Beautiful photo of Cathedral Rocks in Sedona Copyright OceAnna Laughing Cloud |
| The Sedona Light Center Newsletter October 1, 2013 |
| Stay Informed on Updates with Genii's Blog
With so many people asking questions about The City of Light Sedona, Genii has agreed to begin posting the updates including her periodic visits to The City Embassy of Peace Headquarters on our web site andThe Light Center Blog Site. Here are a couple of Recent Messages Welcoming Center, Preparedness and An Invitation August 14, 2013 Visiting A Miracle. September 22, 2013 |
The 4 Keys to Light Training Genii has been providing this sacred teaching for over 20 years. It assists you in developing the ability to consciously connect and remain connected to your Supreme Light and the higher Light Intelligences that are assisting and guiding your lifestream. You will receive and remember these ancient and most holy teachings that will catapult you into mastery, self empowered knowing, sacred trust and responsibility. In the first key, you will anchor The Word, the most powerful word of Creation to support your mission in the planetary shift and the mastering of dualistic energies. The second key, Atonement is the harmonic simplicity of tone to align all of your energetic bodies to the rhythms of the Universe. Your guiding forces of Light will make themselves known as you learn to connect to, transmit and use Divine Intelligence in your life's mission. The 4th key is considered the most celebrated moment of your embodiment. The Light Linkage will greatly accelerate your advancement, as an open channel of Love, into Oneness as any remaining separations are abolished through the Power of Light. We all must exercise the newly expanded awareness while remembering that our mission is to embody self mastery on every level. With the assistance of The 4 Keys to Light program, we deepen our commitment and anchor our mission as Ambassadors of Light. For more information, visit The Light Center. |
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Its been a while since we published a newsletter and I am excited to share with you what's been happening. During the Summer, I was blessed to spend a week sharing presentations on my book,SOMETHING'S COMING! and The 4 Keys to Light in Illinois, Indiana and Kentucky. Thanks God, Judy and Renee for delivering me and allowing me to share my love... fully expanded. How would you like me to come visit your community and let me share the good news that SOMETHING'S COMING! and The 4 Keys to Light? We're always ready to travel when Spirit shows us the way to be of Love, Light and Service, Imagine That! For details of the Road Trip, please visit http://www.sedonalightcenter.org/roadtrip.htm |
Visiting A Miracle! City of Light Visit 9-22-13 How many people really believe, I mean really believe in miracles? I do! Ever since 1982 when it was revealed to me that a City of Light was to magically appear on this planet, I have followed this idea. I have stayed with that vision as it has much value not only for me, but for everyone on this planet. Many years have passed but the vision has remained and evolved as I have been blessed to visit the City. Like Dorothy heading for Oz, I took with me my mental (scarecrow) my love and heart (tin man), my courage (lion) and my belief in God and I just kept keeping on, Imagine That! On Sunday Sept. 22, 2013, somehow in my highest elevation it came true. I experienced all the feelings that will be felt as we walk into this miracle of miracles. The Light is beyond any we have here, the love is awesome. Now a week or so later I am still feeling the tears of joy, bliss, and thankfulness that such a miracle as this gift is to be given to us each and everyone.
It has just been revealed to me on October 1st that there are already Light streams emanating from the City of Light. That is so anyone who comes to the Gates of the City or enters will take with them when they depart the Love and Light frequencies the City embodies. Then that God Light is spread to other locations and people. Expect people to love people. Hate, darkness and wars of any kind will be banished as they cannot stay in this enlightenment of people and survive. This is good God news! This planet will be healed through us, each one embodying Gods Light and spreading it to others! How does one express God in form? Why was this Holy visit shown me? So that I can share with you what took place and you can embody God encased in a miracle called the City of Light and Love. Something's Coming? You bet. I promise! PRAISE GOD! Please do read the report of my visit to the City of Light at Visiting A Miracle |
Autographed Copies of SOMETHING'S COMING! If you haven't yet ordered your personally autographed copy of SOMETHING'S COMING, we invite you visit our web site and review all the information it provides about Cities of Light, the contents of the book, along with information about our other resources including The 4 Keys to Light classes. When you do receive your copy, we believe you will agree with all of us who have been blessed to help compile, publish and distribute the 444 page "real life adventure story" that it was well worth any wait. AND you are invited to join "Jedi Genii" in her continuing visits and explorations, Imagine That! |
Please Help Grant a Genii's Wish and Prayer!  I have been told so many times in my meditative prayer and devotional times, that the prophesized Second Coming miracle of a City of Light would be coming forth and that pastor Joel Osteen would be open to hear what I have to report.
Joel has inspired me for years with his message that God believes in miracles and God wants to fulfill my dream. He says we should keep believing and expecting big things to happen. Well the City of Light is about the biggest ever to materialize on this planet. My prayer is to meet Pastor Joel in person and say thanks. Please take a look at the photos and more details athttp://www.sedonalightcenter.org/geniiswish.htm |
| Thank You for Letting Me Share the GOOD GOD NEWS that SOMETHING'S COMING! Just a couple of weeks ago, I enjoyed another magical visit to the City of Light. It was one of the most inspiring and exciting of the isits I have been blessed to take there. You can join me in that experience by reading the report athttp://www.sedonalightcenter.org/cityvisit9222013.htm. And a couple of weeks earlier, I received a message that we need to be prepared to help thousands of people who will be coming here for The City of Light. That visit along with other similar messages that I have received has led The Sedona Light Center to issue an Invitation to anyone who would like to participate in what we are referring to as Welcome and Orientation Centers. That message and our invitation is athttp://www.sedonalightcenter.org/invitation.htm My heart is filled with gratitude, joy and excitement that somewhere in the ethers of time God had a great idea and we get to get healed in it . . . The City of Light Sedona (and in 13 more coming soon after all over the planet), Imagine That! We (including my little puppy Light Spirit) Apprecia-Love You! |
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| Free Book and 10% Discount
| Introduction to the "Liquid Light" and "Liquid Love" of Structured Water!
Over the past couple of years, I have received several important messages about the connection between "structured water" and The City of Light. We have provided the details of most of those messages at Structured Water and The City of Light.
Our sponsor, Natural Structured Water, is offering a 10% discount on all structured water units throughOctober 31 and a free digital copy of the 141-page book, Introduction to Structured Water with Clayton Nolte: Overview of the Health Benefits, Cost Savings and Environmental Advantages of Structured Water to anyone who buys Something's Coming! and subscribers to The Light Center ezine. For more information or to request your special discount code and or free copy, please call Charles Betterton at 928-554-4732 or send him an email to ceo@naturalstructuredwater.com. |
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