic conditions that do not seem to have any real purpose. Believe us Dear Ones, nothing happens by chance and whatever you become involved in has some measure of gain, not just for you but every soul involved. 

Do not worry if you get caught up in what is clearly coming from a negative source, as your presence may be needed to hold the vibrations in check. Often you can provide sufficient Light to soften or remove some of the negative energies. Be assured you will be used for your experience and dedication to spreading the Light, and will never be called upon to handle more than you can manage. Obviously you will also find yourselves on the receiving end, but this is often a test to ensure you know how to handle yourself. We repeat, that "nothing happens by chance" so always look for the lesson that may accompany your experience. 

Be assured that you do get breaks throughout your lifetime, and you are not expected to serve the Light without them. It is certain that you will know where you stand when you are going with the flow, and fulfilling your life plan. However, remember that at times you will so to say, catch up on outstanding karma and it will present itself when you are known to be able to cope with it. So do not be alarmed in such circumstances and accept your experience with good heart, and most importantly ensure you learn from it. 

At this time in your evolution you are progressing at a faster rate than ever, and each soul is on the last lap of its life plan for this incarnation. This may seem improbable as all of you are at different points in your evolution, and remember that not every soul is ready to ascend, or desires to do so. The end of an Solar Cycle draws nigh and it is special inasmuch that the end times have already been decided, and regardless of any attempts by the dark Ones to foil the plan, they will not be successful. Ascension is assured and is to be expected at the end of a Solar Cycle. 

In the meantime help your fellow traveller where needed, but at the same time do not pressurise them by forcing advice upon them. Sometimes lessons can only be learnt through direct experience, although group experience is not uncommon. Try not to be too rigid in your thinking and be flexible, although many of you are now sufficiently intuitive to know when to move in a different direction. Take things in your stride and try not to force a situation, unless you can be sure of the outcome. You should know that when matters flow in harmony, there is little for you to do. 

You have been preparing for this period for millennia of time, as you have always known that it would arrive to lift you out of the lower vibrations. Many of you have awoken to the fact, and now joyfully make your way forward with great expectations. Even if you do not fully understand what a great time is opening up for all of you, there is a sense of excitement knowing that a new era is about to open. It allows you to contemplate what life would be like once the dark Ones were removed. Such freedom from interference is something new, and very hard to conceive when you are lifting out from the lower vibrations. 

For millennia of time you have experienced duality of such high levels, that it is hard to conceive of the dramatic and far reaching changes that are almost upon you. However, they are near to manifestation, and will bring the most wonderful surprises and far reaching changes much to your amazement and delight. 

I leave you now in what is hopefully a feeling of joy, knowing that your travels in the lower dimensions are about to end. Keep your calm and continue to spread love and peace wherever you are.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey
Website: Tree of the Golden Light 

Montague Keen - December 15, 2013

The awakened amongst you understood my last message. You responded positively. You now see clearly how your planet was taken over and kept under control. Now it is time for all who understand the importance of ENERGY to come together, to work to clear the Dark Control and to release the energy of the ley lines that are the life blood of your planet.

Many of you can work directly on the ley lines. Others, who work with energy, can combine their energies to assist. Those of you who are not versed in working with energy can use the power of thought and intention to remove the Dark Control forever. Everyone can take part. Now I ask of you, do not allow race or creed to stop you getting involved in this work. Never before has it been so important for humanity to act as one. You know in your souls that you, the 99%, will be successful. Every country will benefit and every soul will be able to say, "I WAS NOT FOUND WANTING. I DID MY BIT TO RESCUE HUMANITY FROM DESTRUCTION."

It is public knowledge that the Illuminati are meeting in South Africa on Monday 16th December 2013, in an attempt to establish new and more effective controls over you. They are powerful when they come together. But consider for one moment, how much more powerful are you, the 99%. They can only harm you if you believe that they can. This is an important fact to understand. The Dark Ones await the return of MARDUK on 16th December, to save them from the 99%. This is your window of opportunity. Are you going to accept the challenge to ignore your left brain, which is controlled by the Dark Ones, or will you instead listen to your right brain, your higher self, and use your immense energy to rescue humanity. Be brave. Believe in yourselves and discard all the indoctrination, the so-called "education" to which you were subjected in order to destroy your free will. You are so much more than you realise. You are beautiful beings of light who need to brush away the cobwebs so that you can see clearly once more.

When all the countries come together, coordinating their actions, and this is done on a worldwide basis, then nothing can stop you. When you have completed the change, then and only then, will all wars cease. All the plans for the takeover of the New World Order will be yesterday's news, consigned to the dustbin of history. All their carefully laid plans will come to nothing.

Do you have what it takes to step forward and do what you came on Earth to do? Many of you talk the talk, but now you are being asked to walk the walk. The time has come for action to replace the talking. Stop being critical of those who work on your behalf, for this shows that you do not have what it takes to be part of the action and so you throw bad energy at it, to try to make yourselves feel somehow superior. You need each other at this time, more than any other time in the history of your planet. So I ask, if you haven't got anything good or encouraging to say, then keep your own council. Support is what is needed.

Age is no barrier. You, too, can send energy to support the effort that is being made on your behalf. There are some (and you know who you are who have specific roles) who's DNA goes back to before time began. This was kept hidden until now. The importance of DNA will be brought out into the open. It will answer the many questions that have puzzled many of you in the past. We will reveal everything when the timing is right.
The right people will come forward to do whatever is necessary during the Transition. They are being moved into place. From our vantage point, it is like a chessboard and all the pieces are being moved into place.

Veronica, my dear, do not take so much on your shoulders. People can only do what they are capable of doing. Not everyone has your commitment. Some will fall by the wayside but there are always many more who can step forward to replace them. There are those that this does not apply to, and they need the energy of your support.

When all life on Earth is valued equally, then you will know that you have achieved what you set out to achieve. When LOVE of humanity replaces corruption and avarice, when no man is hungry or homeless and no child is in fear, then you will see the full extent of your achievements. Believe you can do this, and you will do it. Meditate on this, make it your reality. Your prison bars are disintegating and the light is flowing in: welcome it with open arms. Pray for those who are having to do battle with the dark in order to release themselves from the evil shadow that tries to engulf them. Act as one, as never before. This is no time for petty squabbles or differences of race or creed.

You are the army of the light, shedding light on all that was dark and hidden. You are the creators of a New Age where all knowledge is shared and all are equal. Let love rule the day. Send love to all humanity.

My dear, you know what you must do. It will all come together as planned. Know that you are loved more than you could know. Forever, I remain your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation 

Matthew Ward - December 14, 2013 - Seasonal greeting, Nelson Mandela, our advancement


With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. As you celebrate this season of traditional music, merriment and festivities with families and friends, you are remembering those who are grieving or whose circumstances are dire. You would rejoice with us if you could see the abundance of light radiating from you and the beneficiaries of your caring and sharing—it is a spectacle to behold!
How glorious it is that brilliance emanated as well from the uniquely jubilant and colorful memorial ceremony honoring one of your brightest souls. The international tribute to Nelson Mandela was equaled only by his welcome in Nirvana, where joyful throngs gathered to celebrate his life.
Mandela exemplified that the way to peaceful reconciliation is through forgiveness, honesty, humility, compassion and respect. He didn’t need to consciously know that the energy in those expressions of love is the most powerful force in the cosmos and that every life is interconnected within that energy. He lived from his heart, the seat of the soul, where those universal truths are known, and that is how he succeeded in uniting his country’s peoples and in his other diplomatic and political endeavors.
Most of Earth’s populace don’t know those truths either. Like Mandela, multitudes are acting upon soul-level inspiration and generating light in countless ways. A delightful example, which shows far more than any words can describe the love energy that comes with unity of spirit, is this short film:
In keeping with this unusually busy time for you, we keep our December messages brief, but we cannot let this year come to its close without telling you that light beings throughout this universe are immensely heartened by your growth spiritually and consciously!
More than ever before you are aware of and grateful for blessings in your life and the uplifting developments in your communities, regions, countries, your world. By following intuition—a splendid step forward in soul evolvement—thoughts, feelings and actions of persons around the world are sending forth the high vibrations of hope and optimism.
Look forward to exhilarating, illuminating Year 2014. Happy New Year, our beloved Earth family!
Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books
When the computer I bought last July crashed two weeks ago, the motherboard erased itself clean - 20+ years of data lost. Also, my back-up system didn't record anything after it was hooked up to the new computer and I can't open its old files, so both sources of my message distribution lists are kaput. In searching through this old computer, I found two obsolete lists, but the six updated lists of 99 email addresses each are gone.
This is my only means of letting you know that if you used to receive the messages from and didn't get this one, that's the reason. I hope you'll see this on my site or posted on another, or maybe you're on the list of someone who forwards Matthew's messages. But instead of writing to me, please join the Yahoo group (the link is at the top of Matthew’s Messages page on - it's the only sure way to get the messages directly and change your email address when necessary. It's not an interactive group - your Yahoo address will be used exclusively by the group administrator to send out the messages.
Merry Christmas and a wonderfully bright New Year! Suzy

Worldwide Visualization for a Breakthrough - Please Join Us!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Inlägg på GaiaPortal Prioritering av individuella program har slutfört genom ÉirePort

Prioritering av individuella program har slutförts.

Analys av relevanta Star Mönster bidrag har påbörjats och kommer att fortsätta under nödvändig tidsperiod.

Förtjänstfulla upphandlingar företräde.

Blinkar för högre ljus kan kännas som uppgraderingar fortsätter.

ÉirePort | December 15, 2013 kl 10:42 | Kategorier: Okategoriserade | URL:

New post on GaiaPortal Prioritization of Individualized Programs has Completed by ÉirePort

Friday, December 13, 2013

Du är nedsänkt i ett fält av energi som du aldrig har upplevt tidigare. - Via Ron Head

Låt oss tala i dag för det annalkande Solståndet. Vi skulle önska att så många av er som möjligt börjar att förbereda er för den händelsen.

Det är sant att du har Solståndet två gånger om året, varje år. Och det är sant att för många, kanske de flesta, kommer detta verkar inte annorlunda än den någonsin har varit. Vi vill dock påpeka, att du är i en del av universum som är helt unikt för den här gången. Du är nedsänkta i ett fält av energi som du aldrig har upplevt tidigare. Och du närmar dig en ännu mer intensiv upplevelse av det än du kan vara medveten om.

Även de av er vars uppfattningar tillåter dem att förutse vad som kommer, har inget att hjälpa dem att förstå den inverkan detta kommer att ha på dem och på hela din värld. Många som känner det, har inget att jämföra det, tolka det som något rädd. Ingenting skulle kunna vara längre från sanningen.

Det kommer att verka för många av er att ni har fått en enorm gåva som du inte skulle kunna förtjäna. Detta är inte heller sant. Förstå att du är de som gör denna dom. Universum fungerar inte på dom. Universum fungerar på orsak och verkan.  Du är något begränsad i att kunna komma ihåg alla de orsaker som du har gjort. Du är också ganska begränsade i att förstå sanningen om vem du verkligen är. Vi ser din förståelse av dessa saker som lite expanderat i en nära framtid.

Vad vi skulle önska för dig att överväga att göra är att avsätta en viss tid på dagen för vintersolståndet att spendera tid i meditation, i grupper om möjligt, enbart om det behövs. Och ta emot i tacksamhet ljuset som kommer att översvämma din värld på den tiden. Om du är ensam när du gör detta, förstår att din avsikt att ingå i kollektivet kommer att räcka. Detta en dag kommer att flytta din värld snabbare på vägen som du önskar.

Detta gäller alltid, men vi, och du, leta efter tillfällen att på bästa sätt genomföra de här sakerna. Om du har möjlighet att gå med i en grupp, för avsikt att alla grupperna vara som en också. På detta sätt, kommer stora förändringar göras. Vi kommer naturligtvis fira detta med dig.

Detta är en tid av glädje, av en känsla av frid, av firande. Vi utökar vår kärleksfulla omfamning till dig i den här säsongen. God dag.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. Du får kopiera och distribuera detta material, så länge du inte ändrar den på något sätt, innehållet är komplett, och du inkluderar detta meddelande om upphovsrätt link:

You are immersed in a field of energy that you have never experienced before. – channeled by Ron Head

Let us speak today of your approaching solstice.  We would wish for as many of you as possible to prepare yourselves for that event.

It is true that you have a solstice twice a year, every year.  And it is true that for many, if not most, this will seem no different than it ever has been.  We would point out, however, that you are in a portion of the universe that is totally unique to this time.  You are immersed in a field of energy that you have never experienced before.  And you are approaching an even more intense experience of that than you can possibly be aware of.

Even those of you whose perceptions allow them to anticipate what is coming, have nothing to help them understand the impact this will have upon them and upon your entire world.  Many who do feel it, having nothing to compare it to, interpret it as something fearful.  Nothing could possibly be further from the truth.

It will seem for many of you that you have received an immense gift which you could not possibly deserve.  This also is not true.  Understand that you are the ones making that judgment.  The universe does not operate on judgment.  The universe operates on cause and effect.  You are somewhat limited in being able to remember all of the causes you have made.  You are also somewhat limited in understanding the truth of who you truly are.  We see your understanding of those things as being a bit expanded in the near future.

What we would wish for you to consider doing is to set aside some time on the day of solstice to spend time in meditation, in groups if possible, alone if necessary.  And receive in gratitude the light which will be flooding your world at that time.  If you are alone when you do this, understand that your intent to be included in the collective will be enough.  This one day will shift your world more quickly onto the path you desire.

This is true always, but we, and you, look for times to best implement these things.  If you are able to join a group, intend that all of the groups be as one also.  In this way, great change will be made.  We will, of course, celebrate this with you.

This is a time of joy, of a feeling of peace, of celebration.  We extend our loving embrace to you in this season.  Good day.

Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link:

My Glastonbury and Stonehenge Experience - Andy Bojarski

20131204_094819Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you my experiences of Stonehenge and Glastonbury.
Stonehenge Experience
For me, the energies of Glastonbury were much more intense than Stonehenge. I felt the energies of Stonehenge when we were driving up to the site. Energies were pulsating throughout my body upon arrival. It really was an amazing feeling. The most incredible thing that I remember is when Meline was filming Stonehenge and as she moved the camera to the center of the stones, you can see the energies on the screen on her camera as they were pulsating. Meline will post this video soon.
However, you could not access the stones as the area was blocked off. This lowered the experience for me as I would have loved to sit in the middle of the stones and touch them. In any event, a beautiful experience.
Glastonbury Experience
Glastonbury was a completely better experience for me. As we drove into town, you could see the Tor on a hill that was a few miles away from the car and I was already feeling the energies running through my body. We went up to the Tor two times, the first time in the day and the second time at midnight. When we were up the first time in the day, Meline connected with Gaia who mentioned that we should come up at midnight, so we did. We did a meditation together before going up at midnight.
I remember being taken up to the Tor during the meditation and sitting in the Tor and all the masters were showing up. First Jesus, then Lady Master Nada, and then Mother Mary. Then all the Arch Angels were appearing one by one, greeting me, as were all the Ascended Masters including Gaia. It was one of the best and visual meditations of my life. I saw each master and then was crying. It was so real to me. I was told that they were all waiting for us at the top and that we would all be protected by AA Michael and his legion of blue light. Meline was told that the fairies would light the way for us which they did, I feel.
Once we were there, at the top at midnight, I felt the energies. I saw this white film all around me and could see between the cold air around us. There was soft movement around me at times and different colors as well. At one point I focused on a light within the city below and saw this light getting bigger and bigger. Then I saw the face of Jesus and sensed so many energies flowing through me at that time. Then the face changed into a figure of Jesus, illuminated in white. His hands were slightly pointing down and the palms were outward pointing at me. It was pure amazement as the Jesus energies kept rolling though me at this time.
Then I was guided somehow to do an energy healing on Gaia's heart, given that Glastonbury is the Earth's heart chakra. I saw myself holding the heart and the heart chakra in my hand. I began to say that you are cleaned and cleansed. I envisioned myself cleansing all the chambers of the heart chakra and scrubbing all the negativity and congested and blocked energy of humanity away. Then I envisioned the heart chakra and heart being engulfed in the violet flame. I then said “you are happy, you are healthy, you are healed, and you are sealed.” I envisioned a seal being slowly placed around Gaia's heart and heart chakra. I then said “you are activated” and saw myself touch the heart and heart chakra. The heart and heart chakra then began to move slightly and vibrate.
I then said “you are energized with liquid white light and with liquid color healing light and energy and you are filled with liquid white light and liquid color healing light and energy.” I then saw the Earth's heart and heart chakra filled and energized with so much light and fresh energy. Throughout this entire process, I was being filled with so much energy and light. It was truly a remarkable experience for me. After I was finished with the heart healing, I told Meline what I did and she said that she was also healing Gaia's heart at that same time with the violet flame. We were both healing Gaia's heart at the same time and not knowing it. Amazing synchronicities! Then we got back to the room, but apparently brought back some dark energies, beings or entities with us.
As I was lying in bed, I felt this darkness presence around me and immediately asked Arch Angel Michael to remove any and all dark entities, beings or energies that are around our energy fields or in our room. I felt immediately better. As this happened, I told Meline what has just occurred to me and how I felt the darker energies and she immediately told me that she did as well and told me that she asked Arch Angel Michael to remove them as well. This was the second time that Meline and I were doing the same thing without knowing it. First the healing at midnight of Gaia's heart and heart chakra and then the removal of dark energies from our energy fields. Another wonderful synchronicity. We were at Glastonbury on Wednesday and I am still feeling the integrations of these energies.
Today is Sunday, as of the writing of this posting. These energies have changed me so much. I feel I have slept for a year. I am sleeping almost 12 hours a day or so after Glastonbury. I feel myself being worked on and a huge consciousness shift has occurred in me. The biggest change that I feel is the feeling of love that I have. The love in me has been heightened. It is hard to describe. I feel that I am sensing so much more of what love is not, and what is left over is what love is. This is part of the release and shedding that we are all going through at this time as only love can move forward with ascension.The Christ Consciousness IS LOVE!!
This has been an incredible experience for me. I would recommend that everyone go visit the heart chakra of mother earth. It really is a life changing experience. I am sending all of you love and many blessings…
Love – Andy
Also, please feel free to add your name to the love bomb meditation list. You can do this by leaving your name and where you are from in a comment below. Click HERE to read about the love bomb meditation and to view the list of participants.
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And don't forget to click the “Like” Facebook button to like our Facebook page also at the top right column of this page.
Lastly, if you would like to receive a one hour free energy healing from me, please clickHERE to sign up. Just pick a date and time from the available slots and you are scheduled. Click HERE to read healing testimonials to see what others have experienced with an energy healing to see if a healing is right for you…
Sending all of you love and many blessings…