Just nu pågår ett energiskifte på vår planet, det påverkar oss alla. Då kan det kännas lugnande att få vägledning om vad som sker. An energy shift is currently taking place on our planet, it affects us all. Then it can feel reassuring to get guidance about what is happening.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Er tid är NU- Twinflames
Saturday, May 24, 2014
New post on GaiaPortal Gaia energetic alignments progress to unprecedented levels by ÉirePort Gaia energetic alignments ...
Sunday, March 23, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Montague Keen - February 23, 2014
It is ten years since I passed to Spirit. In that time, I have talked many times about the importance of ley lines. We have had to wait until the timing was right before we could act on this information. Much had to be put in place and the response from all over your world has been magnificent. Now I ask that all you good people study the little filmof the sunrise on the tor, in Glastonbury, filmed on the 2nd February, 2014. Some of the most important ley lines in your world pass through this tor. It is imperative that you do all in your power to release this energy as soon as possible.
Our plan is for as many of you as possible to link with this film. Use your minds, your energy, and your intentions to release this energy. As yet, you are not fully aware of just how powerful your minds are. Do this, and together, you will enable this energy to flow once more for the benefit of humanity. By doing so, you will rescue humanity and your planet. If you can manage to gather in groups, it would be even more powerful. This exercise can be undertaken by every person on Earth, from your own homes. It is an opportunity to assert your power and to stop being VICTIMS.
There is a map which shows the importance of the ley lines at the tor. This is why it was decided that Veronica should go there on 2 February. The next few months are of the greatest importance. The future of humanity is at stake. This is a huge responsibility for all of you. Make up your minds that you will do it, and it shall happen. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose but the control of those who have enslaved you for generations. We have guided you to this moment. Now, you have enough information to achieve the desired result.
When the energy is released, your lives will change completely. Your brain capacity will increase and the human being will begin to be restored to his full capacity. You are so much more than you have been led to believe. We are working with you on this transition. There is no time to lose as the cabal is calling for help from all quarters. This is the first time that people from so many countries have taken the responsibility to assert their divine right to live on Planet Earth without interference from those who have enslaved humanity. The Dark Ones have set out to destroy everything that humans need in order to survive. You cannot sit back and allow that to happen. The wonderful thing about releasing the energy is that no guns or arms of any sort are needed: only the power of your minds.
Meditate on this thought. Spend as much time as necessary on it. You will feel the results and see the changes that this energy will bring about. Think about it: you can retake your planet from the comfort of your own homes. I am giving you the tools and guiding the way to a peaceful future. Do not worry about money; it will not take long to release all the gold that was hidden from you.
I chose to go to Spirit so that I could work with Veronica. She returned to Earth to do this work and this is not the only project on which she is working. She has been very ill since her visit to Glastonbury and she is worried that she has not been able to respond to all of your emails. Please try to understand her situation. We see you all as part of our greater family. Everyone coming together to create a better life for all. You chose to do this work before you returned to Earth and this is why you resonate with it. You are waking up to your own innate power and you are prepared to use it for the betterment of mankind. We in Spirit, have tried to light the way for you. Now, you must take control. We will, of course, be alongside you on every step you take. You are never alone. Start to meditate on the film as soon as you have read my words. Use as much time as you can dedicate to it. Use any film or photographs you might prefer of the tor for your meditation. It is entirely up to you.
Mark has prepared a report for you. Please believe that the energy must be released from the tor as soon as possible. I think this is enough for you to contemplate for today. This is by far the most important message from me to date.
Veronica's health needs to improve quite a lot, so please send her your healing energy. Remember, together we will succeed. It is all in your hands.
My love, you continue to push yourself, but your lungs need to heal. Everything is in hand. Our plans will not fail. I remain, forever, your adoring Monty.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Ashtar: "We Are Partners in Our Mission of Love" Ashtar The Road Teleconference - February 11, 2014
"Greetings, Beloved Family! And yes, we are absolutely exuberant with all that is taking place! And you, Beloved Ones, are in the forefront of those assisting with your energies of Love and Light, for without you, and without your permission and the opening of your Hearts to our being One with you, we would not be able to accomplish all that is happening now.
"You heard the Masters,* yes, no nukes will be enabled or discharged on Planet Earth! This is a directive which we are honored to be in the service of carrying out - the Mission that makes this so. And yes, we have done so many times, more times than you have heard about and more times than are necessary for you to know. Only know that because you have stepped up to where you are, and because you are shining such radiant Lights, we are empowered to do this on behalf of you and every living being upon Planet Earth and beyond, because a nuclear holocaust upon Planet Earth will reach out even beyond your solar system and will have multitudinous consequences, dark consequences.
"But it needed to be stopped here on Planet Earth. It isn’t that it hasn’t happened before in other places in the solar system. And there have been nuclear disasters and destruction even here, but it will not happen again and we assure you of this! We are bonded with you, we are partnering with you. Because you have said 'no nukes,' it is a command to the Ashtar Command! Of course it had to be cleared through channels, so to speak, but I can assure you that this directive against any kind of nuclear wars, or the use of any nuclear weapons has come from the very Highest of sources, which you are a part of, as you know.
"You are one with Father/Mother God and the all that is and you are multi-dimensional beings! Even now, you are now having a sense of the different levels of dimensionality, you can call it being high one moment and not being quite so high the next – the highs and lows, as it were. You are actually travelling, so to speak, so as to exist. Where your consciousness is, is the level of dimensionality that you are most aware of being in, however let me assure you we see you and you are becoming more and more multidimensional as you evolve!
"There will be a day when, only if you really, really want to, will you exist at all in what you call 3D. 3D is vanishing from the Planet Earth that you are wanting to be a part of, and that you are being more and more a part of. But it will still be out there for those who are not ready to make the upward shift. And what we are endeavoring to do in our partnership with you is to empower the shifting upward, or the upliftment, with so much energy that more and more of the Kingdom of Humanity of Planet Earth will want to make, what you call, the quantum leap!
"So what is that power? Of course you all know. That, of course, is Love. Love powers everything! Then you say, 'Well how can that be?' Well, it’s just the most powerful energy in the Universe. So Love is everywhere. Some people try to hide it, put a cloak on it or a lid on it, so to speak - stifle it, and they allow that which is the opposite of Love, because they don’t want Love - they want its opposite. Or, they don’t want to be loving beings, so they want the opposite to influence them so that they can live the last of their unloving experiences. But Love is there and waiting for them! All they have to do is accept it and allow their Hearts to open and fill so much with it that everything else is literally transmuted and gone!!!
"That is a big part of our Mission together, and we are relying on you to continue to be the beamers of the Love, because the more you do that, the more you influence even the hardest of Hearts, even the most recalcitrant and stubborn and resistant of minds, so that at least they know that they have alternatives! They know that the reality is Love, and that what they have been living is an illusion, and then they merely have to choose whether to get real or to continue upon the false path.
"Love is empowering even then in the fact that you, Beloved Ones, are assisting us so greatly to make it known to them, to show them the Light, the way. Of course, that is the Truth, that is the Truth of what reality really is, and you all know that! And so we thank you from our Hearts to yours, and really there are no words to express what we feel for you. Just feel the Love and know that that’s Who You Really Are, and what you are really made of!!! Anything else is illusion, not true, and not you.
"When we look at you, Beloved Ones, we see the Love shining so bright! We are so joyful that you are here with us in this Mission. There are many, many thousands – millions – who may never have even heard of the Ashtar Command, who may not know that our ships are everywhere in your skies, but who know Love. Think of these children, they are called the innocents, sometimes. Why? Because they just know about Love and if something happens in their lives that is not loving, it is not the reality that they know deep inside their Hearts.
"Of course, we all know that as children grow, more and more things happen that are not loving, and sometimes they lose their way. But the children of today are more empowered with that Love! Their genetics are different, and this makes them more able, shall we say, to not lose their way. They are with you too, shining their Lights, and we honor them. Quite often they are the wise ones - the old souls coming back - or they have lived lives in other places.
"This is particularly difficult if they are new - first-timers to Planet Earth. If they have lived in places - just imagine, if you are an old soul from a planet which is Higher Dimensional than 3D and Love is all you have known, and then you volunteer to come to Planet Earth to take part in the Great Upliftment, and you are a loving being and you know that that’s who you are and how you are, and you get born into circumstances that are less than loving. Imagine how challenging it is!
"So love these ones especially at this time, during this month of Love. Let them know that they really know the Truth - they are real, their Love is real, and honor them for their bravery and coming here to shine their Lights because, as you have heard, this particular month of Love is an opportunity to face up to whatever challenges remain – whatever you have not cleared, or if you want to speak of challenges overcome, welcome them and give them up. Do so with Love, especially Love for yourselves, because we are literally marching into the Golden Age together! That does involve a bit of flying, you know, or at least soaring.
"In order to do that you have to be free from anything that would weigh you down, that would hold you into the murky, stickiness of 3D. So perhaps the mantra for the month of February might be, 'Bring it on! I’m ready. And I have this whole entirety of the Ashtar Command and the Ascended Masters and the Angels and Guides, and of course, The Mentors with me. And I can accomplish it, I can do it, this is my time to really shine forth and to shine my Light so bright that I literally transmute whatever shadows there might be on my path and I clear them and I am done, and I am flying free on the path to the Golden Age!!!'
"Of course, when you do that, your lifestyle changes, and when you do that you are actually bringing the Golden Age into yourselves, into your lifestyles, and guess what - you are beaming it out so you are affecting everyone around you, close by you, as well as beaming it out to the entirety of the Planet and beyond! Let’s work together, or shall I say, let’s fly together, and let’s make the Golden Age really, really a reality for not just you and you, but for everyone upon Planet Earth!!!
"These announcements that you’ve been waiting for, the abundance that you’ve been waiting for – you can keep on waiting if you want to, but we suggest it will be a lot more joyful seeing you enjoying the abundance that you bring to yourselves. And besides that, you have a lot of wonderful things to do, so when we say abundance we’re not just talking about dollars or yen, or whatever. We’re talking about your health, we’re talking about Joy and that’s what this month of February is for! It’s for you, Beloved Ones, to stop and breathe in the Love and shine out your Lights and shine them deep within yourselves so as to literally discover, uncover and transmute whatever there is that you have to transmute.
"Meanwhile we are working with the White Knights and the militia members, worldwide, and the Masters are here to share their wisdom. St. Germain is extremely busy - he is multi-locating! He’s logged more miles on Planet Earth than any human you could imagine, particularly during the past three or four decades, visiting those who need to be reminded of Who They Really Are and what they are here to do, which is to serve all of Humanity and all of the Planet beyond, in all of the Kingdoms.
"At first he met resistance, of course, from most. There are those that he visited - and still does visit with - simply to celebrate the successes, but he is very busy as are others of the Masters. And of course all of the Guides and Guardian Angels, and so on, are having quite a bit to do as well. So you see, there is a whole big group, a big Company of all of us who are working together who are not necessarily - well, most all of us in the Ashtar Command - there are those of us who are not in human bodies and those of us who are. We call them ground crew, and we have the militia members, of course.
"But it is a partnership and you, Beloved Ones, are a most important group in the partnership. And I am speaking to all of the Lightworkers and those whose Hearts are full of Love and who are radiating that Love beyond themselves. In other words, radiating it within their own energy fields and then sending it out beyond, because this is what is empowering all of this change, all of the transmutations, all of the upliftments. It could not and would not be happening if you, Beloved Ones, were not partnering with us! And so for this we thank you beyond words, because there are really not words that can convey sufficiently how important it is that we have formed this partnership!!!
"Many of you are ground crew – Ashtar Commanders in human uniforms. Many of you are ambassadors from beyond the galaxy -again in human uniforms - enlightened ones, or perhaps, just waking up. Some of you may not even recognize yourselves, so good is your disguise, and we are not talking about make up, we’re simply talking about the bodies that you inhabit!!!
"It’s all wondrous and wonderful, it’s all joyful! And yes, even though what we are engaged in has never been accomplished before - and as you know it was doubted that we would ever get this far, let alone that the outcome would be assured, and by that I am saying successful outcome - it is happening, it is real and its because you, Beloved Ones, have joined in to make it so!!! Do not ever, ever underestimate the importance of your being here on Plant Earth at this moment to participate in this gigantic transformation!
"Even after you make your full Ascensions, you will know that you were a participant in this and that you are honored throughout the galaxy and the Universe beyond, because you were here and because you did participate, and because you gave of yourselves and your energies of Love - so much so that, as I have said, our success is assured!!! It’s what you call a done deal!
"We made the commitment, we energetically signed the contracts, and here we are. We have not so very far to go on our path together into the Golden Age, and from there your opportunities, your lives will be so full and you will have so many choices and you will not be held back for any reason! There will be no obstacles in your path! You will have full abundance so as to be equipped and prepared for wherever you choose to go and what ever you choose to do!!!
"If you haven’t given some thought to that, this is an opportune month to do it. Just open up yourself to the Love you are and get in touch with the totality, with the awesomeness of you, and start connecting and communing within yourselves to find what it is, or to identify what it is, or perhaps there are several passions that you want to explore because the time for you to enter into that phase of your missions, or your lifestyles, is so close in your terms, that it will be here almost before you know it. Of course, part of that is because time has speeded up so much – one day moves into the next day and you don’t know where the day before went!
"It’s all happening so fast! This collapsing of time is a quite necessary part of moving into Higher Dimensionality. So rejoice in every moment, live and be the Love you are, and know that you are truly unlimited, sovereign and free, and most of all beautiful radiant beings of Love. Know also that you are loved, and that is the only feeling - Love and all that comes from Love -that is the only way that you are perceived and that is the only way that you are felt by those in the Higher Dimensions! If you did not know that before, know that now. We see you as perfection of Love, and grace, and all that Love engenders!
"When you look in the mirror see yourselves in that Light, the Light of Love. Greet your Divine Selves and thank yourselves, as we thank you infinitely and in an unlimited way, for being here and for being with us in this grand partnership of Oneness, accomplishment and Love! And so it is. Salut!"
Saturday, February 15, 2014
*** Dragonfly Portal~Transformation – Breaking of illusions from The Hathors through Anna Merkaba February 14 through February 21, 2014
As the clock on the calendar of the human understanding of time, comes to a full circle of light and love, as the clocks strikes the hour of the hours and the eternal blessings and blossoming of the energies therein unleash, all on your planet shall begin to feel the upliftment and tremendous change within the psyche of their being. For the portal of joy and rebirth, change and transformation, a portal of the Dragonfly has opened its beautiful self up to humanity to assist you in opening the gateway of your psyche and breaking through the illusions, restrains and constrains, reaching the eternal truth of the creator and your creator selves. And so for the next seven of your earthly days the portal shall continue to be in effect. During which time many of you who are dwelling on earth shall have the opportunity to complete the cleansing and take flight, flight into another state of being, flight into another realm of the etheric proportions. Uplifting your consciousness and creating the heaven that you all desire to see manifest on earth, shall first be recognized within the psyche of your being. |
And so, dearly beloved children of light, We, the Hathors of the new world, the Hathors of the olden days, the Hathors of the light and love of the heavens, are here today to encourage you to utilize the time in the utmost possible advantageous position for humanity. Know that throughout the duration of this window of opportunity, your light bodies shall expand tri fold, your energy fields shall buzz with renewed lightness of being, and the magnificent wave upon wave of contentment, bliss, joy, love, and tremendous potential, shall arise from deep within your being and spread throughout your sphere of influence with vigor and splendor, culminating in a fruitful abundance for all of humanity. And so on the date of your full moon rising, the heavenly doors to the psyche that dwells therein shall spread open the opportunities to breathe in the new light and love and shall once more be bestowed upon humanity by the heavenly abode of the source and the gods and goddesses that you are. Understand dearly beloveds that you are the co-creators of your own reality and that which you weave in your dream, that which you weave in your mind’s eye shall then be manifested and integrated into the reality that you see before you. |
As you awaken to such a realization you shall take flight, flight and lightness and you shall see that which you have not seen prior. Each and every obstacle within your path shall suddenly turn into a beautiful experience from which you are to learn much about your own self and selves surrounding you. You are to take every opportunity to expand your consciousness in order to allow more light, love, joy, abundance, harmony and eternal understanding of truth to enter your being. For from the being of your own self, you shall then be able to spread forth the informational decree that you are to anchor into the GAIA and all who dwell therein, melting the illusions away and making the way for the eternal truth of the creator and your own creator selves. For we cannot reiterate this enough, that each and every single one of you is a powerful being! Indeed it is so and so it is! And thus, without the full and proper understanding and comprehension that it is so, it is not possible for you to change the world and create that which you deem to see, for you must understand and fully incorporate the understanding that all of you are powerful, limitless, beings, who have come form heavens above in order to institute a new directional flow of energies, a new thinking patterns to all who dwell on GAIA. In order to assist these beautiful souls to flourish into the new understanding of unconditional love. In order to assist them to break out from the veil of forgetfulness, from the falsehood of the history of mankind as a whole and their own individual structural remembrance of their own beings. In order to usher in the new age of eternal OM. And so, beginning on the date of your full moon rising, you are to take the opportunities presenting themselves to you and transform yourself into a dragonfly from within your own psyche, spread your wings fearlessly dearly beloveds, take flight from within your hearts and allow your own consciousness to expand, transform and transmute all that stands in the way of light. WE are with you. WE love you. Goodbye for now. |
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Personal note: I started searching for the spiritual meaning of the dragonfly after I received this message, and here’s what I found: Dragonfly symbolism reveals how to get beyond illusions, dragonfly totem teaches the magic of shifting vibrations with the use of color and shows us the path to new worlds as she dances in and out of mystical portals. Dragonfly totem leads you through the mists of change to the land of magic where you find your true power and you hear the wisdom of your soul. Dragonfly spirit animal is a very powerful messenger of the delights of Magic! Dragonflies are full of mysticism, and powers of illusion… The spiritual meaning of the dragonfly totem symbolizes going past self-created illusions that limit growth and change. Dragonflies are the embodiment of color magic, and transformation. Dragonfly totem energy reminds you of the divine message of light – as the dragonfly reflects the light and opens creative imagination to flow in your life. Dragonfly symbol appears to you capable of moving in all directions, speaking to you of pure potential giving the gift of flashes of visions and inspiration for what you can create in your life how you can skillfully maneuver the terrain, with swift precision actions and movements… this is why transformation is a common dragonfly symbolism. (source:http://www.spiritanimal.info/dragonfly-spirit-animal/) ~The Hathors – Channeled by Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker. To book a Healing or Pychic Session with Anna and for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL –http://sacredascensionmerkaba.wordpress.com/ |
Bikarbonat-En mirakelkur av sällan skådat slag. Det ska va gott att leva
Bikarbonat-En mirakelkur av sällan skådat slag. Det ska va gott att leva
Sunday, February 9, 2014
SaLuSa, February 7, 2014
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Uppdatering via Sheldan Nidle från den Spirituella Hierarkin och den Galaktiska Federationen 7 Cib, 19 Chen, 10 Caban 21 januari, 2014
Selamat Jalwa! (Var i evig glädje) Vi kommer åter med underbara nyheter. Våra många jordiska associerade är för närvarande i färd med att arrestera de som länge varit hinder i vägen mot globalt välstånd. Dessa händelser är enbart början på andra händelser som kommer att ge er ett högst välbehövligt nytt regeringsskick. Detta nya regeringsskick kommer inom kort att utannonseras. Först behöver fonderna frisläppas, en global valutaomvärdering ske och en formell deklaration av nya regleringar för den globala bankindustrin. Dessa ting, då de kombineras med leverans av era välståndsfonder, kommer att signalera ett nytt system för att tryggt hantera era pengar. Den nya övervakaren, naturligtvis, kommer att bli ert nya regeringsskick. Vi har satt upp en speciell serie av händelser som snart kommer att leda till bortgången av ert nuvarande finansiella system som styrs av ett fåtal stora banker. Dessa stora banker i sin tur är i själva verket maktinstrument för ett fåtal mycket mäktiga familjer. Våra förbindelser är i kontakt med olika individer som har tillgång till finansiella resurser och legala metoder som nu störtar denna mörka kabal.
Vad detta innebär för er att en global kamp från mycket mäktiga män och kvinnor ändrar karaktären av hur era många samhällen har styrts under bokstavligen tusentals år. I dessa allianser har vi medlen för att överföra makt. Det sista slaget för denna mörka kabal äger rum innanför lyckta dörrar till styrelserum och hemliga möten som sker över hela världen. Den sista resten av denna kamp är ett agerande i form av icke-agerande från den mörka kabalen. Deras embargo söker att på något sätt förhindra en sann global valutaomvärdering, nära förknippat med en återgång till en ny guldstandard. Detta nya finansiella system sätter stopp på strypgreppet som sattes upp när det U.N. sponsrade Dumbarton Oaks avtalet som utfärdades vid slutet av det Andra Världskriget. Ett nytt finansiellt system som tar i beaktning de nya finansiella och monetära behoven i er värld behövs desperat. Detta är vad en stor koalition av Ljus nu manifesterar.
Detta nya system sätter scenen för ett nytt regeringsskick som kommer att göra en mängd uttalanden som inkluderar ett fullt avslöjande av vår existens och det galaktiska samhället Agarta. Vi ämnar att använda dessa uttalanden för att etablera den kommande första kontakten och öppna upp kommunikationer med Agarta och era Uppstigna Mästare. Detta är en tid för Spirit; en tid för nya sätt. De sedan länge hållna hemligheterna, förvridna till deras gillande av de mörka, behöver komma ut i fullt dagsljus!
Era Uppstigna Mästare har gladeligen tagit på sig uppgiften att öppet avslöja dessa hemligheter. Ni kommer att få lektioner som låter er förstå vad som sägs. Just nu förbereds oändliga datamaskinsidor för er massgenomgång. Dessa websidor kommer att vara bundna till servrar som vi övervakar och ni kommer att få mycket information. Ta in detta och absorbera det. Tillsammans med detta kommer ett enormt välståndsprogram som kommer att göra slut på fattigdom, hemlöshet och svält.
Ni behöver ha ett sätt för att utbilda er själva om vad detta i sanning betyder. Vi skall förse er med handledare för att låta er starta dialoger som kan transformera era uppfattningar om denna verklighet och vart den är på väg. De flesta av er har inte spenderat tid med att lära er detaljer om ert sanna ursprung och vad ert upphöjande av medvetande handlar om. Vi ämnar ge er ett mycket behövligt bollplank. Var och en av våra handledare har den inledande uppgiften att ge en stor mängd information och sedan hjälpa er att processa den. Vi har teknologier som kan låta er se och uppleva ert förgångna, och det kommer att göra er redo för en återgång till fullt medvetande. Vi ger er tillfällen att besöka våra skepp och upptäcka på egenhand vad som är förväntat av er. Er värld genomgår en övergång och ni har färdigheterna som ni behöver för att snabbt utvecklas. Både våra associerade och era Uppstigna Mästare önskar hjälpa er att ta emot detta stora under som till slut kommer att ske.
Hosianna! Vi är era Uppstigna Mästare! Vi kommer med glädjefyllda och välsignade nyheter! Händelser formar sig nu för att tvinga de som länge har styrt er att “ge upp anden”. Deras makt har bestått av arrogant styre och orättmätigt erhållen rikedom de åtnjöt under årtusenden. Under denna tid led vi alla under deras brutala och mörka styre. Denna tid har tagit slut. De fortsätter att äta från hon som har satts upp för att fånga dem, då deras girighet inte har några gränser. Våra gudomliga associerade har satt de flesta av dem i en mycket kompromisslös position. Resten är i konspiratoriska partnerships. Hela denna oheliga bunt har gått över gränserna och har gjort sig själva disponerade till arresteringar, konfiskering av deras rikedomar och allmänt avslöjande av deras högst hemska brott mot mänskligheten. I denna position så är dessa mörka ansvariga och vi kan lätt svepa dem utan elegans till historiens skräphög! De kommande rättegångarna är bara konsekvenserna av ett stort antal fula detaljer.
Den främsta anledningen för denna långa försening har varit vad vi just har beskrivit. Dessa hinder tas snabbt ned. Den globala valutaomvärderingen, de nya ädla metallerna och de nya bankregleringarna kan nu manifesteras. De kommer att bara vara föregångarna till det nya regeringssystemet och leveransen av de nya välståndsprogrammen. Dessa ting kommer att tillåta oss att börja lära er om de otaliga heliga ämnena som länge har förvridits eller hemlighållits från er. Sanningen kan då fullt avslöjas. Vi ämnar att visa era en uppsättning av heliga sanningar som kommer att ändra era nuvarande uppfattningar om ert förgångna, ert ursprung och era heliga filosofier. Uppfattningarna som ni för närvarande har behövs revideras. Dessa förändringar är bara de första stegen på er väg mot ett sant galaktiskt medvetande. Med dessa sanningar i era händer kan ni låta era galaktiska kamrater att göra tillägg till dessa avslöjanden.
Ni har sedan länge känt er olustiga då det gäller döden, åldrandet, fattigdom och lidande. Det finns ett skäl för ert inre tvivel. Galaktiska människor lever inte som ni gör. De stiger upp efter ett i sanning glädjefyllt liv som kan vara från århundraden till årtusenden. Vi har nu stigit upp och när vi så gör har vi upptäkt varför. Vi ämnar använda dessa lektioner för att besvara frågor som sedan länge har förbryllat er. Varje samhälle har förkroppsligat traditioner som målar en mörk bild för mänskligheten. Det spirituella livet kommer inte att separeras från er vid döden. Det kommer i stället att bli integrerat i er genom fullt medvetande. Er långa resa under generationer genom de farliga verkligheterna av begränsat medvetande kommer att transformeras. Den nuvarande revolutionen är av en spirituell karaktär och kommer att föra er tillbaka till vilka ni en gång var. Det är för att återförena er med andra fysiska änglar och gå vidare med den Gudomliga Planen!
Idag fortsatte vi med huvudändamålet för detta nyhetsbrev. Vi ger er en glimt in i vad som händer med er. Vi har dessutom uppgiften att förbereda er för första kontakt och uppståndelsen i er av fullt medvetande. Framsteg har gjorts på alla fronter och manifestationen av vårt uppdrag sker nu! Vet, Mina Kära, att det outtömliga Förrådet och eviga Välståndet från Himmeln i sanning är Ert! Så Är Det! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Siriska för Var Ett och Var i Glädje!)
Sheldan Nidle – www.paoweb.com
Svensk översättning: Per Staffan – www.st-germain.se
Sheldan Nidle - February 4, 2014
Dratzo! The reality that you now reside in is shifting. As it does so, the dark cabal leaves behind its horrible histories, and its vast interconnected network of wealth and power is being forced to change. The old ways by which the dark cabal kept its power are starting to slip. Its powers, accrued over the millennia, are being transferred to a new, more conscious and more humane group. These new leaders understand the subtle nature of the transitions required by Heaven. It is a time for celebrating these long overdue changes and for fully supporting what these transformations mean. Surface humanity has been kept in an amnesia surrounded by mysteries, and these anomalies need to be explained. It is for others such as your Ascended Masters and your Inner Earth brethren to explain this to you. Our mission is to give you a brief understanding of what is happening. As you mutate, you become less and less susceptible to the "mind games" long performed on behalf of this cabal by your media and your entertainment industries.
You are no doubt frustrated and upset at what passes for truth in your reality. The dark continues to manipulate your weather, financial system and even instruct governments on what policies require action and what others are to be ignored. Behind this seemingly unbreakable reality is a secret force that is restricting the dark and legally sapping it of its enormous powers. This coalition is able to so because of its enormous wealth and influence. We further aid this set of actions by Spirit. Long ago, a system was established to alter how this monetary system operates. Various large world trusts were set up and since then, a series of "layers" have been added to this foundation by the dark. In the ensuing centuries, the Light got control of a sequestered series of enormous gold and silver depositories. These are the basis for what is now happening around your globe and will end global debt slavery, bring you personal sovereignty and permit new governance to reign!
Our fleet is here for first contact. We have spent the last 2½ decades learning about you and beginning to make alliances with those who intended to free you from your dark masters. Heaven sent us here to watch over your transition to full consciousness. At the divine right time, we are to intervene and mentor your final stages of this transformation. During this time, we watched your dark overlords, the Anunnaki, change sides and abandon the work to permanently convert you into their limited-consciousness slaves. Now, we are poised to introduce ourselves to you and prepare for a mass landing. This task will end your long quarantine. You will learn how warped and untrue the stories are that have been fed to you by your history and science books. It is well to change your perceptions about your true origins. You are, in fact, extraterrestrials. Your original ancestors were colonists from places throughout this galaxy, and their DNA has been thoroughly intermixed in all of you.
Thus, you are in fact a strange mixture of a wondrous genetic formula. This DNA has been further jumbled by a great influx of Souls from this galaxy. This makes you a most magnificent mixture that is to be reassembled in the Light Chambers that will return you to full consciousness. We have been told by Heaven that the result of all this is to be a most vital and wondrous galactic society. You are to perform many acts that bring a true peace to this galaxy, and bring this entire sector of physicality many great miracles. These are to permit tens of thousands of galaxies to come together. We rejoice in these numerous sacred decrees of Heaven. They affirm what we have always known about you and Gaia's galactic society. Your nurturing will start when we arrive shortly. A time schedule is in effect. Our liaisons and ambassadors are working out needed changes as to how we are to proceed. The time for new governance and the landings is indeed fast approaching!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The process to transform this blessed reality to the Light continues. Our various associates are finishing up operations that will shortly lead to the arrests of the multitude of individuals that form the upper echelons of the illuminoids. As we finish this procedure, we are preparing others to start the formal installation of a number of new banking regulations. These will create the pathway by which we can finally begin the distribution of prosperity funds. Heaven has a plan and we are dutifully manifesting it step by step. When all of this is in place, new governance becomes possible. At that point we can start the schedule for a series of vital lessons about the true spiritual nature of each of you and your true history. Your origins will lead you to wonder about the past so you correctly see all that needs to be done!
The several realignments that still need to be done are currently underway. The first of these is to finish off the awakening of your new diaphragm chakra. Many of you are feeling slight to severe symptoms that appear at first glance to be some type of stomach flu. In fact, this is no more than the opening up of your diaphragm and altering its present relationship to your stomach and to your breathing process. This can cause breathing problems, general weakness and some pain in the chest area. As to the stomach, you can feel queasy and out of sorts. This is simply a temporary effect caused by the different types of energies being introduced, and the cleansing of a number of much older energies long stored in your diaphragm. This set of symptoms can come on suddenly and last from a few days to a week!
Finally, there is the matter of changes now going on in your throat and upper chest. This is caused by the bringing in of a higher set of energies for your throat chakra. This can seem like a sore throat or even a strange form of laryngitis. This is also a temporary condition. It is often coupled with the next step in bringing in the final foundations for your new thymus chakra. This set of symptoms can include severe pains in your upper chest, odd-feeling palpitations in the same region and some blurred vision and minor pulsing in your lower head and neck. Like the other symptoms, these are temporary and can last from a few days to a week. These alterations are part of a general acceleration now being blessedly completed by your body Angels and your assigned medical teams. These are harbingers of how close you are to your grand transformation!
Today, we continued on with our weekly messages. Events are afoot that will bring you great and much welcomed change. These alterations are ending the long rule of a very dark and devious cabal. These coming events are to be the harbingers for prosperity, freedom and new governance. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)