Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Moringa benefits... real reasons marijuana is outlawed its worse than you think

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Uppsala universitet. Forskningsnytt - Frön från Moringaträdet effektiva vattenrenare

Moringa= Behenträd

SynonymerMoringaträd, murungaträd, soringaträd
1) Behenträd
2) Pepparrotsträd, behenträd, behenoljeträd, benträd, benoljeträd
Botaniska namn1) Moringa arabica Pers.
2) Moringa oleifera Lam. = Moringa pterygosperma Gärt.
Engelska namnBehen tree, ben tree, balanos tree, moringa tree
1) Behen tree
2) Drumstick tree, horseradish tree
Andra namnRomanska språk
Myrobalanum (latin)
Andra språk
Myrobalanon (grekiska), jasár (egyptisk arabiska)
2) Bak (fornegyptiska)

BesläktadeSläktet Moringa omfattar 14 arter som varierar mycket i storlek och form. Några är knotiga och kraftiga träd, andra är "flaskträd" med bullig stam och ytterligare några är knappt mer än örter. I Indien där odlingen av träden är ekonomiskt viktig experimenteras det med både kloning och hybrider för att få fram träd med större frön, t. ex. korsningar med:
• Moringa stenopetala Cufod.
• Moringa peregrina (Forsk) Fiori.
Ej besläktade• Myrobalan (Myrobalamus chebula = Terminalia chebula Retz.)
• Myrobalan (Myrobalamus bellerica = Terminalia bellerica Roxb.)
Sydasiatiska träd vars garvämnesrika päronlika frukter blev kallade myrobalaner när de nådde Europa på medeltiden. Stor förvirring inträdde därmed eftersom de nya frukterna ständigt förväxlades med antikens myrobalaner. Till slut slut började de gamla frukterna kallas med det arabiska namnet bân, som snart blev ben och behen. Det är alltså mycket länge sedan som det antika namnet myrobalan betydde behenfrukt.

2) Pepparrotsträd (Moringa oleifera) i afrikansk försöksodling.
1) Behenträd
• Blad: Parbladiga.
• Frukt: Frukten är en lång gurklik kapsel med många ärtstora frön som är rika på olja.
2) Pepparrotsträd - bilden t.v.
• Träd: 5-12 m högt. I Indien odlas en klonad lågvuxen sort (PKM1) som ettårig. Paraplyformad krona och vanligen en enda stam. Ljus och korkig bark och mjuk ved. I stammen finns rikligt med korn eller 2-4 cm långa strängar av moringagummi, rödbrunt till brunsvart, efter pulverisering grågult och påminnande om dragant.
• Rot: Roten smakar skarpt som pepparrot och används som sådan.
• Blad: De ljusgröna håriga bladen är dubbelt parbladiga, 30-60 cm långa med 2-4 cm långa småblad. I en del klimat är träden ständiggröna.
• Blomma (vår): Vita, gräddfärgade, gula eller röda blommor som doftar honung, 2-3 cm i diameter och samlade i klasar.
• Frukt: Frukten är en mörkgrön räfflad skida, 25-120 cm lång och ett par cm bred - som en lång smal gröngurka med sparrislukt. Vid mognad spricker den upp och visar ett rum med ca 20 oljerika svartbruna frön, stora som ärter till hasselnötter, rundat trekantiga och med tre vingar, som ligger tätt packade i rad och bildar små gropar i det svampiga fruktköttet. Fröna påminner och nötter och smakar beskt och sött; de används i indisk matlagning. Också baljorna används i indisk mat, rötterna kan ersätta pepparrot och även blad och blommor är ätliga.
Odling och brukSkörd
• Frukt (Sri Lanka mars-april): Trädet sätter frukt 6-8 månader efter plantering och kan sedan skördas i flera år.
 Mogna frökapslar plockas och fröna tas ur. Växtförhållanden
Snabbväxande; skjuter upp 3-4 meter första året. Frodas i tropiska områden och även subtropiska; helst i sandjord; i det forntida Egypten växte det i öknen kring Thebe. Träden tål torka, direkt sol och lätt frost, acklimatiserar sig till det mesta, även regniga klimat, och är motståndskraftiga mot sjukdomar. Konstbevattning och gödsling behövs sällan men förekommer i den storskalig odling i Indien.
Utbredning1) Behenträd (Moringa arabica)
• Afrika, Asien: Växer vilt och odlat på båda sidor om Röda havet, på den afrikanska sidan t. ex. i Egypten.
• Asien: Vilt på arabiska halvön.
2) Pepparrotsträd (Moringa oleifera)
• Asien: Den mest storskaliga odlingen står Indien för. Därifrån har det spritts till tropiska och subtropiska områden i hela världen, som prydnadsträd eller odlat för oljan. I Asien finns det idag i t. ex. Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Filippinerna.
• Afrika: Odlat i Egypten, Sudan, Somalia, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Uganda.
• Amerika: Odlat i Mexiko, Jamaica.
Växtdroger och beredningar• Frukt (Nuces Ben, Nuces Been, Nuces Behn): Stockholmsfarmakopén 1686.
• Behenolja

• Moringa efter singalesiska murunga = ett inhemskt trädnamn på Sri Lanka.
• Pepparrotsträd = engelska horseradish tree, gavs av engelsmän och syftar på rotens skarpa smak medan namnet drumstick tree = trumpinneträd, har givits på grund av frukternas utseende.
• Oleifera = oljebärande, är en latinsk sammansättning av oleum (av grekiska elaion som i sin tur kommer från armeniska eul = olja) och fera- = bärande, som har, från latin bära, alltså en växt som innehåller olja.
• Myrobalanum , latinets namn på frukten, efter grekiska myrobalanon = parfymnöt, salvnöt, ska enligt Plinius komma av grekiska myron = salva.
• Ursprung
Träd, frukt och olja har varit svåra att identifiera och många misstag har gjorts på vägen - se under behenolja.
1) Behenträd (Moringa arabica): Från arabiska halvön och nordöstra Afrika inkl. Egypten.
2) Pepparrotsträd (Moringa oleifera): Från Ostindien, särskilt kring Himalaya i norra Indien; kanske inhemskt också i Egypten.
Tidigt bruk
1) Behenträd (Moringa arabica)
Detta afrikansk-arabiska träd kan vara det som det berättas om i Gamla Testamentet om judarnas ökenvandring från Egypten (1200-1500 f. Kr.), då Gud visar Mose hur öknen Surs vatten kan renas genom att man kastar ett träds ved i det. I Nildeltat kallas trädet "det renande" efter frönas - inte vedens - uppseendeväckande förmåga att rena vatten.
2) Pepparrotsträd (Moringa oleifera)
Trädet fanns både vilt och odlat i det forntida Egypten och växer där fortfarande. Runt år 70 berättar Plinius i Rom om trädet, som växte i Asien och Arabien. Han skiljer på det egyptiska trädet med svarta nötter (som pepparrotsträdet) som ger mycket olja och det syriska från Arabien med vita nötter och olja a högre kvalitet. Det finns också en etiopisk med svart nöt vars olja har stark lukt. Dioskorides vid samma tid kallar fruktenBalanos myrepsike, "ollonformig frukt lämpad till beredning av välluktande salva", av att de gav "en vätska som man använder istället för olja till beredning av kostbara salvor". Hans rekommendationer ledde till att frukterna kom att användas rätt mycket medicinskt, alltid importerade; trädet har inte odlats i Europa.
Dagens odling
2) Pepparrotsträd (Moringa oleifera)
Oljan användes rätt mycket i Europa 1800-talet ut; pressad i Europa av frön som importerades från Egypten. Ännu 1910 beskriver Jönsson trädet som mycket odlat, men berättar inte var. Den indiska odlingen har vuxit till storskalig utan att göra mycket väsen av sig.
Sedan slutet av 1980-talet har flera projekt startats i Afrika för att odla trädet och utvinna olja för lokalt bruk - en motvikt till den annars så vanliga exporten av oljefrön till i-världen, som faktiskt kan ställa en befolkning som arbetar med oljeväxter utan egen matolja. Tanken är alltså inte att exportera frön eller olja utan att producera matolja för det egna behovet.
"Det renande trädet"
Till försöksodlingarna är knutna förhoppningar om att utforska och utveckla Moringaträdens vattenrenande egenskaper. I liten och vardaglig skala går reningen till så att man sänker ner ett nät med smulade frön i vatten varvid vattenlösliga proteiner i fröna drar till sig och binder orenheter så att de koagulerar. Fröresterna efter oljepressning består till nära 60 % av rent protein, så man försöker nu hitta nya sätt att använda presskakorna.

• Litteratur: Se t ex Botanica (2003), Corneliuson (2000), Gentz och Lindgren (1946), Henrikson (1992), Jönsson (1910), Jönsson och Simmons (1935), Lindgren (1918), Manniche (1999), Manniche (2006), Meyer (1952), Plinius bok 12:XLVI (1968), Theofrastos (1916). Renande ved: Gamla Testamentet: 2 Mosebok kap. 15.
• Nätpublikationer: Felter och Lloyd: King's American Dispensatory (1898, 1900) (2003 12 22). University of Leicester: Moringa oleifera Lam. (2004 09 01). Purdue University: Moringa oleifera Lam. (2005 07 21).

Gröna smoothies och Moringa blir en bok, snart...

Saturday, January 9, 2016


The Anti-Cancer Green Juice

Serious Inspiration for Middle Aged Women

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Mandelsmör (10 port)

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Marsipan

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Italiensk tomatsås (2 port)

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Italiensk tomatsås (2 port): Ingredienser 5 dl tomater 1 klyfta vitlök 0,75 dl färska basilika blad 0,5 dl olivolja 1 tsk urkärnade dadlar 1 tsk oregano, färsk ...

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Cashewsmör

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Majestätisk Majonäs

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Solrosfrömjölk

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Mandelfärs

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Raw Nutella (4 dl)

Sveriges största receptbank med raw food.: Raw Sour Cream (6 dl)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Discovery Channel documentary Moringa - The Miracle Tree

NASA Insider "We Lied About Everything" - The International Space Progra...

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pleiadedolphininfos: WE ARE BEING CALLED TO “WALK OUR TALK” IN 2016 by ...: December 29, 2015 As we Birth 2016, the 4th year of the New Earth, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumine...

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pleiadedolphininfos: Meredith Murphy ~ The Arcturians and Ashira ~ A NE...: Source Hello Divine Ones, As you prepare to enter this new year, what we most want you to know is that there really truly is...

pleiadedolphininfos: Giant Planet Sized Diamond Found Floating in Space...

pleiadedolphininfos: Giant Planet Sized Diamond Found Floating in Space...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Magravs-Power Blueprint Download Links- Power Unit: Build and grow

The Magravs-Power Blueprint Download Links

MAGRAVS Power Unit: Build and Grow - Download .zip File (12.3MB)

Change Log

v2.0 - Oct 30, 2015 11:15pm UTC - Updated Magrav Power Schematics updated 10-31-15 v2.pdf and MP Manual 10-31-15 v2.pdf


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Please include your namelocation, and links to your Facebook page or Youtube Channel as you would like it to be displayed on the site.
Please do not send any videos, just links to your Youtube or Facebook videos!

Thank you, we are all working on this together.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Mehran Tavakoli Keshe:

The present day Nikola Tesla – enlightening the world with new knowledge.
M.T. Keshe is a Nuclear Engineer who began his education at a very young age. His father was a part of the Phillips International for medical x-ray research and development.  As a child, Keshe was introduced to the cutting-edge world of science and discovery. Young Keshe would travel the world regularly alongside his father, constantly learning about the amazing world of science and meeting famous scientists.
Keshe was nurtured as a young child to be fascinated by the world and to constantly seek new discoveries that would ultimately improve the quality of life for all life on this planet.
As a young man, Keshe attended Queen Bay College in England, where he graduated as a nuclear engineer specializing in reactor technology.  During this time he began playing with his own theory of the creation of gravity.  All he had at that time was a theory saying gravitational fields are created by the interaction of Matter, Dark Matter and Antimatter. He knew his theory was correct because he could see it working in his mind’s eye.
In the same way, Nikola Tesla was able to see and understand the workings of the AC electric generator (the system that powers the world) in his mind’s eye before ever constructing it.
As a young, ambitious scientist fresh out of school, there was not much opportunity for Keshe to gain employment doing research into his outlandish theory of the creation of gravity.  So, he began his research as an independent scientist, free to do his own investigation, and free from the distractions of the mainstream scientific community.
It was a very long and difficult process, but Keshe was able to independently finance his research and develop his theory to the point where he could prove it scientifically by replicating the exact gravitational and magnetic field conditions of the Earth in a small scale system.
Since then, Keshe has gained support from around the world, and since 2002 the Keshe Foundation has been developing different aspects of this technology on a daily basis.  They’ve made advancements in everything from energy productions, to medical applications, to deep space travel.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Länk för Dr Keshe's blueprint

Thank you Mr. Keshe
Lesson  1 -  Day 1 morning

Lesson  2 -  Day 1 afternoon

Lesson  3 -  Day 2 morning

Lesson  4 -  Day 2 afternoon

Lesson  5 -  Day 3 morning

Lesson  6 -  Day 3 afternoon

Lesson  7 -  Day 4 morning

Lesson  8 -  Day 4 afternoon

Lesson  9 -  Day 5 morning

Lesson 10 - Day 5 afternoon


Saturday, October 17, 2015

Lady Ametist

Kära Vän,
Nu är det dags för några rader från Lady Ametist igen Smiley heart
I denna reningens tid,
kan det ibland kännas tungt
och att det finns ett inre motstånd, du inte kan sätta fingret på...
I detta liv, eller tidigare,
har traumatiska upplevelser
chockat ditt system så att det
blir som en osynlig barlast.vilket inte behövs längre.
Är du redo att släppa dessa och lyfta till nya Höjder?
Låt blå och gröna laserstrålar från 7d omsluta dig och bränna bort allt som inte längre gagnar dig och när du känner att det är klart, omges du av ett vitt Kristusljus som renar dig och din Merkaba. Vill du ha en enkel förklaring, föreställ dig att laserstrålarna är tvålen och Ljuset är vattenstrålarna som rengör dig och får fram ditt
Äkta jag Smiley heart Smiley heart Smiley heart
Titta gärna på bilder av Norrsken
om du har svårt att visualisera bilden av strålarna Smiley heart
På återseende, min Älskade Vän Smiley heart Smiley heart Smiley heart
Kanaliserat av Rosita Bolin

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Aletheia/Veritas. Min önskan om att du lyssna på ditt hjärta.

Revolutionen som startat nu, sker inte med vapen, eftersom den kommer inifrån vår kärna och flödar via energier som sprider sig som ringar på vattnet och när fler och fler, lyssnar på sitt hjärta och blir perfekta, d.v.s sig själva till 100%, förändras och fördelas maktstrukturen automatiskt. Namaste

15-06-07 Simon Parkes - Answers Questions

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Er tid är NU- Twinflames


Mina älskade vänner,
It was long since I talked to you from my own body, but now that a big change is coming, I feel it's important to do it again.
My work on the planet has been very rewarding and now it's time to explain something to her / me, which is also important to you, my friend.
Kärlek is the most important energy and you now know that my love, Zadkiel, and I, are already together in the higher realms. Through years there are many who tried to prevent your incarnation's reunion on earth because the fake dark side knew how powerful we will be together. Intuitiva vänner var lämpliga att använda för att mata din rädsla. Er tid är inne nu. You are both as stable rocks with your feelings, which makes us very happy. Vi sänder er tankar och insikter, so misunderstanding is cleared and you both will be blessed with the knowledge that you were separated for the last time. Vi tackar för era uppoffringar, som hjälpte många tvillingflammor över hela världen i ett sätt som ni inte ens kan föreställa er ännu ...
Tiden får utvisa det.
Vi älskar er båda mycket djupt.

Lady Ametist och min älskade Zadkiel.

Kanaliserat av Rosita Bolin

Saturday, May 24, 2014

New post on GaiaPortal Gaia energetic alignments progress to unprecedented levels by ÉirePort Gaia energetic alignments ...

Sunday, March 23, 2014



My dear friends, we love you so very much.

Never are you without love, without assistance or without guidance, for in truth God's love lives and breathes within you. When you think your angels have abandoned you, think again. Better to ask, "Have I abandoned my own heart?" When you think God is not listening to you, stop. Ask yourself, "Am I listening to myself?" When you think you are not receiving guidance, breathe, drop into your heart and ask, "Heart what are you trying to tell me now? What do you want?'

Dear ones, God is always present. It is not possible for God to abandon you any more than it is possible for the body and mind to abandon the cells. God lives and breathes within you. God is the sum total of all creation and the infinite love and intelligence behind it. God hears your every word, and reads your every thought and judges nothing.

It is the nature and design of life itself, to respond to your energy - conscious and unconscious - rather than your words. You can say for example, "God I need more money!" but your energy is saying, "I am afraid I will never have enough!" You can say, "Why don't you bring me love?" while your energy is saying, "Nobody is ever going to be right for me." And so it goes that your words may say one thing but your energy may say another. It is very much as if an organ in the body were to say to the brain, “I need more nutrients,” but while at the same time sending signals along the nerves that say, “I don’t know if I even matter.”

Love is waiting to assist and guide you at all times, but you must love yourselves and be honest enough to ask for the real help. Better in the examples above to say, "God remove my fear of lack so I can enjoy a natural state of abundance." "God remove my fear of disappointment and resignation around relationships so I can enjoy true love." "God I love myself. I am human. I know I need help getting my energy in the right space. Please help me now." This dear ones sets you up for success. We love you. We could never, and even if we could, would never abandon you.

God Bless You! We love you so very much. 
-- The Angels

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Montague Keen - February 23, 2014


It is ten years since I passed to Spirit. In that time, I have talked many times about the importance of ley lines. We have had to wait until the timing was right before we could act on this information. Much had to be put in place and the response from all over your world has been magnificent. Now I ask that all you good people study the little filmof the sunrise on the tor, in Glastonbury, filmed on the 2nd February, 2014. Some of the most important ley lines in your world pass through this tor. It is imperative that you do all in your power to release this energy as soon as possible.

Our plan is for as many of you as possible to link with this film. Use your minds, your energy, and your intentions to release this energy. As yet, you are not fully aware of just how powerful your minds are. Do this, and together, you will enable this energy to flow once more for the benefit of humanity. By doing so, you will rescue humanity and your planet. If you can manage to gather in groups, it would be even more powerful. This exercise can be undertaken by every person on Earth, from your own homes. It is an opportunity to assert your power and to stop being VICTIMS.

There is a map which shows the importance of the ley lines at the tor. This is why it was decided that Veronica should go there on 2 February. The next few months are of the greatest importance. The future of humanity is at stake. This is a huge responsibility for all of you. Make up your minds that you will do it, and it shall happen. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose but the control of those who have enslaved you for generations. We have guided you to this moment. Now, you have enough information to achieve the desired result.

When the energy is released, your lives will change completely. Your brain capacity will increase and the human being will begin to be restored to his full capacity. You are so much more than you have been led to believe. We are working with you on this transition. There is no time to lose as the cabal is calling for help from all quarters. This is the first time that people from so many countries have taken the responsibility to assert their divine right to live on Planet Earth without interference from those who have enslaved humanity. The Dark Ones have set out to destroy everything that humans need in order to survive. You cannot sit back and allow that to happen. The wonderful thing about releasing the energy is that no guns or arms of any sort are needed: only the power of your minds.

Meditate on this thought. Spend as much time as necessary on it. You will feel the results and see the changes that this energy will bring about. Think about it: you can retake your planet from the comfort of your own homes. I am giving you the tools and guiding the way to a peaceful future. Do not worry about money; it will not take long to release all the gold that was hidden from you.

I chose to go to Spirit so that I could work with Veronica. She returned to Earth to do this work and this is not the only project on which she is working. She has been very ill since her visit to Glastonbury and she is worried that she has not been able to respond to all of your emails. Please try to understand her situation. We see you all as part of our greater family. Everyone coming together to create a better life for all. You chose to do this work before you returned to Earth and this is why you resonate with it. You are waking up to your own innate power and you are prepared to use it for the betterment of mankind. We in Spirit, have tried to light the way for you. Now, you must take control. We will, of course, be alongside you on every step you take. You are never alone. Start to meditate on the film as soon as you have read my words. Use as much time as you can dedicate to it. Use any film or photographs you might prefer of the tor for your meditation. It is entirely up to you.

Mark has prepared a report for you. Please believe that the energy must be released from the tor as soon as possible. I think this is enough for you to contemplate for today. This is by far the most important message from me to date.

Veronica's health needs to improve quite a lot, so please send her your healing energy. Remember, together we will succeed. It is all in your hands.

My love, you continue to push yourself, but your lungs need to heal. Everything is in hand. Our plans will not fail. I remain, forever, your adoring Monty.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ashtar: "We Are Partners in Our Mission of Love" Ashtar The Road Teleconference - February 11, 2014


"Greetings, Beloved Family!  And yes, we are absolutely exuberant with all that is taking place!  And you, Beloved Ones, are in the forefront of those assisting with your energies of Love and Light, for without you, and without your permission and the opening of your Hearts to our being One with you, we would not be able to accomplish all that is happening now.


"You heard the Masters,* yes, no nukes will be enabled or discharged on Planet Earth!  This is a directive which we are honored to be in the service of carrying out - the Mission that makes this so.  And yes, we have done so many times, more times than you have heard about and more times than are necessary for you to know.  Only know that because you have stepped up to where you are, and because you are shining such radiant Lights, we are empowered to do this on behalf of you and every living being upon Planet Earth and beyond, because a nuclear holocaust upon Planet Earth will reach out even beyond your solar system and will have multitudinous consequences, dark consequences.


"But it needed to be stopped here on Planet Earth.  It isn’t that it hasn’t happened before in other places in the solar system.  And there have been nuclear disasters and destruction even here, but it will not happen again and we assure you of this!  We are bonded with you, we are partnering with you.  Because you have said 'no nukes,' it is a command to the Ashtar Command!  Of course it had to be cleared through channels, so to speak, but I can assure you that this directive against any kind of nuclear wars, or the use of any nuclear weapons has come from the very Highest of sources, which you are a part of, as you know.


"You are one with Father/Mother God and the all that is and you are multi-dimensional beings!  Even now, you are now having a sense of the different levels of dimensionality, you can call it being high one moment and not being quite so high the next – the highs and lows, as it were.  You are actually travelling, so to speak, so as to exist.  Where your consciousness is, is the level of dimensionality that you are most aware of being in, however let me assure you we see you and you are becoming more and more multidimensional as you evolve!


"There will be a day when, only if you really, really want to, will you exist at all in what you call 3D.  3D is vanishing from the Planet Earth that you are wanting to be a part of, and that you are being more and more a part of.  But it will still be out there for those who are not ready to make the upward shift.  And what we are endeavoring to do in our partnership with you is to empower the shifting upward, or the upliftment, with so much energy that more and more of the Kingdom of Humanity of Planet Earth will want to make, what you call, the quantum leap!


"So what is that power?  Of course you all know.  That, of course, is Love.  Love powers everything!  Then you say, 'Well how can that be?'  Well, it’s just the most powerful energy in the Universe.  So Love is everywhere. Some people try to hide it, put a cloak on it or a lid on it, so to speak - stifle it, and they allow that which is the opposite of Love, because they don’t want Love - they want its opposite.  Or, they don’t want to be loving beings, so they want the opposite to influence them so that they can live the last of their unloving experiences.  But Love is there and waiting for them!  All they have to do is accept it and allow their Hearts to open and fill so much with it that everything else is literally transmuted and gone!!!


"That is a big part of our Mission together, and we are relying on you to continue to be the beamers of the Love, because the more you do that, the more you influence even the hardest of Hearts, even the most recalcitrant and stubborn and resistant of minds, so that at least they know that they have alternatives!  They know that the reality is Love, and that what they have been living is an illusion, and then they merely have to choose whether to get real or to continue upon the false path.


"Love is empowering even then in the fact that you, Beloved Ones, are assisting us so greatly to make it known to them, to show them the Light, the way.  Of course, that is the Truth, that is the Truth of what reality really is, and you all know that!  And so we thank you from our Hearts to yours, and really there are no words to express what we feel for you.  Just feel the Love and know that that’s Who You Really Are, and what you are really made of!!!  Anything else is illusion, not true, and not you.


"When we look at you, Beloved Ones, we see the Love shining so bright!  We are so joyful that you are here with us in this Mission. There are many, many thousands – millions – who may never have even heard of the Ashtar Command, who may not know that our ships are everywhere in your skies, but who know Love.  Think of these children, they are called the innocents, sometimes.  Why? Because they just know about Love and if something happens in their lives that is not loving, it is not the reality that they know deep inside their Hearts.


"Of course, we all know that as children grow, more and more things happen that are not loving, and sometimes they lose their way.  But the children of today are more empowered with that Love!  Their genetics are different, and this makes them more able, shall we say, to not lose their way.  They are with you too, shining their Lights, and we honor them.  Quite often they are the wise ones - the old souls coming back - or they have lived lives in other places.


"This is particularly difficult if they are new - first-timers to Planet Earth.  If they have lived in places - just imagine, if you are an old soul from a planet which is Higher Dimensional than 3D and Love is all you have known, and then you volunteer to come to Planet Earth to take part in the Great Upliftment, and you are a loving being and you know that that’s who you are and how you are, and you get born into circumstances that are less than loving.  Imagine how challenging it is!


"So love these ones especially at this time, during this month of Love.  Let them know that they really know the Truth - they are real, their Love is real, and honor them for their bravery and coming here to shine their Lights because, as you have heard, this particular month of Love is an opportunity to face up to whatever challenges remain – whatever you have not cleared, or if you want to speak of challenges overcome, welcome them and give them up.  Do so with Love, especially Love for yourselves, because we are literally marching into the Golden Age together! That does involve a bit of flying, you know, or at least soaring.


"In order to do that you have to be free from anything that would weigh you down, that would hold you into the murky, stickiness of 3D.  So perhaps the mantra for the month of February might be,  'Bring it on! I’m ready. And I have this whole entirety of the Ashtar Command and the Ascended Masters and the Angels and Guides, and of course, The Mentors with me.  And I can accomplish it, I can do it, this is my time to really shine forth and to shine my Light so bright that I literally transmute whatever shadows there might be on my path and I clear them and I am done, and I am flying free on the path to the Golden Age!!!'


"Of course, when you do that, your lifestyle changes, and when you do that you are actually bringing the Golden Age into yourselves, into your lifestyles, and guess what - you are beaming it out so you are affecting everyone around you, close by you, as well as beaming it out to the entirety of the Planet and beyond!  Let’s work together, or shall I say, let’s fly together, and let’s make the Golden Age really, really a reality for not just you and you, but for everyone upon Planet Earth!!!


"These announcements that you’ve been waiting for, the abundance that you’ve been waiting for – you can keep on waiting if you want to, but we suggest it will be a lot more joyful seeing you enjoying the abundance that you bring to yourselves. And besides that, you have a lot of wonderful things to do, so when we say abundance we’re not just talking about dollars or yen, or whatever.  We’re talking about your health, we’re talking about Joy and that’s what this month of February is for!  It’s for you, Beloved Ones, to stop and breathe in the Love and shine out your Lights and shine them deep within yourselves so as to literally discover, uncover and transmute whatever there is that you have to transmute.


"Meanwhile we are working with the White Knights and the militia members, worldwide, and the Masters are here to share their wisdom.  St. Germain is extremely busy - he is multi-locating!  He’s logged more miles on Planet Earth than any human you could imagine, particularly during the past three or four decades, visiting those who need to be reminded of Who They Really Are and what they are here to do, which is to serve all of Humanity and all of the Planet beyond, in all of the Kingdoms. 


"At first he met resistance, of course, from most.  There are those that he visited - and still does visit with - simply to celebrate the successes, but he is very busy as are others of the Masters.  And of course all of the Guides and Guardian Angels, and so on, are having quite a bit to do as well.  So you see, there is a whole big group, a big Company of all of us who are working together who are not necessarily - well, most all of us in the Ashtar Command - there are those of us who are not in human bodies and those of us who are.  We call them ground crew, and we have the militia members, of course.


"But it is a partnership and you, Beloved Ones, are a most important group in the partnership.  And I am speaking to all of the Lightworkers and those whose Hearts are full of Love and who are radiating that Love beyond themselves.  In other words, radiating it within their own energy fields and then sending it out beyond, because this is what is empowering all of this change, all of the transmutations, all of the upliftments.  It could not and would not be happening if you, Beloved Ones, were not partnering with us!  And so for this we thank you beyond words, because there are really not words that can convey sufficiently how important it is that we have formed this partnership!!!


"Many of you are ground crew – Ashtar Commanders in human uniforms.  Many of you are ambassadors from beyond the galaxy -again in human uniforms - enlightened ones, or perhaps, just waking up.  Some of you may not even recognize yourselves, so good is your disguise, and we are not talking about make up, we’re simply talking about the bodies that you inhabit!!!


"It’s all wondrous and wonderful, it’s all joyful!  And yes, even though what we are engaged in has never been accomplished before - and as you know it was doubted that we would ever get this far, let alone that the outcome would be assured, and by that I am saying successful outcome - it is happening, it is real and its because you, Beloved Ones, have joined in to make it so!!! Do not ever, ever underestimate the importance of your being here on Plant Earth at this moment to participate in this gigantic transformation!


"Even after you make your full Ascensions, you will know that you were a participant in this and that you are honored throughout the galaxy and the Universe beyond, because you were here and because you did participate, and because you gave of yourselves and your energies of Love - so much so that, as I have said, our success is assured!!!  It’s what you call a done deal!

"We made the commitment, we energetically signed the contracts, and here we are. We have not so very far to go on our path together into the Golden Age, and from there your opportunities, your lives will be so full and you will have so many choices and you will not be held back for any reason!  There will be no obstacles in your path!  You will have full abundance so as to be equipped and prepared for wherever you choose to go and what ever you choose to do!!!


"If you haven’t given some thought to that, this is an opportune month to do it.  Just open up yourself to the Love you are and get in touch with the totality, with the awesomeness of you, and start connecting and communing within yourselves to find what it is, or to identify what it is, or perhaps there are several passions that you want to explore because the time for you to enter into that phase of your missions, or your lifestyles, is so close in your terms, that it will be here almost before you know it.  Of course, part of that is because time has speeded up so much – one day moves into the next day and you don’t know where the day before went!


"It’s all happening so fast!  This collapsing of time is a quite necessary part of moving into Higher Dimensionality.  So rejoice in every moment, live and be the Love you are, and know that you are truly unlimited, sovereign and free, and most of all beautiful radiant beings of Love.  Know also that you are loved, and that is the only feeling - Love and all that comes from Love -that is the only way that you are perceived and that is the only way that you are felt by those in the Higher Dimensions!  If you did not know that before, know that now.  We see you as perfection of Love, and grace, and all that Love engenders!


"When you look in the mirror see yourselves in that Light, the Light of Love.  Greet your Divine Selves and thank yourselves, as we thank you infinitely and in an unlimited way, for being here and for being with us in this grand partnership of Oneness, accomplishment and Love!  And so it is.  Salut!"

*  Tara and Rama 
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, February 11, 2014.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2014. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.