Just nu pågår ett energiskifte på vår planet, det påverkar oss alla. Då kan det kännas lugnande att få vägledning om vad som sker. An energy shift is currently taking place on our planet, it affects us all. Then it can feel reassuring to get guidance about what is happening.
Saturday, December 17, 2016
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
FBI Cancels All Leave In Bid To Counter CIA Coup Against President Trump, December 12th
Saturday, December 10, 2016
Channeling Prime Creator in Sedona Arizona, Part 45
How to Honor your Body with your Food Choices
Confession of M2 and the Gold
Friday, December 9, 2016
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Russia attacks Sweden parody
Still spot on!
Sverige - Carl Bildt I Rysk TV.
By the way. In Sweden we think the program with biss and kais are awful!!
WOW! Jon Voight Blasts Soros, De Niro & Hellary
Intel: ZAP's Mid-Week Report - The Office of POOFness - 1...
Intel: ZAP's Mid-Week Report - The Office of POOFness - 1...: Subject: Mid-Week by ZAP from "The Office of Poofness" From: "The Office of Poofness" < 2goforth@humanus.ca > Date...
Intel: "GCR Up-Date - Zorra Answers Questions" - One Who ...
Intel: "GCR Up-Date - Zorra Answers Questions" - One Who ...: Entry Submitted by One Who Believes at 5:01 PM EST on December 7, 2016 CGR Up-Date - Zorra Answers Questions This is a MUST HEAR call f...
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
One Planet. One Race. One Nation
Nu finns Keshe även på svenska, tack vare fina Maria Brookes.
pleiadedolphininfos: Walking Terra Christa ~ MASTER THOTH ~ DANCING TO ...
pleiadedolphininfos: Walking Terra Christa ~ MASTER THOTH ~ DANCING TO ...: Master Thoth shares an analogy of how to move through life in any given situation, learning the lesson within the experience, thereby g...
pleiadedolphininfos: Linda Robinson ~ AA Zadkiel ~ your divine Spark of...
pleiadedolphininfos: Linda Robinson ~ AA Zadkiel ~ your divine Spark of...: MESSAGE FROM ARCHANGEL ZADKIEL * DECEMBER 2016 TRANSMITTED THROUGH LINDA ROBINSON YOUR DIVINE SPARK OF LIGHT Greetings ...
pleiadedolphininfos: Anna Merkaba ~ Are you a Walk-in Soul?
pleiadedolphininfos: Anna Merkaba ~ Are you a Walk-in Soul?: Greetings Everyone! Today I would like to talk with you about a very interesting, fascinating and at times controversial topic of – WALK...
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Monday, December 5, 2016
Awakening with Suzanne Lie: Identifying First Cause by the Arcturians through ...
Awakening with Suzanne Lie: Identifying First Cause by the Arcturians through ...: 12-4-16 Identifying First Cause By the Arcturians through Sue Lie Immediately after I wrote the above Blog, Inner Reflections...
Raw japanese inspired sushi, what's wasabi?
The quickest raw chocolate truffle ever!
Raw chocolate pudding with fruit tower recipe
Fruitarian christmas lighting recipe
D-vitamin är egentligen ett pro-hormon
Как ярко, красиво и легко оформить фруктовую тарелку!
FullyRaw Edible Christmas Trees!
World Management Project Forum & Organization Needed
Renée Voltaire - Inga Konstigheter - Raw Pepparkaka
8 Medjooldadlar
2 dl mandelmjöl
1/2 dl kokosolja
Pepparkaks kryddblandning:
2 msk ingefära, mald
2 msk kanel
1 msk kardemumma, mald
1 msk kryddnejlika, mald
Rödbetspulver att rulla i
Mixa dadlar, mandelmjöl, kokosolja och 2 tsk av pepparkakskryddan och mixa till en slät smet. Rulla i rödbetspulver eller hackade nötter och ställ in i kylen i minst 1 h innan servering.
Omega-6 konkurrerar ut omega-3
Snabbkurs i omega 3
A Pleiadian Message: Gratitude, Community and the Next Phase/Christine Day
Beloved ones, we greet you. We put out a call to each one of you to be willing to open up to the changes that are in front of you within your lives and to consciously move and align with these shifts as they take place. Know that what surrounds you in your life is the mirror creation of what is within you, so in order to instigate change within your surroundings you need to open up to a conscious adjustment of your perception.
An essential ingredient to bring about a change within this process is to investigate your deepest feelings, which have been instrumental in creating thoughts and actions and are ultimately made manifest to play out through your own arena of daily life.
A first step is the need to take responsibility for your own creation, taking full ownership of your experience. You are not a victim. You have never, in Truth, been a victim in any circumstance. You each get to choose how long you will suffer, and this suffering is directly related to your own self-judgment and the belief that you are not good enough.
An important aspect to bringing a new level of consciousness into your daily life is opening up into the process of being in a state of gratitude for all that you have created within your life at this present time. As you consciously give thanks for your experiences, an alignment naturally begins to take place within you, activating an internal energy of self-empowerment. Gratitude allows you to begin to actively channel energy into your life, and then you get to witness how you can create, alter and adjust your creation at will. An energy anchoring on the planet is designed to play a powerful role in supporting you with this self-empowered action, enabling you to accomplish changes and adjustments that you deeply desire for your self in day-to-day living.
Remember the way you can make adjustments and initiate change to your creation is by first acknowledging and accepting what you have created, what is right in front of you now. Know that you have never been a victim. Then you can begin to anchor the changes that your heart desires in your life. Witnessing and acknowledging your self as you take this step is compelling; you get to actively and consciously take back your creative power. An aspect of your power in action requires a “letting go” of any need from the ego mind to try and work out, or control how it will unfold.
The next phase
As you are being moved into this next phase of your evolution on Earth, a new design is being anchored on your planet in which you will begin to transcend the illusion that has held you in this limited perception of your self. These new revelations are going to be disclosed to you now. They are being given to those of you on your conscious path.
As you are being moved into this next phase of your evolution on Earth, a new design is being anchored on your planet in which you will begin to transcend the illusion that has held you in this limited perception of your self. These new revelations are going to be disclosed to you now. They are being given to those of you on your conscious path.
A doorway is opened. This is a destined revelation to return each one of you to a natural access point of an accelerated form of your Higher Self. These revelations will be accessible through the reopening of a series of energetic centers, which will reveal a deeper state of awareness of Truth to you. This process is being bestowed to you by your higher consciousness, through a destined Timeline. This is a multidimensional setting that is designed to reactivate through your systems.
You are being awakened, as if from a dream. There is nothing new, nothing unfamiliar, however there will be a strong disorientation as you are repositioned and orientated from one reality setting to another. You can expect this altered experience within you to persist as your process unfolds further.
A strong energetic influence will be supporting you to “let go” and allow everything based on illusion in your lives to fall away. This letting go is essential to your current process, so that you can move into this frequency of patterning and receive the deeply imbedded imprints of your natural spiritual heritage. Your own path is moving you. Your Higher Self has placed you in the perfect position, so know that nothing will interfere or stop this unique unfolding process of your awakening.
The sacred light
In reality, you are being called and energetically repositioned to the force of the sacred light of God within you. This call is strong and sometimes blinding. The process can be likened to a birthing, which can be intensely glorious and at the same time extremely distressing. This process can create various feelings operating simultaneously within you. Each individual feeling needs to be honored, and then let go.
In reality, you are being called and energetically repositioned to the force of the sacred light of God within you. This call is strong and sometimes blinding. The process can be likened to a birthing, which can be intensely glorious and at the same time extremely distressing. This process can create various feelings operating simultaneously within you. Each individual feeling needs to be honored, and then let go.
Know that this process will be in layers, and understand that you will change, then you will be repositioned and then moved and changed again. These changes will be ongoing and you must let go. This call is for you to let go now like never before, and to be willing to allow your full transitional phase to open through you.
Now is your time.
This sacred time
As you move through the last energetic timeframe of this year, the frequencies of dimensional light have been designed to expand within the full network surrounding your planet. This happening will fulfill a level of the prophecy of this sacred time. At the very moment of the New Year, this dimensional light will become magnified in its brilliance, opening up a focused point of light within your planet. This light is designed to resonate with those of you who are awake, and it will infiltrate your individual heart cells, creating a pure light opening up within your own multidimensional makeup. This light will simultaneously intensify the illusion and drama on planet Earth.
As you move through the last energetic timeframe of this year, the frequencies of dimensional light have been designed to expand within the full network surrounding your planet. This happening will fulfill a level of the prophecy of this sacred time. At the very moment of the New Year, this dimensional light will become magnified in its brilliance, opening up a focused point of light within your planet. This light is designed to resonate with those of you who are awake, and it will infiltrate your individual heart cells, creating a pure light opening up within your own multidimensional makeup. This light will simultaneously intensify the illusion and drama on planet Earth.
At the moment of the New Year, a celebratory energy will herald in this new dimensional light, which will carry a profound sacred design of consciousness for your planet. This energetic patterning that is to be released on Earth will impact the collective “life force groups” that make up your resident Universe. This will allow your planet’s frequency to be able to complete a cycle, enabling an alignment with the collective energies within your Universe. This unique happening will anchor and weave the collective consciousness throughout your Universe, transforming your relationship within the collective Universes.
You on planet Earth are to take part in this celebration “moment.” Through a combined action within your individual communities, there will be an activation of a sacred form anchored throughout your Earth plane. There is a frequency vibration that is required to be released at the time of the New Year. This vibration is to be created by a collective Thought Code sent outwards across your planet by your individual community groups. This frequency vibration is to be created through each unique individual expression, and together it will form a sacred synergy vibration from all Collective Community groups on Earth. Remember, a Community group is made up of two or more people.
Thought Code
This Thought Code we are giving to you is to be activated through the thought of each individual at the time of the changing essence of New Year. The activation is accomplished by simply bringing the thought of the sound forward within you, and then each individual will consciously release it, sending it outwards to the collective energy at the moment of change of the New Year.
This Thought Code we are giving to you is to be activated through the thought of each individual at the time of the changing essence of New Year. The activation is accomplished by simply bringing the thought of the sound forward within you, and then each individual will consciously release it, sending it outwards to the collective energy at the moment of change of the New Year.
Prior to the time of New Year, it will be essential for your individual community to work with this Thought Code. You are to come together and start to work with the Code within a circle setting. Individually, you will each place the Thought Code into your circle, and that will naturally generate a light connection between you.
Allow the energy of the Thought Code to build within you. As you work is this way, you can release the Thought Code as many times as necessary until you feel the synergy of the light connection complete within your circle. Then at the time of the New Year, wherever you happen to be on the planet, because you have already aligned through your individual group circles, you can individually activate the Thought Code. Remember: this Thought Code is not a sound. The Code is simply brought up through your conscious mind, and then released.
The Thought Code is: AESTAH ELTAH (pronounced by a thought as Ae star, Ell tar).
Great celebration
A great celebration will be taking place at this juncture within the Universal realms as you take part in this very essential and monumental happening.
A great celebration will be taking place at this juncture within the Universal realms as you take part in this very essential and monumental happening.
Once this form of light is activated throughout the planet, the net will have been cast. This will anchor yet another aspect of your destiny mission. You will hold this imprinted patterned light within your heart, steadily anchored within you, for all of humanity. As you participate with activating the Thought Code, you will naturally carry the full design of this light through your heart center. Through the activation of this sacred light form, you will hold your place of power, which will be a neutral space held for all humanity.
Remember that you, and all of humanity, have pre-agreed to have this collective experience. Each one of you is playing out your part fully, perfectly. By holding the mirror of this new design within, another role is anchored for you to begin to play for humanity.
The development of community will be a necessary component with this changing element on your planet after the New Year. Each community needs to be an anchor for Truth, holding the space for everyone to be celebrated and honored because of their uniqueness, where one individual is not more than another. You are not to judge the roles each one of you has chosen to play, however, you simply are to witness each other. There is a need to stay focused on your own Self through the heart and be still. You are to respect the full journey of others, knowing that they too deserve the right to have their full human experience and their own sacred timing of awakening.
You have had your journey on Earth evolving through your human experience, awakening to your spiritual nature. Now you have moved into this next phase of your journey on Earth as a multidimensional spiritual being, building a bridge with your human aspect. You will hold a sacred platform for humanity. This will be a powerful new role in your destiny.
There is much for each one of you individually to open up into, for this is you unveiling your self, becoming like a flower opening up its petals to the sun. You are being witnessed in your sacred unfolding, and you are being held through this transformational phase of remembering. Know that the pure consciousness of your unique aspect of the God consciousness is held within the living breath of your heart cells.
We witness your magnificence as you receive your self! Blessings, The Pleiadians
What is 432 Hz tuning?
What is 432 Hz tuning?
A=432 Hz, known as Verdi's 'A' is an alternative tuning that is mathematically consistent with the universe. Music based on 432Hz transmits beneficial healing energy, because it is a pure tone of math fundamental to nature.
The universal music of sacred geometry
According to Brain T. Collins, a musician and researcher, the standard pitch (A=440 Hz) does not harmonize on any level that corresponds to cosmic movement, rhythm, or natural vibration. The greatest musicians, such as Mozart and Verdi, based their music on the natural vibration of A=432. It's true that it is only 8 vibrations per second different from the standard tuning, but this small difference seems to be remarkable to our human consciousness.
There's a growing musical and metaphysical movement for recovering optimal integrity in the music industry and spirituality through the 432Hz tuning. In April 2008 Dutch journalist Richard Huisken founded the 'back to 432 Hz' committee, claiming that this original tuning was used in ancient cultures and is found on antique instruments like the Stradivarius violin.
The healing benefits
According to Richard Huisken, music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, giving greater clarity and is easier on the ears. Many people experience more meditative and relaxing states of body and mind when listening to such music. The natural musical pitch of the universe gives a more harmonic and pleasant sound than 440 Hz.
432 Hz seems to work at the heart chakra, “the feeling”, and therefore could have a good influence on the spiritual development of the listener. Some people who are not able to distinguish the 8hz difference claim they can feel the music warmer due to the longer wavelength.
Listen to 432Hz and enjoy living in balance
Because 432 Hz gives a greater clarity than 440 Hz, there's less need to play it as loud as 440 Hz. This means less hearing damage, as long as you put the volume not too high. Furthermore there's also less noise pressure. Researchers and musicians, such as Coreen Morsink (pianist and music teacher), report that they feel calmer, happier and more relaxed when playing music at 432Hz.
Music based on this natural tone is more transparent, more marked, gives an obvious musical picture and the overtones and undertones moves more freely. Music based on 440 Hz represents stuffed emotions and blocked energy. By lowering the pitch by just 8 Hz, you became more flexible and spontaneous. The 432 Hz tuning releases your energy and takes you into a beautiful state, where relaxation is natural.
Where does it come from?
According to Ananda Bosman, international researcher and musician, archaic Egyptian instruments that have been unearthed are largely tuned to A=432Hz. Ancient Greeks tuned their instruments predominantly to 432Hz. Within the archaic Greek Eleusenian Mysteries, Orpheus is the god of music, death and rebirth, and was the keeper of the Ambrosia and the music of transformation. His instruments were tuned at 432Hz.
Orpheus playing at in harmony with nature
Guiseppe Verdi , an Italian composer, placed A exactly at 432 Hz. He did this because this tuning is ideal for opera voices. Jamie Buturff, sound researcher, found out that some Tibetan monks used this tuning in their hand-made instruments. He put a CD with Tibetan singing bowls into his player and used a Korg tuner to discover that the bowls were all harmonic to the 432 music scale.
This musical tuning can be found throughout various religions and cultures of the ancient world. It seems that implementing it into the musical instruments was a good choice. Even today, many musicians report positive effects from retuning to 432 Hz, such as better audience response and a more laid-back feel to their performances.
Why the modern world forgot about this tuning
This is because in 1885 it already had been decided that A at 440 Hz had to be the standard tuning. A year earlier, Guiseppe Verdi wrote a letter addressed to the Music Commission of the Italian Government. In the letter he writes:
“Since France has adopted a standard pitch, I advised that the example should also be followed by us; and I formally requested that the orchestras of various cities of Italy, among them that of the Scala [Milan], to lower the tuning fork to conform to the standard French one. If the musical commission instituted by our government believes, for mathematical exigencies, that we should reduce the 435 vibrations of French tuning fork to 432, the difference is so small, almost imperceptible to the ear, that I associate myself most willingly with this.” Guiseppe Verdi
Unfortunately, the great composer was unsuccessful in his attempt. The American Federation of Musicians accepted the A440 as the standard pitch in 1917. Around 1940 the United States introduced 440 Hz worldwide, and finally in 1953 it became the ISO 16-standard.
There is a theory that the change from 432Hz to 440Hz was dictated by Nazi propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels. He used it to make people think and feel a certain manner, and to make them a prisoner of a certain consciousness. The Joseph Goebbels theory is certainly interesting, but the true reason of the shift to 440Hz is still not clearly explained.
Before 440Hz became the standard, a variety of tunings were used. The controversy over tuning still rages, with proponents of 432Hz claiming it as being more natural than the current standard. Because of that, the “back to 432Hz” committee wants to get people acquainted with its qualities, and therefore hopes that the industry will change the musician standard.
However, changing the current standard won't be a simple task, and it's not because of the influence of any nefarious organization. In my opinion, the reason is more trivial. Most musical instruments can be adjusted in principle, but it's not so easy for every instrument. For example, most woodwind instruments cannot play in 432Hz because changing the pitch will also change the internal harmonic structure of the whole instrument. The change would require building new instruments.
Let the music of the spheres play inside you
432Hz unites you with the universal harmony
This musical pitch is connected to the numbers used in the construction of a variety of ancient works and sacred places, such as the Great Pyramid of Egypt. It's also more friendly for your ears. For many people, it is nicer for hearing – softer, brighter and more beautiful than music in 440 Hz.
432Hz is based in nature and therefore it generates healthy effects among the listeners. It brings natural harmony and balance of the 3rd dimension and connects you with a higher consciousness. The pure and clean energy of 432Hz removes mental block and opens a way to a more fulfilling life.
Sunday, December 4, 2016
Corey Goode...
URGENT: Julian Assange is in CIA Custody!!
Update - HUMAN OBLIGATION: US$6,000,000 (Six Million Dollars) per person, from 17 years of age with a legal identity. Students earn a monthly basic income of US$600 (Six Hundred Dollars) from the first year of Primary School and adults US$1200 (One Thousand and Two Hundred Dollars) from 17 years of age; with legal identity, for the rest of their lives.
The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace. -Mahatma Gandhi
Swissindo is... the People! (y)
Payments 1-11 gives control to each Individual to persue their Goals! (Career/Dreams/Job/Home)
The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace. -Mahatma Gandhi
Swissindo is... the People! (y)
Payments 1-11 gives control to each Individual to persue their Goals! (Career/Dreams/Job/Home)
Come together in unity rather than choose sides. This is a NEW WORLD, NEW ERA offering PEACE FOR ALL
1. let it begin by clearing the Individual Debt
2. $6,000,000 Human Obligation? part of Payment Order 1-11.
What is Swissindo? Who would you be?
get to know us.
get to know us.
9-2 Adamus - Transhuman Series, October 2016
9-1 - Adamus - Transhuman Series - August 2016
9-3 Adamus - Transhuman Series, November 5, 2016
Dr. Steven Greer : The Biggest HOAX in Human History
Saturday, December 3, 2016
Native American Indian teachings - Hopi Elders message - Native American spirituality and healing h
Måns Zelmerlöw - Whistleblower (Official Audio)
Friday, December 2, 2016
Dave Schmidt Live Stream, Nov. 30th
James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 19.11.2016
Talking about Keshes free energy
Free Energy Generator 2016
Keshe flying car - 08/08/2012
Thursday, October 13, 2016
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Sunday, September 25, 2016
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News from Cindy Kay Currier.
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Monday, September 19, 2016
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Thursday, September 8, 2016
Andlig rådgivning/ healing av Lady Ametist.
Älskade vän..
I tider som dessa, kan livet ibland kännas överväldigande.
Min kärlek flödar för alla, här på vår älskade
Moder Gaia.
För att hjälpa till, finns jag för dig, genom Rosita Bolin som kanal,
med både andlig rådgivning/vägledning och healing.
Du kan kontakta oss/henne via rosita.bolin@gmail.com
Språket är inget hinder, då det går att översätta och
healing har sitt eget språk.
Det är ett byte av energier.
Du ger vad du känner att det är värt.
Paypalkontot: Rosita Bolin
Med Kärlek och Ljus
Ärkeängel Lady Ametist/Rosita Bolin
I tider som dessa, kan livet ibland kännas överväldigande.
Min kärlek flödar för alla, här på vår älskade
Moder Gaia.
För att hjälpa till, finns jag för dig, genom Rosita Bolin som kanal,
med både andlig rådgivning/vägledning och healing.
Du kan kontakta oss/henne via rosita.bolin@gmail.com
Språket är inget hinder, då det går att översätta och
healing har sitt eget språk.
Det är ett byte av energier.
Du ger vad du känner att det är värt.
Paypalkontot: Rosita Bolin
Med Kärlek och Ljus
Ärkeängel Lady Ametist/Rosita Bolin
pleiadedolphininfos: Linda Robinson ~ AA Zadkiel ~ September 2016l
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Nobelpristagare, jag och andra professorer samt Pulitzerpristagare kräver att Assange friges.
Monday, August 29, 2016
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