Thursday, October 17, 2013

New post on GaiaPortal “Participation Portals” have been Opened to hu-manity by ÉirePort

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Sheldan Nidle’s Update for the Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

PAO Email Update banner -MadMimi72

We are to come shortly and commence a series of divine conversations with you to reveal the "secrets of the ancients" first given each of us as we moved from limited to full consciousness. This "Enlightenment" is your destiny! Accept it with glee and be fully ready to apply it!

Ummac Dan 2

13 Etznab, 1 Tzec, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We return with good news! The dark's last faithful minions are now in a special summit with the followers of the Light. The arrogant and once all-powerful ones are negotiating the final terms of their global surrender. The dark cabal is already stripped of most of its wealth and the Light will transform their old regimes. The agreements reached in the summit will produce a final timetable for the making of a new realm - one that is free, prosperous and permits each person to be truly sovereign. The agreements will also detail how the leaders of the current "de facto" governments will resign. The new governance will put on a series of special trials to explain why various past events happened and how other events forged a new reality for humanity. This will help you to better understand the reasons behind the events of the day.

The rise of the new governance will uncloak the UFO cover up, and there will be a grand reordering of how humanity sees the universe. At that point, the Agarthans and we can appear and address the multitudes. Announcements are going to greatly change your financial outlook and your view of this world and humanity. Suddenly, you will enjoy a vast "jubilee" and realize a whole new branch of humanity has been added to your reality. You will find you are part of a vast migration across space that was previously hidden from you. Although this may shock you, the Ascended Masters will give you a number of special lessons, so you can understand how your ancient histories and philosophies were altered by the dark in order to control and manipulate you. Our part is to support those who will enable these grand changes to happen.


Your world is being put in a cocoon by the mainstream media who have the ability to weave webs of untruth that can seem real. The dark has long used these methods to control you, but a grand change is underway. The dark can no longer sustain itself. Its power is slipping as it loses full ownership of a number of financial instruments that were the basis of its power. These losses have been mounting daily and the dark was finally forced to literally barter for its life. As we said before, negotiations are setting forth the terms for their surrender and friendly military will assist our allies in enforcing the agreements. The legal system also contains those who have truly assisted in this most unlikely change, and we are happy to see that. These changes are merely the formal start of a process that is shortly to bring you to full consciousness. Those who will be in power in this new governance are ready and are in a secure place.

The Agarthans are working to ensure that our allies fully understand how this exchange of power will happen. In effect, we are reversing what so tragically occurred when you drifted into limited consciousness. In this sacred moment, you will reclaim all that you have lost. Because this operation is complex we need to follow exactly what Heaven decrees about these critical matters! The Ascended Masters have been most helpful in giving us the wisdom necessary to do this properly. This divine knowledge is at the very core of what is now happening. The coming events will uncover the misdirection put forth by your main media and begin a process so you can remember the old truths that brought us to your world. The histories to be released by the Agarthans will further help you to remember your ancient origins. The dark's long spell will at last be broken and a new epoch for humanity will be born!


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! We now appear before you bringing interesting news. At present, there are a number of special meetings taking place to set up a final timetable for the switch to temporary new governance. This new governance will preside over the trials that will set aside those who long acted as the secret power behind the various de facto regimes that ruled your world for centuries. They will also establish rules and procedures to be adopted by newly elected de jure governments of your globe. These instruments of the Light are to transform the numerous beliefs and the very way in which these governances are to operate. This calls for each of you to accept full responsibility and to closely watch over how the powers given to them are used. You have been blessed by the sacred decrees of Heaven. Use what is given you most wisely!

The transformation of your world will give you prosperity and a chance to better understand the nature of who you truly are and the opportunity to become fully conscious Beings of Light. This is no small doing, but rather a great leap that is your birthright. Enjoy the journey that lies ahead. Much is asked of you and thus, you have great responsibilities—to transform the surface of Gaia by returning her land, water and air to its previous pristine condition. This is a great undertaking. We are to come shortly and commence a series of divine conversations with you to reveal the "secrets of the ancients" first given each of us as we moved from limited to full consciousness. This "Enlightenment" is your destiny! Accept it with glee and be fully ready to apply it!


Together, we, the Beings who live upon this most gorgeous orb, are to take our beautiful goddess (Gaia) and transform her back into the living form she most enjoys. We need the people of this world to spread out into the other water worlds, so they can be transformed by the Elohim into the wondrous creations that they once were. Take in what you see and as fully conscious Beings do right by each one of them. We intend as your divine supervisors to assist you in completing your various duties. You are a most special group of humans and together we will form a unique star nation. Since the past millennia have not treated us well, we are to alter this past abuse and fulfill our magnificent destiny. We have Heaven and the Galactic Federation ready to assist. Nonetheless, it is our own abilities that will ensure our most grand success!

Today, we discussed what has happened around this globe. Many events are in play that will finally give you a means to transform this dark realm to the Light. We simply ask that you take this information and use it to gain a better perspective on what is now happening both to you and to the societies that make up this reality! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

Explore PAO's website for more galactic news.



When the landings arrive, many of us will be invited to visit spaceships. Once aboard, we will be shown many intriguing aspects of galactic life.

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In this Webinar, Sheldan will give us a preview of what those visits will be like.

Topics include...

• What types of ships comprise the fleet and how do they travel throughout space? 
• Sizes and shapes of the ship’s fleet - typical interiors and what they look like 
• What are the differences between sentient and non-sentient ships? 
• What kind of energy or vibrations do these ships emanate? 
• Who make up the personnel onboard and what do they typically do? How do they travel around the ship? 
• How many ships will be visiting us during first contact and what is their purpose in coming? 
• Why will scoutships be sent here when first contact begins? 
• If we visit ships, how will our 3D energy levels be adapted so we can go aboard comfortably? 
• Will some of us go directly to the fleet instead of Inner Earth to be mentored into full consciousness?

Sunday, October 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT


Thursday, October 24, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT

(PDT = California time)

Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer 
(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

Cost: $15.00 U.S.


For your convenience: Time Converter



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New post on Archangels and Devas The Violet Flame in Action for Gaia - Debbie Erasmus

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

New post on GaiaPortal Collective hu-manoty Intention Has Reached Necessary Level for Next Gaia Upgrade by ÉirePort

Sunday, October 13, 2013

New post on GaiaPortal Crystalline Light Needles Penetrate into Gaia Hiddens at this Moment by ÉirePort

Saturday, October 12, 2013

pleiadedolphininfos: Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Hatonn – 10 October 20...

pleiadedolphininfos: Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Hatonn – 10 October 20...: Thanks to:  lucas2012infos   Hatonn Hatonn, can you tell me what all the cloudships were doing yesterday over the southeastern part ...

A Message From The Earth Allies ~ Hopi Prophecy Is Coming True ~ (+playl...

How will I know my Twin Flame? Angel Message~Liora

Lady Ametist- Uppdatering om "Händelsen" 13-1-12 kanaliserat av Rosita Bolin

Mina kära älskade vänner.
Ni väntar  på den efterlängtade tillställningen och därför ska jag uppdatera er via min kära inkarnation som kanal.
När vi ser Gaia, ser vi en planet där hela planeten lyser igenom små områden av lägre energier. Er inre Jord är redo. Våra allierade på Gaia är stabilt redo,
men varför dröjer det? 
Förklaringen är enkel... Ni har en stark misstro till bankerna och därför får ni anledning att misstro dem, svårare än så är det inte...Ert liv, ligger i era händer. Agera, kära vänner.
Sätt er tilltro till att de arbetar för er. De kommer då att göra det, eftersom  just NI, förtjänar det.
Kärleken övervinner allt.

Lady Ametist/ Rosita Bolin

Friday, October 11, 2013

Synchronic Portals for Gaia Upgrades are Aligned to Permit Full Restoration of Gaia Hue-manity Consciousness by ÉirePort

Vimanor - forntida flygande farkoster (Vimanas - Vimana Shastra) och teo...

Saint Germain – How Teleportation Will Change Your World by Andy Bojarski

Det är dags att sprida dina vingar!

Ärkeängeln Ariel - Sprid dina vingar
Det är dags att släppa taget om de illusioner som du har skapat. De är inte längre tjänar dig! "
I boken "Gemenskap med Gud" av Neale Donald Walsch, förklarar Gud de 10 illusioner som vi skapade för att stödja vårt liv i sfären av dualitet. Illusionen att vi behöver något för att överleva här i detta rike är den största av alla de illusioner som skapats av människan. Alla andra illusioner våren från detta. Jag har tagit med denna bok påDownloads sidan om någon är styrd att läsa den.
Sanningen är ditt ego skulle få er att tro att ni inte behöver något för att överleva här, men jag säger er annorlunda. Du behöver ingenting!Varför? Eftersom du redan har allt! Tror du mig? Tänk om det är sant att innan du ens fråga, det som du trodde att du behövde, levereras?
"Jag har gett er inget annat än mirakel" ~ en annan av Guds löften till mänskligheten. Tror du honom?
Återigen är jag rörd att påminna dig att släppa dina tvivel och din rädsla. Det är dags att sprida dina vingar och flyga! Dina tvivel och din rädsla är bara håller dig tillbaka från att uppleva de mirakel runt omkring dig!
Ärkeängeln Ariel budskap i dag är att det är helt säkert för dig att flytta ut ur din komfortzon och in i det okända. Hon vill att du ska fokusera på kärlek och ande och hon kommer att hjälpa dig att förvandla dina utmaningar till segrar! Ariel är en mästare manifestor och hon kommer att hjälpa dig att manifestera dina drömmar, men du måste släppa taget om de tvivel och rädslor först.
Jag vet av egen erfarenhet detta är inte lätt, men änglarna vet detta också. I morse hörde jag orden "Tror ni det är något jag känner vet?Tror du det är något du behöver att jag inte kan ge dig? "
För kärleken är vem du är och vem du har alltid varit. Det är allt det någonsin fanns, är nu, och allt ska vara. 
Du har sökt efter en sanning genom att leva ditt liv, och jag ger den till dig här, igen. 
vara kärlek, min älskling. 
vara kärlek, och din långa Resan till mästerskap kommer att vara över, även som din nya resa att föra andra till mästerskap har bara börjat. För kärlek är allt du är, allt som jag är, och allt som vi någonsin var tänkt att vara. 
Så var det. ~ Ett utdrag från gemenskap med Gudgenom Neale Donald Walsh
2013 Copyright © Debbie Erasmus. Det är tillåtet att dela detta budskap i sin fullständiga form utan förändringar och när författarens namn och länken till den ursprungliga platsen ges: