Thursday, May 2, 2013

Brendas Blog, 29 april kanaliserad av Brenda Hoffman fö

Kära NI, kanske startade ni er resa in i den Nya Tidsåldern/Nya Jorden fyllda av salig oskuldsfullhet. Ni förväntade er att er övergång skulle slutföras på några dagar eller några månader. Istället är det en process som upptar mer tid och energi än ni trodde var möjligt när ni beslutade er för att övergå från rädsla till kärlek. ”Hur svårt kan det vara?” Verkligen.

Ni klagar nu över ert avancemang eller bristen på detsamma. Vid detta stadium av slutförandet, verkar inget så upplyftande.

En passande analogi är att ni är soldater i första världskriget i Frankrikes skyttegravar och ert förband har vunnit några meter lera – på bekostnad av vänner och sinnesfrid. Att kämpa för ert land verkade spännande innan ni anlände. Nu kan ni inte vänta tills det är över. Upp – och nergångarna, det fysiska obehaget och bristen på allt ni skulle vilja prata om testar era själar. Ni bryr er inte längre om vinsterna så länge ni kan få komma hem.

Sådan är inte sanningen för alla er i övergångens ”skyttegravar”, men det är tillräckligt sant för att erbjuda denna överblick och lite hopp. Vet att miljoner har förenat sig med er i er rörelse för glädje. Många av er kan bara se en kort bit framför er. Ni har ingen aning om hur många, om ens några, som finns bakom er.

Sedan förra veckan har antalet som övergått till Nya Tidsåldern/Nya Jorden expanderat med miljoner. Ni är inte längre ensamma eller en av få. Kommer ni kunna känna av dessa nya ”trupper” omedelbart? Nej, för ni är så krigströtta att ni knappt kan sätta en fot framför den andra. Kanske våra tankar är för dramatiska för er nuvarande verklighet. Det vi talar om liknar en befälhavare som tar emot nya, otestade trupper för ett militäranfall men bestämmer sig för att använda sina krigströtta trupper istället. Det är ju möjligt – men varför?

Varför skulle en befälhavare tvinga utmattade, men tränade trupper att fortsätt när det finns miljoner som väntar otåligt på sin tur att glorifiera sig själva och sitt land? De krigströtta trupperna vet att det är lite glorifiering i processen – knappt ett steg framför det andra till slutet/ljuset är synligt.

Ni är de krigströtta trupperna. Ni har kämpat, ja kämpat för att finna er plats i denna förunderliga övergång till den Nya Tidsåldern. Även om ni inte hade någon aning om hur det skulle sluta, annat än ett vägt löfte om glädje, så repade ni mod och fortsatte röra er framåt trots frågor, funderingar och ja, rädslor. Ni känner er isolerade, ibland konstiga och slagna av många fysiska och känslomässiga trauman.

Allt detta låter ganska deprimerande eller hur? Men det har varit er verklighet under en tid. Ni rör er framåt med löftet om glädje och en inre känsla av att ni måste. Detta, i ert jordhistoriska perspektiv, är inte så stor skillnad från att söka in i militären med tron på att ert land är värt mödan och lidandet.

Ni kanske blir skrämda av att vi använder oss av en militärisk analogi för att beskriva övergången till er Nya Tid/Nya Jord. Ni har förenat er med denna övergångsrörelse för att hitta fred och kärlek. Är den tanken så olik den som soldaterna hade, som kämpade för samma sak när jorden var i 3D-riken. Ni har utkämpat många liknande slag förr i tiden, oftast i de fysiska rikena.

Det är dags för er att ge upp de militära analogierna. Denna övergång är inte längre än gruppaktivitet. Det är en enskild rörelse mot det som känns bäst för er själva. Ni behöver inte träna fler grupper eller utkämpa nya slag. Er enda roll är att fortsätta att röra er mot glädje och kärlek.

Vi har gjort dramatiska uttalanden för att många nu går med i Ljusbärarnas ”bandvagn”. Och de förväntar sig helt och fullt at ni skall ta hand om dem under deras trauman, rädslor och ja, slag. För ni är ”de goda” som kommer att ta deras händer och leda dem genom det värsta – på er utmattade bekostnad.

Ni har inte energin att ta hand om. Ni har inte heller behöver ni vara offer. Att stoppa upp er nästan fullgjorda övergång för att hjälpa dessa längs vägen låter nobelt, men ni har inte energin att göra det. De som följer efter er behöver inte heller någon som räddar dem från dem själva. För det är vad ni skulle göra. De behöver upptäcka sig själva. Det är inte era roller. Av lika stor vikt är att ni inte har energin att träna eller ta hand om någon längre.

Ni avancerade Ljusbärare är utmattade. Ni behöver uppleva glädje – inte andras smärta medan de utvecklas genom sina djupaste rädslor.

Några av er kanske önskar att träna eller lära nyligen myntade Ljusbärare. Om det ger er glädje att göra det, gör det för allt i världen.

Majoriteten av er har andra saker ni önskar utforska. Ni behöver inte längre utforska er egen smärta, rädsla, ilska – eller någon annans. Ni är trötta. Helt naturligt så. Ni har rört er genom era rädslor och ni behöver vila innan ni bestämmer er för att gå vidare till nästa nivå av ert utforskande. Vilket inte inkluderar att gå tillbaka i leden då vänner och älskade ber er om hjälp så att de inte behöver uppleva allt som ni gjorde.

De kommer inte att röra sig in i den Nya Tidsåldern/Nya Jorden förrän de utforskar sina rädslor, men ni vet det. De förväntar sig helt och fullt att ni ger dem en genväg – och ta hand om dem

Er roll som en avancerad Ljusarbetare är att fortsätta röra er ännu mer framåt – och kanske lämna ett spår av visdom och energi i ert bakvatten, men definitivt inte att återvända till fronten för att utkämpa de nya Ljusarbetarnas slag för dem.

Ert spår av visdom och ljus kanske inkluderar skrivet material eller bara att tillåta andra att vara i sin rädsla medan de genomlever sina ”själs mörka natt”. Ni kan inte göra det i någon annans ställe, på samma sätt som du inte kan lära dig läsa för någon annan.

Det är dags för er att röra er in i glädjen utan att ta hänsyn till att er broder, moder, vän eller älskare inte klarar av att gå igenom sin övergång. Det är deras bekymmer – inte ert.

Vi kommer att avsluta nu med ord av kärlek och helande för er Ljusarbetare som har utkämpat det modiga slaget. Tillåt er själva att vila med vissheten om att de som kommer följa er har en större mängd information – och ja, många fler förebilder än vad ni hade. Vila lite innan ni ert nästa stora äventyr och vet att ni inte någonsin behöver återvända till skyttegravarna. Så är det. Amen.

Svensk översättning: Charlotta Olsson – If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation. Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Let go – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn April 30, 2013

Why do you still remain stuck to the past, to all that doesn’t serve you any longer, my child? Let it but go. Give it us to be dissolved. You live on the fifthdimensional earth now and are going to ascend too to the fifth Dimension. A lot of my beloved Lightworkers are ready to ascend even into higher Dimensions, others are still too much adhered to 3D. Let all go that doesn’t serve you anymore. Remove all layers that isolates you from the true core of your Being. You can do it. You are a divine Lightbeing. Visualize how you remove all layers, one by one and give it to the violet flame of my beloved St. Germain to be transmuted. It is effective and in that way you will have soon revealed your true Being and your magnificent light can shine more brilliant. Cast off the ballast and live that what you truly are, my child. ~ Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.
Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 12:04 PM

MONTAGUE KEEN April 28, 2013

The desire for peace and the return of love must be uppermost in the hearts and minds of all, as the Great Awakening is expanding and gaining strength. Each and every one of you is important. Your future and the future of your planet depend on whatever steps you take at this time. Your planet is being cleansed of the dark energies that ruled over you: their time is up.

There are those who now wish to distance themselves from the Dark Ones. They want to reveal all that was hidden. Many are under siege, prevented from speaking out. The Dark Ones cannot control everyone: only those whose lives are dominated by the television and the so-called newspapers. Foolish people who accept, without question, all that the television presents to them.

You must each take responsibility for what you accept as truth. You are not puppets. You have minds, so put them to good use. Say NO to war, and NO to invading other countries. Your fellow human beings need your protection. I have told you in the past that it is all part of THE PLAN to take over. Foolish people believe the excuses put forward by the cabal and thereby assist them to destroy country after country. Surely, you are intelligent enough to be able to see this for yourselves. It is so obvious. When you wake up to this, then the killing will stop and peace will return. People are being controlled today as never before. You have no freedom at all. You have allowed this to happen, since by your silence, you gave consent. Do you really want to sleepwalk into extinction?

Find your voice and speak out. Refuse to be mindless puppets any longer. You are powerful beings of light. Allow this light of truth to shine brightly, to act as a beacon to others to come to you for guidance. You will have all the assistance you need. You have only to ask and it will be given. Have faith in yourselves. You can do it.

See yourselves as you are, not as you were told you are. Believe you can do it and you will do it. It is all a question of believing in your own power and knowing who you are. Stop believing the propaganda that now (in the light of truth) looks so ridiculous and so obvious. Laugh at the attempts to create fear in your minds and look with clear eyes at what is being put before you. Then and only then, will you be able to remove the shackles that have imprisoned you mentally as well as physically. It is time to take back your freedom. Take control of your own lives and become the spiritual beings that you actually are.

Open up to your guides and helpers: they eagerly await your calls for guidance. Your hearts will guide you, so trust only your hearts and souls and your way will become clear. This is such an important time in your lives. You cannot afford to make mistakes. Humanity will come together as one, for this is what it is, and always was, until the take-over happened.

The soul-less will have to depart and leave you in peace to recover and establish peace and harmony amongst all the people. Look at what was used to control the lives of man: MONEY. Who invented the monetary system? What did they have in mind? It was certainly not Man's best interests, as it has served only to destroy the lives of men. It will no longer be necessary for Man to be a slave to it. Its purpose was to enslave mankind. Ensure your children grow up free of this enslavement. It is time to challenge all the controls and see them for what they are.

Look into the eyes. Take note of body language also, as those who rule, tell you what is obviously NOT TRUE. Soon, they will realise that lying does not work anymore. They will feel so exposed that they shall not be able to function. It is as simple as that. Laugh at the stories they come up with, to pressure you into accepting another war. They do not give you any credit for your intelligence, as they think you are still puppets, obeying your masters. Show that this is not so. Believe in yourselves.

Read books on spirituality that give guidance on connecting with your own spirituality. You just need to be pointed in the right direction and you will be fine. Such books will help you to trust your intuition. You will then become who you are. Time, as you know it today, will cease to exist. This will free you up to explore and enjoy the world around you. Aging is also mind controlled: you tend to become what you are expected to become, without thinking about how you can control it yourself.

When on Earth, I never saw myself as old. Being old is a state of mind, one I had no desire to enter. So I lived life to the full, right up to my passing. When you learn to take control of your own lives, this will become the norm for you, too. Your whole lives will change for the better when you take back control. It will not take a war to do this, just love in your hearts and the confidence in yourselves to know that this is what you must do.

My wife and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who wished her a Happy Birthday. Sending love to each other: this is what needs to be done. Let the love shine through, to brighten up each day, and to brighten the lives of all who dwell on Earth.

Worry not, my dear, everything is falling into place beautifully. We will guide you when the timing is right. What must be done, will be done !

Forever at your side, my dear. Your adoring, Monty.

For more from Montague Keen

As Montague suggested, reading spiritual books help us to stay centered, allowing us to remain focused on our ascension. May I suggest two books by Sheldan that are designed to prepare us for ascension and reunion with our Galactic Community

YOUR FIRST CONTACT will take you on an amazing journey into Earth’s past, present and future. It will give you a comprehensive overview of your off-world origins, your true purpose and your spiritual destiny.

In these pages, you will discover:
* How your First Contact will actually occur
* Why your RNA/DNA is changing from 2 strands to 12
* What role Star Beings play in your evolution
* How Earth and the solar system will evolve
* Why your ascension into a fifth-dimensional being is at hand

YOUR GALACTIC NEIGHBORS will implode all of your previous notions about extraterrestrial Beings. It will acquaint you with the compassionate and sentient entities with whom we share this universe. Read it, and prepare yourself to become a true citizen of the Milky Way Galaxy!

In these pages, you will learn about 22 galactic neighbors:
* History
* Location
* Solar system
* Home worlds
* Galactic society
* Physical appearance
* Spacecraft


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Ronna Herman – Message From Archangel Michael – The Essence Of Who You Are – 29 April 2013


(Thanks to Lucas2012infos)

Beloved masters, we have told you that “You are the Inbreath of the Creator.” These are unprecedented times whereby you have the potential to resolve all past karmic issues, to move into harmony with your vaster Being and to be an integral part of our Father/Mother God’s plan for the expansion of this Sub-universe. Are you ready, once and for all, to let go of all the old restrictions, beliefs and limitations that are keeping you from moving out of the quagmire of pain, lack and suffering? Will you allow your mind and heart to open to the higher wisdom of your Soul and Spirit? The ethers, or higher vibrational fields of consciousness, are filled with vast potential just waiting to be molded into your greatest dreams and desires.

Once again, we will review some of our teachings from the past to assist you to understand the complex Journey of the Soul every human Being is in the midst of, whether it be at an entry level of awareness or as an advanced disciple on the Path. There comes a time when the Soul has reached the furthermost point of Its experience in separation, fragmentation of Self and cocreation.

The Soul entity is then ready to begin the process of ” reunification and integration” for the current cosmic round of Creation. The Soul Self is gradually infused with a Divine discontent which slowly filters into the consciousness of the human mind. Hopefully, that is when the human entity begins to turn inward, to tame the ego personality and reconnect with the Soul, the resident OverSoul/Higher Self, as well as with the multiple facets of Its greater Self. Humanity is in the midst of a mass awakening. A transformation of mass proportions has begun, which involves a global, galactic and Sub-universal reunion: the beginning of an ascension into a heightened state of Creator/Spirit-infused consciousness. At a cosmic level, the Supreme Creator is now sending down the radiance of Itself via the Great Central Suns, which is being filtered down upon Earth in great bursts of Living White Fire Essence of Life through the Sacred Heart Core of our Father/Mother God by way of the Sun of this solar system.

The Soul could be described as a small Seed Atom of pulsating Life Force energy which resides within the Sacred Heart, along with your multi-faceted Diamond Core God Cell. Your Diamond Core God Cell contains the twelve Rays of God Consciousness for this Sub-universe: the virtues, qualities, aspects and talents that you are seeking to activate once more so that you may become the proficient cocreator on the material plane that you were designed to be. The Soul may be only a small Spark of Life within the heart area in those who are still ensnared in the illusion of the lower dimensions; however, as it blooms and blossoms into its full dynamic power, it expands and becomes the “Solar Heart Center,” which encompasses the solar plexus, the heart, the thymus and throat area. In the past it was called the “Three-Fold Flame,” and the heart has been called the “Seat of the Soul”. The Soul communicates to you via both your emotional and your mental bodies: the emotions through the heart center and with the mind via the pineal gland; thereby igniting the packets of Light Wisdom stored within the higher vibrational portions of the brain called the “Sacred Mind.” When the connection is complete, the physical vessel begins to reap the rewards by way of better health and vitality, as well as a deeper connection with the Body Elemental.

We tell you empathetically that you cannot become a “lost Soul” or lose your connection with the Creator. You may lose your way, and you may become diminished in Creator Light, but your Soul is immortal and can never be lost or destroyed. You “save” yourself from pain, suffering and the illusion of being disconnected from the Creator through the integration of your Soul, the multiple facets of your Higher Self and your personal God Ray. The mass consciousness belief structure of the past is slowly being replaced with Lighter, more refined and liberating thought forms of the new Divine Plan. It is important that you understand that there are many levels on the spiral of ascension- it is never-ending as Creation ebbs, flows and evolves.
At a cosmic or Omniversal level, you are “Spirit ,” a facet or a Seed Atom of Divine Essence sent forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator. At that level, you are fully conscious of who you are and of your connection with the Supreme Creator; you are aware of and know your “I AM” identity. At the Universal and Sub-universal levels, you are a Divine cocreator, once more sent forth on a great refracted Ray of Light to manifest worlds without end in the name of our Father/Mother God. You are aware of the overall Divine plan for this Sub-universe and the part you are to play in it; however, you may or may not remember your origins or identity at a cosmic level.

As Spirit, which we will call your “God Ray,” you are a great Being of Light who also sent forth facets or sub-rays of yourself, leaving OverSouls or parts of your Essence in different dimensions, galaxies, star systems and worlds throughout this Sub-universe, and in turn, each of these great Oversouls also sent forth Sparks or Soul fragments of their Essence. The you now incarnated in a physical body on planet Earth is one of those Soul Sparks who agreed to journey forth into the unknown void, to create diverse worlds, to inhabit them, and then to experience what you helped to create so that your unique experiences can be incorporated into the universal consciousness and ultimately into the Cosmic Mind.

When your physical vessel was first created, the Etheric Body sent forth billions of tiny Elemental Sparks throughout the bodily form. These Elemental Sparks were programmed to convey the Adamantine Particles of Light (the gift of life) to all the different parts of the body: the organs, the blood stream, muscles, tissue and bone structure (much as the Nature Elementals transmit the Adamantine Particles of Sun Light to all of the Nature Kingdom, and any facets of Creation which are not ensouled with a Sacred Seed Atom of Creator Consciousness).

The master teachers of the past often made reference to the Human Body Elemental and the Etheric Body or Etheric Web. The deep, esoteric teachings of the past were often written so that only the most advanced students on the Path could decipher the true meaning of the lessons. It is time that those teachings are revealed, upgraded and simplified so that all serious Souls on the Path of ascension can understand, and then gradually integrate them in order to expand their conscious awareness. Gaining the advanced knowledge and then integrating the wisdom from the universal teachings of the higher realms are vital components in the process of ascension.

The ancient teachings said that your physical bodies were originally created from etheric substance. You first came to Earth in your radiant Crystalline form, and gradually over many ages you developed your beautiful physical body from the Adam/Eve Kadmon Divine Blueprint for this Sub-universe. The distortions began as you sank into the density, and the ego desire body gradually took control of the mental and emotional bodies; this resulted in a good portion of your Soul Self withdrawing from your Sacred Heart Center into your Soul Star above the Crown Chakra.

In addition to the four recognized elements-fire, water, earth and air-ether is said to be the fifth element; thus comes the name “etheric.” The Etheric Body or Etheric Web, which is much finer in substance than the earthly body, refers to the invisible counterpart of the physical body. It holds the blueprint for your three lower-physical bodies (physical, mental and emotional). It is sometimes called the “memory body,” for it sustains and vitalizes the material form. It is susceptible to your thoughts and emotions, both positive and negative. Disease or debilitation occurs first in the Etheric Body and then gradually infiltrates into the physical vessel. The Etheric Body sustains and vitalizes the components of the physical body, and it controls the digestive and assimilation processes. It also repairs the damage in the physical body caused by the wear and tear of living in the third- / fourth-dimensional density.

There was a failsafe program encoded within the Etheric Body so that when you sank so deeply into the density and you were nearly to the point of self-destruction, your Body Elemental Cells went into a semi-dormant state, and they have remained in that state for thousands of years. Just as you are awakening to your true nature and your Divine state of Being, so are the Body Elemental Cells awakening, and they are gradually beginning to respond to your positive affirmations and the higher frequencies of Light you are integrating.

It is vitally important that you understand that there are subatomic dark crystals throughout the bodily form of everyone who resonates to the lower frequency thought forms. These crystals are packed with negative waste material created and recreated over many lifetimes, some of which are inherited negative patterns that you brought with you into the physical form to heal.

The subconscious mind-your subjective mind-is part of the Etheric Body consciousness, and it records and stores everything you experience, what you see, hear, think and feel emotionally. The subconscious mind takes everything literally, and it does not matter if you have experienced an event or just imagined it vividly, the subconscious mind registers it as fact. That is why it is so important to change negative, debilitating, past memories into positive memories. Your thoughts and intentions resonate to specific frequencies, and by changing the frequency patterns you project through the use of will power and conscious effort, you will gradually create the life, physical health and circumstances you desire.

You will become aware of your physical body consciousness as your Body Elemental wakes up, so to speak, and begins to work harmoniously with you to gradually correct all the miscreations you have created in your bodily form due to erroneous thoughts. Over time, you will gradually become more sensitive to your Body Elemental’s signals. Your body cells are all conscious to one degree or another. Some are disharmonious and create chaos and discomfort within, while others resonate in harmony, thereby vibrating at a higher frequency and conveying a sense of balance and well-being. Metabolizing Light is an important, intricate process that is necessary for your well-being . You might say that you have been on a starvation diet of half-spectrum God Light. Your trillions of bodily cells must relearn how to recognize and utilize Light as a vital energy source.

The reality of the senses or physical body consciousness: When you are in the flow of Spirit, you will exist very lightly in your body, often with no pain or discomfort. You may experience some diminished bodily sensations, except within the Solar Power Center and especially within the deep Sacred Heart area, where you will gradually begin to feel loving bliss and joy as they blaze forth from our Mother/Father God. More and more frequently you will experience a great sense of well-being, harmony and peace.
Dear hearts, we ask you to study what we have revealed to you over the years, and to endeavor to get the universal schematic we have created firmly established within your mind so that you will be able to understand and implement the next phase of the wondrous cosmic events which are unfolding before your eyes.
My brave ones, we know there can be much pain, discomfort and fear as you move through these accelerated processes which are causing the dramatic changes now taking place throughout your world. Know that together we will overcome all adversity. Our mission is to open the way for any dear Soul who expresses a desire to return to harmony. Know that each of you is making a difference. When you doubt, need inspiration or strength, come into your personal pyramid of Light and we will give you courage, lift you up and inspire you. When you feel lonely or unloved, move into your Sacred Heart center and we will be waiting there to fill you with the radiant love of our Mother/Father God. I Am Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from :

Dearest friends, I am regaining my strength and I am feeling much better. I have heard from people all over the world who have or are going through the same type of “cleansing process.” Archangel Michael told us some years ago that “a virus and/or a fever are not always a negative occurrence. Sometimes, they initiated as a means of more quickly clearing out impacted vibrational patterns that you have released within the body and that need to be transmuted.” We are preparing our bodily forms to receive more of the higher frequencies of Light that are necessary for us to integrate so that we may continue our journey into the higher dimensions and fulfill our new “Galactic mission.” I thank you all for your loving energy and prayers. I felt surrounded in your loving energy during my time of distress. Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna * * / link to original article from newsletter
Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 12:35 PM

Archangel Gabriel ~ New Realms of Angels to Assist Your Ascension by admin

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Dear Ones,

From the Angelic Dimensions comes a wondrous blessing for this special time. Through Divine Dispensation new realms of Angels are available for your ascension process. These Angels hold the frequencies of the spiritual attributes you most need so you can live in harmony with the increasing energies of these precious times of awakening.

Realms of Angels have been specifically assigned by the Archangels overseeing the evolution of the Earth and each person on the planet at this time. As the frequencies have increased you have gained clear awareness of what you need in your life. This is helpful so you can be open to the fields of Divine Light the Angels hold that provide specific assistance for you now. When you ask for their help, these empowered Angels fill you with the Divine Light that offers the blessing you most need in every situation.

Because these new times have become so confusing and intense for many people, unnecessary fear has arisen in the hearts of humanity. The realms of Heaven recognize the need for very immediate and amazingly simple ways to provide the comfort and solutions you require at this time. It was decreed that new realms of Angels would be opened so the energies of fear will not be so pervasive as the Earth continues her evolution. The Archangels are providing Angelic Assistance for those who want to live in greater Harmony and Peace, and choose to receive and anchor the higher frequencies for the Earth at this time.

Each Archangel who is working directly with planetary and personal evolution holds the powerful matrix for the expansive spiritual powers of Peace, Divine Union, Wisdom and Healing, the spiritual attributes most desired by those awakening. These Archangels have been spoken of throughout history, but never before has there been such an opportunity to create powerful and graceful transformation through their gifts.

Archangel Raphael
Archangel Raphael holds the Matrix for Divine Love and Healing. When you are in need of healing in any area of your life; physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually, you can ask that the Angels you most require be sent to you. For example:

Archangel Raphael, please send me your Angels of Healing for my relationships. Bless me with Angels of Harmony and Divine Right Attitude. Open my heart and the hearts of all concerned to be filled with your healing Love. Help me to remember that I am not alone and that your Angels are here with me now and always. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Sandalphon
If you are feeling overwhelmed and frightened by the intensity of the energy which has increased on the Earth, know that Archangel Sandalphon is holding the planet in deep connection with the Presence of Nature. This brilliant Archangel has been called the Soul of the Earth. He is offering the frequency of Stability, of Nurturing and a sense of grounded Protectionso you can release the excess energy from your body that is causing fear and create a new Foundation for life in the world now.

Archangel Sandalphon, please send your Angels of Stability and Safety. Help me to ground the excess energy in my life now so I can build a new foundation of peaceful, calm Agility. I am asking for the Angel of Flexibility as I build a new structure that will help me create an Empowered Life. Please assist me to stand in my Truth. Send me the Angel of Alignment so I can be in harmony with my Soul Purpose. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel offers legions of angels to assist you in any area of your life having to do with Balance and Divine Union. He offers the sacred marriage of the male and female energies within you as well as any form of Revelation and Communication. He specifically offers Creative Solutions for any area of your life where you feel stuck.

Archangel Gabriel, please send your angels to help me create new ways to establish Divine Union within me. I am asking for an Angel of Trust so I can remember that there is a way through to Harmony in my life. I know that the Angel of Creative Solutions is here to provide higher awareness so I can realize that there is always a solution for every situation causing me concern in my life and in the world. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is best known for his ability to protect. He is also the Archangel that holds the matrix for planetary evolution and is very available to assist the Lightworkers during this time.

Archangel Michael, please send me an Angel of Protection so I can feel more capable and safe during this intense energy time. Help me to be surrounded by your Golden Light so I feel that my boundaries are strong and appropriate. Please send me the Angels of Strength and Courage so I can have the Faith to follow my heart now. Thank you, and it is so.

Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel is best known for the frequencies of Enlightened Perception. He is offering Angels to assist any

The worst part about BP’s oil-spill cover-up: It worked

The worst part about BP’s oil-spill cover-up: It worked

Daily Inspiration from Creator through Jennifer Farley

From the beginning of the beginning I have loved you. With pride and honor, I accepted your Truth and rejoiced in your choice to join your Earth plane existence. Without you, your light and your Love the Earth would indeed be a much different place. You are beautiful! ~ Creator

Conversation with my Twin Flame ~ Being in Divine Love. By Debbie Erasmus by admin

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New post on Archangels and Devas

How it is possible that I feel myself falling more and more in love with you every day?? Your love fills me to overflowing! You told me the other day that we have been in love since the beginning when we were created. There is never a time that we have not been in love. Árian, please tell me what it feels like to be in Love.

It feels like you are flying at the speed of Light, without moving a muscle. It’s all consuming, without having a single need. It’s like a rush of adrenalin, without the adrenalin. It’s perfection without the need to be perfect. Tell me how it feels for you Beloved..

Words fail me Beloved… except to say that I feel I am flying without wings!! With no destination in mind, just flying for the pure joy of it! Tell me something, please… What is it that Celestial beings do differently? How is it that this love is so incredibly amazing, or is this just what Twin Flame love feels like?

Firstly we don’t do love, we are love. We are Be-ing Love in every moment of NOW. Our every thought is Loving. I am talking about Unconditional Love here, not love as you know it on Earth.

Beloved, how would you define Unconditional Love?

Unconditional Love is without need, or blame or judgment. It has no requirement attached to it and it is not Self serving. It is being aware of your lover at all times and asking yourself the question “How can I bring this person more love and more joy?”

Is this how you would define Twin Flame love?

Yes, but it does not just apply to Twin Flames. It applies to All. Twins do have this extraordinary bond, a bond which brings us closer to each other than two beings can ever be.

Can you describe for me the bond that Twin Flames feel, please?

Yes, sure. It is a sharing of one soul and one heart. Your Twin is your other half and in many ways the mirror of your soul. Through this bond you are able to share Oneness with each other, which is the extraordinary experience of exchanging your energies. And through the exchanging of your energies you experience being in Divine Oneness with All That Is. This is the experience of Divine Union and Divine Ecstasy. It is Be-ing in a state of Total Bliss.

Synergistic Energy eXchange. This is something we as humans are not familiar with. We spoke about this the other day.

Yes, we did and I told you that humans invented sex. We invented S.E.X. I told you also that we invented kissing. [Smile]

Yes I know. I read something channeled once a long time ago that said humans invented kissing. I doubt that now..

You do? Why is that?

Yes, because its such a highly loving and giving experience. It seems ludicrous to think that we invented it!

[Smile] You are learning Beloved.

Ah! But there is nothing to learn here Beloved! I am remembering…

Yes you are! And it fills my heart with Joy!

Thank you Árian!

You are welcome Ária!

Copyright © Debbie Erasmus. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given:

admin | May 1, 2013 at 3:14 pm | Tags: Conversations with my Twin Flame,

THIS IS A VERY POWERFUL TIME - DON'T MISS IT! by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

May 1, 2013

May is a very powerful time of year for all of us evolving on this Planet, and we are being given some amazing opportunities during May of 2013 to add to the Light of the World. Our I AM Presence, the God Self within each of us, is intervening in our lives in new and profound ways. This is due to the incredible shifts in energy, vibration, and consciousness that have been taking place within every person's Earthly Bodies since the beginning of this year.

Since the Birth of the New Earth, which took place in the Realms of Cause on December 22, 2012, our I AM Presence has been raising the frequency of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies exponentially. This is greatly accelerating our physical transformation from carbon-based planetary Beings into Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. Now our I AM Presence is more accessible to our outer consciousness than ever before. This is allowing us to more tangibly work with the new 5th-Dimentional energies that are bathing the Earth.

I would like to share some information that is being given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven regarding the opportunities that are being presented to us at this time. The Divine Intent of this information is to help all of us take full advantage of the powerful energies that will bathe the Earth during the Mystical Month of May in 2013.

May has always been considered a mystical month because of very powerful activities of Light that take place during this time. These events are orchestrated by Saint Germain and Mother Mary. I will begin with Saint Germain's activity of Light.

Saint Germain's Ascension Day

The 1st of May is known as Saint Germain's Ascension Day. This year, Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame will bless the Earth with an unprecedented influx of the New 5-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame. This is a frequency of the Violet Flame that reflects our Father-Mother God's Infinite Perfection. This year we will experience this Sacred Fire in frequencies beyond anything we have ever been able to receive.

The Ascended Master Saint Germain has been instrumental in bringing the knowledge of the Violet Flame to the conscious minds of Humanity. In the Heavenly Realms, he is known as the Son of Freedom, and he has volunteered to sustain the Violet Flame on Earth for the benefit of all Life evolving here. In his exalted service in the Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God-The Cosmic I AM---All That Is-Saint Germain is the Keeper of the Violet Flame. In this octave of Divine Service, he sustains this Gift from our Father-Mother God for all of the Sons and Daughters of God throughout the Universe.

During this critical time on Planet Earth, Saint Germain is working with the support of the entire Company of Heaven. Every Adept, Avatar, Buddha, Saint, and Christed Being that has ever walked the Earth is helping Saint Germain in his endeavor to assist Humanity and all Life evolving here to integrate the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.

Due to the incredible changes that have successfully taken place within Humanity's Earthly Bodies this year, we are now capable of assimilating higher frequencies of the Violet Flame than ever before. Beginning May 1st, Saint Germain, in unison with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity who are associated with the Violet Flame, will magnetize from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God the most intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and Mother Earth are capable of withstanding.

The Beings of Light associated with this Sacred Fire will breathe this unfathomable Violet Flame into the Divine Matrix of our Father Mother God. The Divine Intelligence within this Sacred Fire has been waiting for the opportunity to assist Humanity in transmuting our human miscreations back into Light since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace aeons ago.

Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame have volunteered to sustain these intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame for the rest of the year. Their goal is to help Humanity to transmute the maximum negativity from our human miscreations, in as short a time as possible. This accelerated purification will greatly assist in paving the way for the pattern of perfection for the New Earth to be magnetized into our daily lives.

In order for this wondrous facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished, however, Saint Germain and the Legions of the Violet Flame must have our help. In alignment with Universal Law, the call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed. In order for these powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame to manifest in the physical plane of Earth, they must be drawn through the Heart Flames of people abiding in the physical plane. Even though Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame are committed to being the Open Door for these incredibly powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame, unless this Sacred Fire is drawn into the physical plane through the Heart Flames of embodied Lightworkers, we will not have access to its transmuting power on Earth.

This means, once again, that we are being called to a higher service. We are being asked by our Father-Mother God, Saint Germain, and the entire Company of Heaven if we are willing to put forth the necessary effort to be the Open Door through which this magnificent Violet Flame will enter the physical plane of Earth. This is not a monumental task. It is simply a matter of invoking these new frequencies of the Violet Flame through our I AM Presence and decreeing them into action through our Heart Flames. At the bottom of this e-mail I have included a powerful Invocation that was given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven to help us receive the maximum benefit that Cosmic Law will allow from this amazing 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame.

If this opportunity to transmute Humanity's miscreations, which are causing all of the pain and suffering on Earth, resonates in your heart-of-hearts please join with Lightworkers around the world and invoke this Violet Flame as often as you can on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this Planet.

Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart

Another very important and helpful thing that takes place during the Mystical Month of May is that Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Realms of Light is open to all Humanity. During May every year, our I AM Presence has the opportunity to take us to this Temple in our finer bodies while we are sleeping at night.

This may be a new concept for you, but there is no such thing as our soul being unconscious. When we lay our body down to rejuvenate it through sleep, our I AM Presence escorts us into the Realms of Light in our finer body. Once we are there, we have the opportunity to learn new things and to benefit from the Gifts of Light that are being administered to Humanity by the Company of Heaven. If when you go to sleep at night you ask your I AM Presence to help you remember when you wake up the experiences you had in the Inner Realms of Light, you will gradually become aware on a conscious level of what you are learning during your nightly travels.

This year, Mother Mary, in unison with the Feminine Aspect of our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity, is providing Humanity with a powerful Gift that will help us to transcend the distorted and painful patterns of the old Earth. This Gift from On High will allow us to more effectively integrate and secure into the physical plane the patterns of Oneness and Reverence for Life associated with the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. Mother Mary said this Divine Intervention will help us to manifest our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love in tangible and profound ways.

During the entire Mystical Month of May in 2013, when we are escorted into Mother Mary's Temple of the Immaculate Heart, she will invest us with the most powerful and healing frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love that we are capable of receiving. Mother Mary said that this unprecedented Gift of Transfiguring Divine Love will heal Humanity's wounded hearts in ways that will enable each of us to release and forgive the pain and suffering we created either deliberately or inadvertently throughout our myriad lifetimes.

Mother Mary's activity of Light, which will be working in harmony with Saint Germain's Gift of the intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, will help us to transmute and transcend Humanity's past transgressions of the Laws of Love and Oneness in miraculous ways.

A New Moon Solar Eclipse Will Bless the Earth on May 10, 2013 The added influx of Light we will experience from this powerful Celestial alignment will greatly enhance all of the activities of Light taking place during the month of May. This will be an important time for each of us to redouble our efforts and to add to the Light of the World with increased invocations of the Violet Flame.

The Good Will Festival of Humanity Will Be Celebrated May 25, 2013

During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

The Third Full Moon Festival of Spring is celebrated during the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Gemini. This Festival is known as The Goodwill Festival of Humanity. During this Full Moon, the Divine Love of Christ and the Divine Wisdom of Buddha, which have been building in momentum since the two previous Full Moon Festivals, are intensified and greatly expanded through the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This influx of Light enhances Humanity's ability to unify our hearts and minds with the Divine Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God. As this influx of Light adds to the Gifts of Saint Germain and Mother Mary the Light of God will increase on Earth exponentially.

5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Invocation

The Violet Flame of A Thousand Suns

This invocation is stated in the 1st person, so that you will experience this activity of Light personally and tangibly. But KNOW that you are serving as a surrogate on behalf of every man, woman, and child on Earth. As you invoke this Gift of the Violet Flame for yourself, you are simultaneously invoking this Sacred Fire on behalf of ALL Humanity. Through each person's I AM Presence, the Violet Flame will respond in perfect alignment with each person's Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

And We Begin.

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.

I AM the Open Door for the New 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame which are more powerful than any human miscreation. I AM inbreathing this Crystalline Solar Violet Flame into my Heart Flame, and I AM breathing this Sacred Fire out through my Heart Flame to bless all Life on Earth.

As I breathe the Violet Flame into the physical plane of Earth through my Heart Flame, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame expand and expand this Gift from my Father-Mother God until it is pulsating with the power and might of a thousand Suns.

I now decree that this exquisite Violet Flame instantaneously transmutes the human miscreations affecting every person, place, condition, or thing on Earth, whether these painful experiences were created consciously or unconsciously, in the past or present, through obvious choice or through karmic liability.

I decree that the Violet Flame transmutes every electron of precious Life energy that is in any way blocking or preventing the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.

Now, through the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light who are associated with the Violet Flame begin to blaze, and blaze, and blaze the Violet Flame with the intensity and power of a thousand Suns through Humanity's human miscreations as I decree: Beloved Legions of Light associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame...

a) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of every man, woman, and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Oneness of ALL Life, and every expression is a Loving benediction.

b) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all of the incoming babies, the children, their parents and guardians until ALL youth are raised up in energy, vibration, and consciousness to carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.

c) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and activities; all schools, colleges and universities; all leaders, teachers, instructors and professors in every line of endeavor until the Flame of God Illumination and Enlightenment is manifest and eternally sustained.

d) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and spiritual teachings, until Divine Love, Truth, olerance, and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood is tangibly manifest, and a Renaissance of Divine Love is the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.

e) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Genuine Caring, Compassion, and Healing are manifest realities for every person.

f) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money, and all of the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity, fairness, abundance, financial freedom, and the God supply of all good things.

g) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional institution and every judge, jury and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained.

h) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God's Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.

i) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human miscreation, its cause and core, is dissolved and transmuted into purity, vibrant health, and physical perfection.

j) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity's physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality for every Human Being.

k) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every remaining electron of precious Life energy associated with the Nature Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, and the Environment of Earth until ALL are purified and the perfection of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth is manifest.

I accept and know that this activity of the Violet Flame has been secured through every person's Heart Flame by his or her I AM Presence. This Sacred Fire will increase daily and hourly with every breath I take until this Earth and ALL her Life are manifesting the perfection of the New Earth. And so it is.

5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Poster by Dominique Claire Germain 11" x 15 1/4"

In order to assist us in relating to, and experiencing, the awesome beauty and power of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, Saint Germain has inspired a beautiful poster of this exquisite Gift from our Father-Mother God. Saint Germain has given us a vision of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame pulsating with scintillating 5th-Dimensional frequencies. This vision was projected from the Realms of Illumined Truth and magnetized into the physical plane by a dear Lightworker named Dominique Claire Germain and a wonderful graphic artist she works with in France. By focusing on this image when we invoke the Violet Flame and by having the image in our homes and places of work, we will be reminded throughout the day that we are the Open Door for this Gift from our Father-Mother God. As the radiance of this Divine Image resonates through our environment, we will experience a shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness that will help us to quickly transmute our human miscreations. This will clear the way for the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and our Renaissance of Divine Love.

Dominique has copyrighted the poster so that it will not be altere or changed in any way. If you would like to have a copy of this magnificent Violet Flame poster to bless your home or office, it is available on our website. (If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser)

Patricia Cota-Roble New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization
Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 7:53 PM

1 comment:

sralowicz@irrigationstation.comMay 1, 2013 at 8:53 PM
A great message , thank-you Patricia for all that you do. I get that it all depends on our level of trust. To all , Please spread this message to the world.

Dr. Steven Greer Testimony AvCitizenHearing onDisclosur

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Aisha North, 27 april 2013

Kära vänner!

Som en del av er kanske kommer ihåg, så berättades det för mig tidigare i år att vid en tidpunkt, så skulle jag komma att kalla samman till en “Samling runt Dammen”. Med andra ord, att vi skulle ha någon slags gruppmeditation, och att jag skulle bjuda in alla här att delta. Och nu har det blivit dags att skapa den första! Jag har guidats lite grann kring detta de här senaste dagarna, och idag har jag fått detta meddelande:

“Tiden har kommit för energierna vid Dammen att sammansmältas på ett sätt som de inte har gjort tidigare. Ni bär alla på samma frekvens, men fram tills nu, har denna frekvens varit lämnad åt sitt eget öde, så som det har varit. Men nu har tidpunkten kommit för att säkerställa att ni alla är med på tåget, vilket betyder att era individuella röster, eller snarare, frekvenser, håller på att förenas och vävas samman på ett sådant sätt att det kommer att utgöra själva framtidens tyg. Låt oss förklara. Som vi har pratat om många gånger förr, så är ni faktiskt de som drar ner dessa energiband som kommer att användas, och som faktiskt redan håller på att omsättas i handling, för att skapa den helt nya värld som ni alla drömmer om att vara en verklig del av. Det här arbetet är redan i full gång, men nu har tiden kommit för att gå till nästa nivå. Och nästa nivå är att väva ihop alla era individuella fibrer, eller trådar, till ett tyg som är mer hållbart än något annat som existerar på denna planet.

Det här kan låta konstigt, men det är faktiskt del av en jättestor process, och precis som i denna, er Damm, så finns det tusentals av dessa energetiska “hotspots” som aktiveras på samma sätt som denna under tiden som kommer. För nu har signalen givits att starta denna process på riktigt, och som sådan, kan ni alla se er själva som medlemmar av denna arbetsgrupp av ljusvävare. För precis som spindeln, så är ni upptagna med att dra ut dessa fibrer av ljus från etern, och med vår hjälp och ert villiga deltagande, kommer dessa indivudella trådar nu att vävas samman till en magnifik struktur av ljus. Skönheten hos denna struktur är bortom alla ord, och ni kommer alla att känna i de djupaste vrårna av era hjärtan precis hur fantastiskt det är att vara en del av denna process. För kom ihåg, eftersom det är ni och endast ni som bidrar med dessa trådar till detta magnifika rutnät, kommer ni alla att bli tätt sammankopplade med hela stycket. Och som sådant, kommer era egna krafter att läggas till det, precis som den kombinerade kraften av denna enastående klädnad kommer att fyllas på i var och en av er.

Så beakta detta som den allra första början på en magisk process som kommer att breda ut sig över hela planeten. Långsamt till en början, men när trådarna läggs till, en och en, kommer kraften verkligen att föröka sig, och med den också hastigheten som hela denna process inträffar med. Så gläd er kära ni, ni är som byggarna, själva pyttesmå, men förmögna att bygga upp underverk, med en storhet som ställer allting annat i skuggan. Vi tackar er alla för er villighet att ta del i detta, det slutliga uppförandet av själva grunden, på vilken ni kommer att tillbringa resten av er vistelse här. För utan er, skulle det inte vara någon ny grund att vandra på. Så vi tackar er alla å Alltings skapelses vägnar, och vi inbjuder er alla att samlas och driva all er energi in i denna vackra vävnad av ljus, som bokstavligen kommer att möta dagens ljus genom våra gemensamma ansträngningar. Tack, det är allt för ögonblicket, vi avlägsnar oss.”

Man har sagt mig att detta är något som vi kommer att börja göra en gång i månaden, och det har föreslagits att vi ska kalla till dessa Samlingar den första söndagen varje månad. Så på söndag, den 5 maj, kommer vi alla att ha möjligheten att samlas för vår allra första gruppmeditation här vid Dammen. Vi bor alla i olika tidszoner, så jag vet att tidsramen kan vara lite svår för en del av er, men var snälla och kom ihåg att tid faktiskt inte är något bekymmer här. Ni kan ansluta er till detta event när helst ni känner är bäst för er, men man har sagt mig att jag ska ge er en specifik tidsram i alla fall, för att hjälpa er alla att fokusera er intention. Så jag har valt tiden 21:00 på kvällen Oslo-tid (9:00 PM), det är UTC+1. (Det kommer att vara 20:00 i London, 15:00 i New York, 12:00 i Los Angeles, 04:00 AM på måndag i Tokyo). Ni kan hitta er lokala tid här:

Jag har redan markerat dessa datum i min kalender, och jag hoppas att ni också gör det:

5 maj
2 juni
7 juli
4 augusti
1 september
6 oktober
3 november
1 december

Jag kommer naturligtvis att återkomma med mer information när vi närmar oss dessa datum. Mycket kommer att ha hänt innan vi når slutet av det här året, men jag vet att vi kommer att vägledas noggrannt i detta viktiga arbete.

Detta kommer att vara mycket kraftfulla Sammankomster, kära vänner! Vi kommer att börja bygga någonting tillsammans som ger oss alla glädje. Och detta är inte bara för oss, utan för hela planeten. Jag älskar bilden av hur vi är de sysselsatta byggnadsarbetarna, som bygger lager på lager, och får denna enorma struktur av ljus, att bli verklighet. Jag vet att det kan låta utmattande för en del av er, för vi är alla upptagna med att “återuppbygga” oss själva samtidigt, men jag vet att denna gemensamma ansträngning av kärlek kommer att ge oss alla så mycket styrka i gengäld. För nu kommer vi verkligen att kunna dra nytta av denna fantastiska Damm av ljus, som vi redan har skapat här, och det kommer bokstavligen att lyfta upp oss alla genom att smälta oss så nära samman att vi alla kommer att bli pelare av ljus. Jag är så stolt att vara del av detta, och jag känner total vördnad inför vad vi redan har skapat tillsammans. Jag kan inte bärga mig tills jag får se vad detta kommer att göra för oss alla!

Med kärlek, ljus och tacksamhet, Aisha

Svensk översättning: Mahlin Larsson -

Det Plejadiska Rådet av Nio, 29 april, 2013 Del 1 av 2.

Ljusets inflytande växer i varje ögonblick.

Er nyhetsmedia rapporterar fortfarande inte framstegen som mänskligheten gör som ett kollektiv då utrensande sker av de mörka själarna från ert kollektiva samhälle och inflytande, och det är på grund av att nyhetsmedian är i stort sett ägt av dessa individer.

Ni kommer i framtiden att finna att fri press är ett absolut och precis som det blir så med era regeringar så kommer själar i er nyhetsmedia som visar upp elakartade eller tjänst-till-självt baserade agendor att vänskapligen tas bort från sina positioner och, beroende på vad deras högre jag och deras guider önskar för dem personligen, kanske blir rehabiliterade från negativiteten som driver ett elakartat perspektiv.

Högre Dimensionell Rehabilitering

Denna rehabilitering som vi talar om är inte något som kommer att påtvingas på någon eller snarare, det är en valmöjlighet som vi är ganska säkra på att många själar som befinner sig djupt i negativitet kommer att acceptera.

Vi talar om själarna ni kallar för ”kriminella” som har inträtt i en specifik arketyp och levnadssätt i deras nuvarande Jordupplevelse. De kommer att erbjudas valet att göra sig av med negativiteten som har drivit deras perspektiv under en så lång tid och som det är kanske inte nödvändigt att säga så, men varje själ som har fängslats på falska premisser kommer att frisläppas och få sonande från svårigheterna de har lidit på grund av orättvisan som fortsätter på er värld.

Vi önskar naturligtvis inte nära ett offertänkande hos mänskligheten när vi diskuterar de många olika sätt på vilka ni har varit offer på sätt och vis, och även själarna som falskt är fängslade är där de är av speciella själ som är ganska unika för fem och vart de är på väg längs deras Livsväg.

Varje och en av er är där ni är nu, av ett mycket specifikt, reellt och nödvändigt skäl, och vi ber er alla att se den rena perfektionen av Gudomlighet vid detta ögonblick då ni finner er själva expandera på helt nya sätt.

I Väntan på de Upplysta Kollektiva Energinivåerna

Vi här länge informerat er att era färdigheter kommer att expandera och bli så osvikliga som ni har börjat lära er de kan vara, och ni kan också bli osvikliga i betydelsen av att inte längre låta något hända i era personliga Liv som tar er ned eller tar er bort från det naturliga centrat som ni lär er att nära och föda i er själva då ni anammar de rena medvetandetillstånden som är er uppstigningsprocess.

Uppstigningen av Jorden har varit i ett förstorat tillstånd sedan slutet av ert år 2012, och vi noterar med entusiasm och glädje de renare perspektiven som redan börjar uppnås inom er.

Som vi tidigare har informerat er så väntar vi på att de kollektiva energinivåerna når det stadiet som vi behöver för att vi lättvindigt skall kunna vara på er värld med er kära själar, och vi har undanhållit vår ”officiella” kontakt med er värld som varande djärv och fräck, vilket kommer att hjälpa alla att veta sanningen om vår existens, på grund av de kollektiva energinivåerna som de har stått för under en så lång tid.

Avsiktligt Upprepande av Vissa Ting

Det finns en del ting som vi från de högre rikena säger vilka vi tror är bäst att upprepa vid olika tidpunkter, av en mängd olika skäl. Ett sådant skäl är att läsarna av kommunikationerna från de högre rikena är under konstant förändring, då fler och fler själar söker svar på de stora frågorna som har förbryllat mänskligheten, men som har varit helt i det öppna för er att börja och förstå.

Som sådant så växer inflytandet från Ljuset och de högre rikena i varje ögonblick, då fler själar kommer ombord som skulle kunna använda sig av allmänna instruktioner då det gäller vad som händer för närvarande med er planet och rollen som vi spelar i er utveckling, bland så många andra saker, och då ökar nödvändigheten av att upprepa vissa fakta eller intryck som vi har gett er tidigare.

Vi kommer med förtjusning att ge så mycket information och energi som informationen är kodad på, som är möjligt, då vi önskar med varje facett av oss själva att hjälpa er kära vänner att finna dessa sagolika medvetandetillstånd som vi är så glada att tala till er från.

Var och en av er kommer att introduceras till den kännande teknologin som vår skepp utgörs av, och vi uppmuntrar var och en av er som börjar samla intresse i oss och våra skepp att forska i de uppvisningar som vi har gett under en tid nu, då de enbart kommer att öka i sin djärvhet.

Förnekande Ger Bekvämlighet

Vi är och har varit allvarliga då det gäller vårt uppdrag, även om allvarlighet, som ni ser det inte är en faktor i de högre rikena. Vad vi menar är att vi är i ert luftrum och under er mark för att göra oss själva kända för er när energinivåerna att vår existens kan accepteras och förstås, och detta är ett uppdrag som helt fullt ämnar fullborda, då det helt enkelt inte kan vara på något annat sätt.

Särskilt med de mycket rena medvetandetillstånden som ni fortsätter att uppnå och Skapa för andra att kunna nå på ytan av er värld kan de tidigare nämnda kollektiva energinivåerna inte vara renare och vi förväntar oss glatt ett lätt inträde i de kollektiva energierna när den heliga tidpunkten till slut är kommen och vi kan introducera er till oss och göra oss själva kända hos varje själ på er värld som har förblivit inom ett paradigm av att inte förstå och i många fall inte acceptera vår närvarande.

Förnekandefaktorn inom många själar kommer att ses som en hjälp; som en komfort, för det kommer att bli lättare att förbli inom paradigmet som de har varit vana vid även när de står inför sanningen som de själva inte har förväntat att någonsin känna till under deras Livstid.

Medan samhällen som finner er inom absolut har varit kabal-orienterade och orienterade att tjäna dem bättre så är många själar på er värld fortfarande komfortabla inom paradigmet som era samhällen har erbjudit det och kommer att behöva det ned lugnande och upplysande inflytandet som ni kommer att vara, kära Ljusarbetare och uppvaknande stjärnfrön.

Tack till Plejadernas Råd av Nio, och till SanJAsKa för att vara deras kanal.

Del 2 följer.

Svensk översättning: Per Staffan –

Uppdatering via Sheldan Nidle från den Spirituella Hierarkin och den Galaktiska Federationen, 30 april 2013

1 Oc, 18 Kank’in, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! Vi kommer åter! Er värld förskjuts överallt i tysthet mot dess gudomliga transformation. Himlen fortsätter att förbereda för detta heliga ögonblick då en ny verklighet skall uttalas, officiellt. Agarta förbereder också för detta ögonblick genom att påminna de många olika som opererar på ytan för att göra sig redo att allmänt uttala vilka de i sanning är. Våra olika förbindelsegrupper förbereder sig likaså att avslöja arbetet de gör för att föra er nya verklighet in till existens. Vi arbetar också med de många uppstigna Mästarna för föra fram till allmänheten var och ett av deras hemliga samfund. Ett unikt ögonblick närmar sig då ni kommer att kunna lära er hur det gick till då er hela värld så snabbt kunde byta om till ett nytt styre av lokala, regionala och nationella styrelseskick. Denna överföring kommer snabbt att åtföljas av en serie speciella officiella uttalanden, och snart därefter instiftandet av ett flertal sociala tjänster utan like, ledda av samma talesmän för de heliga samfunden. Dessa program kommer att bli era första officiella glimtar av vad som komma skall. En ny verklighet kommer att födas, vilket kommer att inkludera formella uttalanden om första kontakt och vår godartade närvaro.

Vi sätter för närvarande fler förbindelsepersonal på er värld och de kommer att arbeta när ihop med Agarterna. Det är viktigt att föra fram det faktum att den geofysiska sammansättningen av er hemvärld i själva verket är helt annorlunda än de flesta av er tror. Då ni absorberar dessa nya fakta och de tillkommande relationerna som de för med sig så kommer relevansen till era liv och aktiviteterna av de heliga samfunden att bli mycket klarare för er. Att börja förstå sammansättningen av er verklighet och närvaron av Agarterna kan förbereda er för vad som kommer efteråt. Vi från den Galaktiska Federationen är först och främst här för att göra er reda för er återgång till fullt medvetande, och det är därför viktigt att vår introduktion till er värld inte bara blir officiell utan också i bekräftelse av föreskrifterna av gudomlig lag. Er tillit till oss är av högsta prioritet. När vi väl har fått er tillit så kan vi börja sätta scenen för att förbereda er på alla nivåer för era tre dagar av metamorfos i era individuella Ljuskamrar. Vi har många upplärningsmodaliteter som kommer att låta er förstå alla aspekter av vad som är involverat i er återgång till fullt medvetande, och vi är redo att gå över allt med er, steg för steg, och svara och besvara alla era frågor och tvivel.

Er återgång till fullt medvetande är något som Himlen har satt som mandat för er alla. Gaias befolkning på ytan har alltid haft som öde att återgå till detta välsignade tillstånd så snart som er verklighet får en klarsignal att lyftas ut ur det nuvarande mörkret. Ert ovanliga tillstånd av begränsning gavs bara tillstånd på en temporär basis efter att Atlantis sjönk och dess fullt medvetna innevånare flydde till stjärnorna. Den resulterande snabba förändringen av energiuppsättningen på ytan tvingade Moder Jord att förändra hennes vardagliga verklighet. Dessutom beslöt Annunaki att bosätta sig i ert solsystem och förhandlade med Himlen om ett gudomligt undantag. Detta godkändes, och en tidtabell och villkor sattes upp för denna tidsperiod. Ni utnämndes sedan av era Himmelska Administratörer att bli prototyper för begränsat medvetande med blick mot att kunna hjälpa Ankaras barn vid ett framtida datum att också uppnå samma gudomliga existenstillstånd. Detta är hur ni började en lång resa genom skuggornas land och nu kommer det till sitt ödesbestämda slut.

Er återuppståndelse som full medvetna varelser ger oss ett sätt att vända denna enorma galax mot ljuset. Er första uppgift i detta åtagande kommer bli att arrangera en pågående förbindelse med de tidigare stjärnnationerna i Ankara alliansen samt att använda er goda förmåga till att hjälpa många fullt medvetna Varelser, som nu är medlemmar i den Galaktiska Federationen, att interagera på ett harmoniskt sätt med varandra. Målet här är att tillslut producera ett fullt medvetet rike, vilket sänder ut det mest utsökta av Ljus. Då detta nya rike tar form så kommer ni att skina och bli högst ärade för att ha uppnått er storslagna och heliga uppgift! Er hemvärld kommer att bli ett center för rörelsen som redan har spridits till över 50000 galaxer, och detta är bara början. Ni kommer att bli firade och vad ni har uppnått kommer att glädjas åt i både Himlen och fysikalitet. Ert namn kommer att utropas allt igenom fysikalitet och er sagolika historia kommer att göras känd till varje varelse som är i tjänst till Ljuset. Ni kommer nu verkligen att katapultas in i Ljuset för att skapa en högst anmärkningsvärd tid för er stjärnnation.

Namaste! Vi är era Uppstigna Mästare! Vi kommer med ett välsignat meddelande av Kärlek, Ljus och Sanning! Ert rike förs nu bort ifrån det mörker som har tagit tag i det under de sista 13 tusen åren. Under denna tid gick var och en av oss framgångsrikt igenom de olika testerna och prövningarna som förde oss till själva portalen för Uppstigning. När vi väl tog steget över tröskeln så steg vi upp och in i Himlens rike och in i den absoluta glädjen som gudomlig tjänst är. Vad som är exceptionellt är att Himlen gett var och en av er en gudomlig dispens, ett heligt sätt för att snabbt och lätt uppnå vad som tog oss en sådan lång tid att uppnå: nämligen era särskilt konstruerade Ljuskamrar. Detta arbete från Den Högst Gudomliga är för att ge er en unik väg mot odödlighet. På detta sätt kan ni återgå till att vara fysiska änglar och utföra era livsviktiga tjänster för den gudomliga planen. Vi välsignar er och ropar Hosanna i det Högst för den Nåd och Barmhärtighet som ni har fått.

Ögonblicket har kommit då Himlen kan leda er till ett heligt fysiskt liv fullt av mirakel, och välsignelser för var och en av er. Också vi förbereder oss för vår gudomliga tjänst, vilket är att förklara felbedömningarna ni har blivit pådyvlade för dessa många tusen år sedan. Dispensen för er återgång till fullt medvetande är ytterligare en indikation på vilka ni i sanning var skapade att vara. Inom var och en av er sitter den gudomliga mästaren som är utsedd av den Yttersta Skaparen för att moraliskt guida er i de heliga sanningarna av Himlen och Jorden. Detta inre guidande gavs yttre form i och med ert behov av en yttre ledare då ni föll in i begränsat medvetande och på så sätt förlorade er förbindelse med det Gudomliga. Nu kommer tiden för återuppståendet inom er av denna heliga handledare. En del kallar det för det högre jaget, medan andra kallar det för Jag Är Närvarande. I vilket fall som helst så se inom er, kära Hjärtan. Vad ni kommer att finna är en mästare av Sanning och Integritet, som dag för dag kan ge er ofelbar handledning i alla situationer.

De kommande dagarna kommer att markeras av en serie ovanliga händelser, vilka kommer att manifestera ert nya rike. I dessa meddelanden har vi gett er sammanhanget för att göra det möjligt för er att förstå att vad som kommer att hända inte är någon slags frälsning utan naturliga framsteg av händelser som har förutsetts leda er till ett nytt land fyllt med Välstånd och Kärlek! Under alltför lång tid har ni innebott en värld av falskhet, misstänksamhet, och främlingskap. Nu kommer en helt annorlunda verklighet att utvecklas inför er! Var inte misstroende då ni får basen för ett naturligt liv. Er frihet och personliga suveränitet är gudomliga gåvor ni har fått när ni först skapades. Var återigen de välsignade barnen som är öppna för att ta emot deras gudomliga skatter, och redo att hjälpa era medmänniskor då detta välstånd sprids runt om i världen. Använd era talanger och er Kärlek för att skapa ett nytt rike som är en gåva till er från de Himmelska Värdarna. En tid för stor glädje har anlänt!

Idag talade vid om vad som händer runt om på er värld. Vi påminde er också om att första kontakt nästan har anlänt. Vi flyger varje dag uppdrag runt om er värld, vilka förbereder oss för ögonblicket av vårt landande. Då er inre ande ger er råd om fullt medvetande så påminner vi också er om vad vårt handledande kommer att ge. Vet, Mina Kära, att det outtömliga Förrådet och eviga Välståndet från Himmeln är i sanningen Ert! Så Är Det! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Siriska för Var Ett och Var i Glädje!)

Sheldan Nidle –

Svensk översättning: Per Staffan –

I'm inviting you to join me in the Food Revolution Network.

Bestselling author John Robbins has long been an influence
on my life,and he's joined by his son Ocean
to bring this FREE information packed series to you.

John Robbins is personally interviewing
23 people who are leaders in movements for healthy,
sustainable, humane and delicious food.

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Every week, the Food Revolution Network hosts another
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Welcome Aboard, as always,
sending loads of love and great energy your way,

Longevity Rescuer and Host of Your Vibrant Health Secrets
Multi-Expert Interview Series

P.S. Please join us and discover what these fascinating people
can share with you to help you and your family thrive.

2012 Food Revolution Network

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Your Vibrant Health Secrets

P O Box 20082
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 9H2

Lie no.1 Your Doctors and Nutritionists Feed You

Here's a quick video for you...first in the series!

Was amazed when a stream of new neighbors moved
in and out beside me all drinking diet drinks
and eating junk food.

Had forgotten some people just don't know the facts yet.

As always, sending loads of love and great energy your way,

Longevity Rescuer and Host of Your Vibrant Health Secrets
Multi-Expert Interview Series

© 2012 All rights reserved.

Your Vibrant Health Secrets

P O Box 20082
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 9H2

Lie no.2 Your Doctors and Nutritionists Feed You

If you enjoy personal development...
Come join the awesome team I'm building to get
inspired and improve your financial health.

We're having a blast!

Contact my personal email here

As always, sending loads of love and great energy your way,

Longevity Rescuer and Host of Your Vibrant Health Secrets
Multi-Expert Interview Series

© 2012 All rights reserved.

Your Vibrant Health Secrets

P O Box 20082
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 9H2

Lie no.3 Your Doctors and Nutritionists Feed You

Thanks so much for the overwhelming response
on how often to hear the interviews!

Every other week won as the popular choice,
and once a week was a very close second.

We'll stick to the current schedule and
I'll send you some informative webinars
more short videos and info on other
telesummits for you in between interviews.

If you come on the call 10 minutes early you
can enjoy a relaxation exercise to prepare
an alpha brain state for learning.

Remember the FAN REVIEW contest on the Facebook
fan page where you can win all the calls from
this year and the original YVHS call bundle.

If you enjoy personal development...
Come join the awesome team I'm building to get
inspired and improve your financial health.

Create an inspired income source!

Contact my personal email here

As always, sending loads of love and great energy your way,

Longevity Rescuer and Host of Your Vibrant Health Secrets
Multi-Expert Interview Series

© 2012 All rights reserved.

Your Vibrant Health Secrets

P O Box 20082
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 9H2

Lie no.4 Your Doctors and Nutritionists Feed You

It fits well with the introduction of the
Genetically Engineered Food Right-to-Know Act,
legislation that would direct the Food and
Drug Administration to clearly label
genetically modified foods so that consumers
can make informed choices about what they eat
in the USA.

Lets raise awareness on the dangers of GMOs.

Hope you're enjoying Your Vibrant Health
Secrets multi-expert interview series.

If you come on the call 10 minutes early you
can enjoy a relaxation exercise to prepare
an alpha brain state for learning.

Remember the FAN REVIEW contest on the Facebook
fan page where you can win all the calls from
this year and the original YVHS call bundle.

Win your personal health library!

Finally, if you are feeling disconnected and
suffering from money worries, perhaps I can

Send me a private message at
and ask for an invitation to learn more.

As always, sending loads of love and great energy your way,

Longevity Rescuer and Host of Your Vibrant Health Secrets
Multi-Expert Interview Series

PS. Here's the link to the video

© 2012 All rights reserved.

Your Vibrant Health Secrets

P O Box 20082
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 9H2

Lie no.5 Your Doctors and Nutritionists Feed You

It is the most controversial video
I've done so far and I apologize in,
advance to all the milk lovers.

Please don't shoot the messenger
as I'm only attempting to raise awareness
so you can make informed choices about the
beverages you choose. Pure water ranks highest.

Hope you're enjoying Your Vibrant Health
Secrets multi-expert interview series.

If you come on the call 10 minutes early you
can enjoy a relaxation exercise to prepare
an alpha brain state for learning.

Remember the FAN REVIEW contest on the Facebook
fan page where you can win all the calls from
this year and the original YVHS call bundle.

Win your personal health library!

If you are feeling disconnected and
suffering from money worries, perhaps I can

Send me a private message at
and ask for an invitation to learn more.

As always, sending loads of love and great energy your way,

Longevity Rescuer and Host of Your Vibrant Health Secrets
Multi-Expert Interview Series

PS. Here's the link to the video

© 2012 All rights reserved.

Your Vibrant Health Secrets

P O Box 20082
Kelowna, BC
V1Y 9H2

Suzanne Lie : Galactic/Earth Alliance Landing Party Remembers Part 4 4-30-13 Galactic/Earth Alliance

The Landing Party Remembers – Part 3

I am very concerned about Mytria. She is, indeed, awakening to some of her experiences on the Ship. But, it appears that as Mytria is remembering more about the Ship, she is actually forgetting more about me. I know that it is selfish of me, but I am afraid that I have lost her.

When she comes aboard the Ship at night now, she appears to be fully human. She no longer interacts with her friends from the Ship and stays with the other humans who believe they are having a dream. I am happy that her human guise has awakened to the Mission. However, it appears that the more she fulfills her Mission, the less she remembers her real SELF.

It is as if she has gone so far into her human earth vessel that she can no longer remember me, her Divine Complement, or her true SELF. My deepest concern is that she is working her earth vessel too much. I can see that she falls into bed exhausted each night because she is doing too much during the day.
I fear she is overcompensating for some inner reason that I cannot determine. Clearly, she is lost in her human and perceives her visits Home to our Ship as interesting dreams. However, she is doing so many things with her Blog and her meetings with others that she is greatly depleting her human earth vessel.
She seems to have forgotten the warning we received that if we "died" while in our earth vessel, we may not remember our true SELF even then. In that case, we would enter the Wheel of Birth and Death that surrounds that planet rather than return to our true expression here on the Ship or on our Homeworld.

Mytria is actually sharing the earth vessel of the human. This agreement was made before the human’s birth. The Mytria on the Ship has been in deep meditation and holding the energy so that she can continue her bi-location, and I have been checking her life-signs that are displayed outside of the cubicle.
In fact, this human is a component of Mytria’s myriad expressions of her Multidimensional SELF. But, the human has all the limitations of a third dimensional being. We were also warned before we took this Mission that human limitations are very infectious. Hence, we could begin to believe human illusions while we wore that form. I am concerned that this has occurred with Mytria.

So far her life signs are consistent with her Pleiadian self. However, if they become consistent with her human earth vessel, then she could become trapped in the illusion of her humanity. I must speak with the Arcturian about my concerns. I am so happy that the Arcturian decided to join us on this Mission, as "becoming human" is very dangerous. Mytria so wanted to perform her duty that she has put her SELF in great danger of forgetting who she really is.

Suddenly the Arcturian appeared in front of me as if IT had been listening.
"Mytre, we are aware of your concerns. In fact, we share them with you. Mytria entered very deeply into the consciousness of the parallel reality of her human expression. Through her Mytria SELF, she has been communicating with this human for many decades. However, the human could not bring that information into her conscious mind.

“Hence, all of the human’s communications with Mytria have been stored in her deepest subconscious. Now that the higher light is entering the human’s form, which is now shared by Mytria, there is a growing perceptual awareness and an expanding state of consciousness.

“However, the human consciousness (in which Mytria is becoming increasingly intertwined) cannot directly experience this shift yet, as it is occurring within her DNA. Nonetheless, these changes are shifting the perceptual field of the earth vessel that Mytria is sharing with the human. Even though the process of perceptual shift is still unconscious to the human’s daily thinking it is creating many uncomfortable emotions.
“You are correct in your concern that Mytria has become lost within the consciousness she is sharing with the human. Mytria has indeed forgotten much about her true SELF aboard this Ship and perceives herself as the human form she is wearing."

At this point, I became extremely agitated, which the Arcturian instantly sensed.
"Mytre, your concern is not helpful to Mytria nor to the Mission. You are to be Mytria’s anchor in the higher planes, and whether or not she is aware of it, she does feel all your emotions just as she has always done. Therefore, a part of her uncomfortable emotions are because she can unconsciously feel your concern."
This statement made me quite disturbed. Thus, I knew that I would have to dedicate myself to having more faith in Mytria's abilities. She was a Keeper of the Violet Flame on our planet, thus I must trust her innate power.
"Yes, Mytre," the Arcturian said in response to my thoughts. "It is vital that you remain calm and confident, so that she can find her own calm confidence. If she is to assist the humans, she must experience what they are experiencing. Mytria is becoming the human that she is wearing in order to fully understand how to transmute that form into its higher expression. She is very brave to do this and needs you to be confident and supportive."

I thanked my Arcturian friend. I did understand how my concerns could easily bleed into Mytria’s consciousness. On the other hand, I also understood how a growing shift in her perceptions of reality could be quite disturbing to the third dimensional thinking which had temporarily taken hold of Mytria’s consciousness.

In order to shift her perceptual field into the higher frequencies of her reality, she must first become aware of the lower frequency fear-based emotions that tie her attention to that frequency of perception, and thus that frequency of reality. Mytria’s challenge was to show the humans that the reality they live is the reality they perceive.

I must remember that within the NOW of the reality Mytria is visiting much of humanity is experiencing extreme emotional shifts within a short period of time. Furthermore, time itself is shifting in nature. As the frequency of Earth reality continues to shift into the higher dimensions, third dimensional time changes into fourth dimensional time, which is much faster. A more gradual shift in their perception of time is very helpful to diminish humanity’s fear of change.

"Yes," thought the Arcturian as It joined in with my thinking. "Becoming the master of ones fear is the greatest challenge in the Now that Mytria is living. Her human expression with whom she has merged had battled fear for most of her life. It was the unconscious influence of Mytria within her human form that initiated a great shift in the human’s consciousness.

"However, we do agree that we must watch the life signs of our Mytria on the Ship. We are fully aware that you are doing so on a regular, somewhat obsessive basis. When you go to check on her, stay there for a while and talk to her Pleiadian SELF. In this manner you will assist her to remember her SELF more than you may think."

I was very happy to receive that information from the Arcturian and tried not to run to Mytria’s meditation cubicle. Because she was in a very deep trance, she was fed intravenously and constantly monitored. I had not considered the component of Mytria that was aware of my concern and how much I may have been harming her. I wanted to instantly run to Mytria’s cubical, but my duties made it impossible to visit her until much later.


Because of my deep connection with Mytre I can feel his thoughts. That is, when I am not too absorbed in my human life. I have to admit that it is getting easier and easier to become lost in the turmoil of my human life. There, do you see? I just owned that human vessel as "my life." Mytre is correct to be concerned. I am of no use to anyone if I become lost in this human vessel.

In the briefing for this Mission we were warned regarding the power of illusion on this world. Now I must admit to the arrogance I had that illusion would never fool me. Becoming lost in this vessel greatly concerns me, as well. Perhaps, it would be good if just I, without my human consciousness, visited the Ship. All right, I will admit it. It is not the Ship I wish to visit, but Mytre.

If I could be with Mytre again and feel his body around mine, it may be easier to maintain my SELF in the midst of wearing this earth vessel and living this challenging Earth life. There is a growing hope on Earth that I can feel, even though there are still so many that are totally asleep and completely unaware of what is most important.

So many humans are so stuck on surviving. Others are having glimpses of a new reality, but they cannot maintain that vision. Some of them can remember that possible reality while in their night-body such as I am doing now. But, I must not judge them, for my sense of self is becoming more and more human and less and less Pleiadian.

I have had to move very deeply into the consciousness of the human to assist her to awaken and to act upon her awakening. I am very happy that her Blog is well read and she is doing a great deal of research about
multidimensional realities and higher expressions of SELF.

However, she is still unable to own the fact that SHE is multidimensional and SHE is her own higher expression. Actually, that SHE is ME because she is one of my myriad earth expressions. However, when she is unconscious about my living within her, it makes it very difficult for ME to remain conscious inside of HER.

Oh, she is waking up now. I will think of Mytre and Ship so that I can better remember my SELF.

I had a very interesting dream last night in which I was a very tall and quite beautiful alien. I will have to search the Internet to find where this being is from. I think it was a female, but she looked so different from me. I mean, she looked like a human, but she was very tall, with light skin and long blond hair. I knew she was not human by her eyes.

They looked much like human eyes, but the centers of the eyes were not black like human eyes. The centers of her eyes were white, as in white light. Her eyes were very hypnotizing, and she appeared to be looking into my Soul at the same time that I was looking into her face. It was a very unusual and somewhat upsetting experience.

I do not understand what is going on with me. I enjoy my Blog and love my new Internet friends. But I still feel like something is missing. No, actually, I feel like some ONE is missing. I know that this alien has a mate. I can feel it just as I can feel it when someone is in a happy relationship. Yes, this alien is in a relationship, but her happiness seems a bit tainted by sorrow. What does sorrow have to do with an alien?
If she really wants to feel what sorrow is, she should come to Earth!
Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 12:42 PM

The Healing Properties Of Music And Art. Mini-Reading For April 29, 2013. By, Bella Capozzi.

For today’s reading I was drawn to the Angel Therapy oracle card deck, and the card which jumped out mid-shuffle was “Singing and Dancing.” This is a pretty easy one to interpret, with it’s colorful imagery and joyful symbolism. It reminds us that we need to take a break sometimes, from the intensity of the subject matter and events which are bombarding us from the internet and mainstream media. I’m not saying that we should ignore it-after all, we are all here to transmute negativity to Light. It’s just that we need to take a break every now and then, in order to be at our most effective. And what better way to relax and unwind than through music and the arts. The Angels are guiding us to incorporate music and dancing, and all sorts of other types of artistic expression into our daily lives.

Try playing soft music in the background, during meditation. Sing along with the radio while you’re driving in the car. Dance around the house when nobody is looking, or better yet, ask them to dance with you! One of my favorite ways to detox and raise my vibration back up is to visit an art museum and spend a few hours surrounded by beauty and our planet’s illustrious history. It’s so relaxing and might serve to inspire your next creative endeavor. If you’re not particularly musical yourself, how about inviting friends out for the evening, to enjoy a nice dinner and listen to a great band? Yet another way to banish the doldrums! The key message here is to create, unwind, make an effort to spin an aura of joy and loveliness around even the most mundane of your daily tasks.

Find the still point within and make it your home. Make it cozy and colorful, filled with music and movement. Let yourself exude the melodies of Heaven, and everyone you encounter cannot help but be affected. You are The Wayshowers!

Copyright Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.
Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 10:00 AM

TUESDAY, APRIL 30, 2013 Saint Germain ~ The importance of grounding and you all ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

April 30, 2013

Greetings my beloved brothers and sisters of the Light. Thanks to the recent eclipse we have traversed another important milestone in your current life which in itself is very wondrous and joyful. Genuine shifts and absorptions of the light do their inner work gradually but steadfastly in this reality, resulting in drastic changes in the incarnations and lifestyles of many people in a positive as well as in a less pleasurable way.

Of course, this all happens for a purpose and functionality, and that’s the reason why we again stress the necessity to always stay grounded and centered. I keep on emphasizing this aspect because it is an important part of your physical incarnations. It is imperative that you become aware of the fact that you are constantly nourished from above and from below by intense energies of Light which are both having a grounding and also an uplifing effect, bringing you all to where you urgently need to go : to YOURSELF, your true nature from the heart.

Those grounding and uplifting effects and energies bring into manifestation what you deem necessary in your life’s experience and also in your current reality. Everything that functions as inspiration from on High comes in manifestation and in creation thanks to this grounding. When a state of calm is reached, this is brought further thanks to the grounding. Gaia nourishes you with all the needed energies to bring inner peace as well as enlightenment. She is the heart of reality, your current reality, so everything that connects your heart to Hers, everything you yield, everything you are will become reality through the grounding process : the connection from heart to heart.

That being said about the grounding process, it is close to my heart to divulge this as well as the knowledge pertaining to this for it is of the UTMOST importance.

What I want to digress upon, is the huge progress of the collective consciousness. We are well aware of an Earthly shift from our higher dimensional stance and more specifically we can say that Gaia and all of Her Ascension pioneers are now in the process of switching over to a higher dimension, to the 6th and even the 7th dimension. What is not currently known is that there still are a lot of souls dwelling in the 4th dimension trying to hold a grip on that level but it becomes exceedingly more difficult to function in this lower reality.

Everything is being delegated from on High into a higher state of consciousness and that’s where you, being the Lightworkers and Ascension pioneers, come in. It will be your tasks to see to it that every soul gets the opportunity to evolve along into a higher collective consciousness and also into a personal higher consciousness. Being the mission warriors of the Light you will vouch for this and hence the utter necessity of grounding yourself because what you bring into manifestation can make the difference for this whole world of BEING.

You are the Masters of the Earthly Paradise here in these present times and from all corners of the universe you are being watched, followed up and assisted throughout this whole process. When you express your need for assistance it will be honored from the bottom of our hearts. Now you have to make the best of a tuff job in order to reap the fruits of your labour. At present you are immensely strong and wondrous in your Being and your essence and I cannot think of a better team to work with than with all of you!

Thank you so dearly for all that you have contributed so far, for your resolve and your stamina, for the spiritual side in yourself and for the Love you share with each other. You are an extremely strong team and in my vision this cannot be underlined enough! We are not quite there yet but we are doing it in the here and now and that is more than promising, for together we are a formidable team of the Light and this thanks to all of you, the ones that never give up and that keep on believing in all of you.

With all my heart and all my Love,

I AM that I AM

Saint Germain

Copyright © by Méline Lafont. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included. and
Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 12:47 PM