Sunday, December 4, 2016


 Update - HUMAN OBLIGATION: US$6,000,000 (Six Million Dollars) per person, from 17 years of age with a legal identity. Students earn a monthly basic income of US$600 (Six Hundred Dollars) from the first year of Primary School and adults US$1200 (One Thousand and Two Hundred Dollars) from 17 years of age; with legal identity, for the rest of their lives.

The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know peace. -Mahatma Gandhi

Swissindo is... the People! (y)

Payments 1-11 gives control to each Individual to persue their Goals! (Career/Dreams/Job/Home)
Come together in unity rather than choose sides. This is a NEW WORLD, NEW ERA offering PEACE FOR ALL 
#DBLC is Debt Burden Liberation Certificate presented by #UNSwissindo#swissindo which says.
1. let it begin by clearing the Individual Debt
2. $6,000,000 Human Obligation? part of Payment Order 1-11.
What is Swissindo? Who would you be?
get to know us.

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