Just nu pågår ett energiskifte på vår planet, det påverkar oss alla. Då kan det kännas lugnande att få vägledning om vad som sker. An energy shift is currently taking place on our planet, it affects us all. Then it can feel reassuring to get guidance about what is happening.
Wednesday, May 3, 2023
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Pleiadian meddelande maj 2023 Älskade vi hälsar er, ett heligt ljusfält kommer att stiga ned på jorden under tidsramen i maj. Av Christine Day
Pleiadian meddelande maj 2023
Älskade vi hälsar er, ett heligt ljusfält kommer att stiga ned på jorden under tidsramen i maj.
Av Christine Day
Älskade vi hälsar dig,
Ett heligt ljusfält kommer att stiga ned på jorden under maj. Du kallas att anpassa dig genom ditt hjärta och öppna medvetet för att bli mottagen, för att anpassas genom detta ljusfält. Detta heliga ljus kommer att omfatta planeten. Ljusnätverket som har omringat planeten kommer att börja förankra sina rötter fysiskt i jordplanet och kommer att öppna denna plattform för lätt medvetande.
Det här är din tid att släppa på en annan nivå i ditt hjärtacenter genom att välja att överge dig genom ditt hjärta och låta ditt hjärta smälta samman inom denna ljusplattform. Denna process är en verklig återkomst för dig. Du blir återigen en ljusljus, en naturlig förlängning av Guds ljusmedvetenhet, i själva verket har du alltid varit en del av detta Guds medvetenhetsljus. Ditt hjärta spelar rollen som ett ankare för planeten. Du återvänder hem och tar din plats inom det rena fältet av Guds lätta medvetande.
Orden, din unika frekvens av dessa ord, “ I AM ”, gör aktivt anspråk på din heliga födelserätt i ljuset och du börjar omjusteringsprocessen inom plattformen för Guds ljusmedvetande. Genom att använda det heliga ljudet fungerar ENTAHNNN ... ( uttalad entarn ) som en nyckel till dörren till din plats inom denna plattform.
Detta är tiden för självuppståndelse, denna process påskyndas med ditt aktiva medvetna val genom omjustering av din plats inom denna heliga plattform genom ditt hjärta. Kom ihåg att ditt förhandsavtal alltid skulle äga rum vid denna tidpunkt, förhandsavtalet är att medan du existerar i din fysiska mänskliga form skapar du den kraftfulla handlingen av medveten omjustering och tillåter ytterligare en förskjutning genom mänsklighetens medvetande.
Samtalet går utåt till alla galaktiska krafter i universum för att hålla ett vibrationsljus runt planeten medan du engagerar dig och utvecklas i nästa steg i din transmutationsprocess. Vet att detta är till skillnad från någon annan engagemangsprocess som har gått tidigare. Ljusfrekvensen som förankras vid denna tidpunkt har en unik vibration av ljus utformad för en snabb uppvaknande för dig.
Vi bevittnar dig och erkänner detta nästa steg på din resa.
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
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Monday, May 1, 2023
Earth Day and Solar Eclipse Energy Update April 2023 ft. Arcturian Messages
Greetings Beloved Ones,
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel, and we greet you with Love. Today, we wish to discuss the power of the present moment.
The present moment contains all the possibilities and opportunities for the next step on your path.
In the Higher Realms, all events are occurring simultaneously. There is no past or future. Everything is happening in the present time.
The idea of linear time is a third-dimensional concept.
Because all possibilities are available in the present moment, you have the opportunity to select the one that feels right for you at this point on your path. It is the one with which you feel the most resonance.
Your selection depends on where you place your focus.
Your focus on your selection will attune your energy to it. As you do this, other possibilities are not as prominent because you are not giving them your energy and attention.
It could be compared to looking through a telescope and seeing the array of the star systems all at once. You are able to see how the systems are positioned in relation to each other and whether there seems to be a connection. Then, your attention is drawn to a particular one, and the others fade into the background. Even after making your selection, you still retain an awareness of those systems in the background and that nothing exists in a vacuum or in isolation.
The same principle applies to the possibilities on your path. All possibilities are there in the present moment. You view the array of options. Then, you select the one to which you are drawn and feels right for you. You may wish to add that it be for highest good.
After you make your selection, you can visualize what you want it to be as it takes shape and manifests. The clearer you are on the details, the more likely your choice will manifest as you would like.
For example, if you have a desire to be of greater service, you need to know whether you would like to be in a leadership position or whether you would rather have a supportive role. You can determine whether you like to work face-to-face or at a distance. There is no right or wrong answer. Each role is needed. The important thing is to be clear on what is right for you.
Your focus on your choice and the details will attune your energy to it. Your thoughts and feelings will align with it.
Your energy will begin to attract similar vibrations to those of your selection. This may include people and opportunities that support your choice.
Your next step is to take the actions that support your choice. It is not enough just to attract the opportunities. You need to take action. When you act on the opportunities, you are signaling to the Universe that you are a co-creator and that you are doing your part to manifest your desires. This supports the continuation of the flow of energy for your choice.
You may wish to spend a few minutes each day evaluating whether your chosen selection is manifesting according to your desires. This helps you remain in the present moment, and you can be aware of any adjustments you want to make based on current conditions. Because your selection co-exists with other situations, being aware of the flow of energy around you will help you with your manifestation.
Tuning in will also allow you to be aware of your own energy and where you are on your path. You will be able to know if you wish to make any adjustments based on new insights and understandings in your consciousness. Making these changes based on your increasing consciousness allows you to continue to rise to higher levels and dimensions.
Beloveds, we are happy that you are focusing on the present moment and being of service for highest good.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangels Amethyst and Zadkiel,
…and we surround you with Love.
And so it is.
Copyright © 2023 Linda M. Robinson, PersonalPathwaysOfLight.com. All Rights Reserved. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship, including my name and website, is given. Linda M. Robinson, www.
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