Monday, April 22, 2013

From My Friend Jasmine Sterling: Sirius Disclosure Film and Much More by Jose Ignacio Contreras yesterday

Hello Lovers of Light ...
I'm sending this info to everybody I feel may benefit from it.
I hope by now you are aware of the film 'Sirius Disclosure' premiering this Monday evening. I am actually attending this historic event in Hollyweird ... should be loads of fun!
Here's the trailer for 'Sirius Disclosure film:
I do feel this is critically important information and will help us create a mass awareness that will tremendously benefit us and help raise our planets consciousness in time.
Here's what's happening within the next two weeks: The Keshe Foundation World Peace Treaty Lecture and Presentation April 21, 2013 in Italy, The World Premiere of Sirius ~ The Documentary April 22, 2013 and the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure April 29 - May 3rd. This is the disclosure we have been trying to get from our government. When We the People force the issue the leaders are forced to pay attention. Critical Mass is important so that Mainstream Media gets pressure to cover these events.
I am asking all of us (who are so inclined :D) to please help get this info out there. I signed up as an affiliate to help distribute the Sirius film. Please consider doing the same. You can sign up here as an affiliate.
Affiliates are being paid as the way to distribute this film. I haven't checked to see how much they pay yet, but that they pay at all is most definitely a major bonus!
Feel free to forward this email if you'd like and just change out the affiliate number if you want to participate in the affiliate part. If you don't want to be an affiliate, just forward this email to everybody the way it is.
The purpose of our connection to a universal mind is to question our current reality and to open the doors to our future possibilities ... LET'S DO THIS!!!
Mainstream media is now paying attention: Here's the Rachael Maddow show that recently aired: There is a bit of 'this is a bit ridiculous' tone to Rachael. This is probably how she was able to get this aired. It is to be expected until the understanding of this reaches a critical mass within our population. She raises a great point at the very end of her report however, and it sticks more than the mocked tone:
Also, there will be live steaming of the Citizen's Hearing on Disclosure that Rachael is referring to on her show. Go here to sign up and participate with the live stream coverage of this event (cost's about $4.00 I think). Please translate this hearing into different languages if this applies to you. This is easily done through their site. We need to spread the word globally, as it effects the whole planet.
1- Watch the Sirius Disclosure film trailer:
2- Sign up to be an affiliate to help get the word out and distribute the Sirius film via internet. You can also use this link to pre-order access to
the Sirius Disclosure documentary, and can watch the premier as a live event- April 22 this Monday night:
3- Watch the Racheal Maddow show:
4- Send emails in all languages to watch the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure (April 29-May 3)
5- Send this info to our Mainstream Media outlets as a press release asking them to please report on this- Tel them there is a film Premier and a Citizen's hearing and a Keshe Foundation event happening within the next two weeks all covering the knowledge of extraterrestrial presence and the bringing out of free energy resources that's gaining a lot of publicity and to please report on it. Say it is our right to know the truth! Be gently forceful and creative!
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